




  Name:Guan Jian Wei English Name :WIN

  Personal Data:Sex:male Age:23 Height:183 cmWeight:75kgBlood Type: B

  Arital Status :Single Native Place: Xingtai city of Hebei province , China

  Email:win888jianwei@126.. Mobil Tel:13736335583

  Educational BackgroundMajor: Business Administration

  Graduate school: Hebei University

  Degree: Bachelor

  Education:2002.9--2004.6 HEBEI QIHUANGDAOEDUCATION COLLEGELearning english

  20010.9—2005.09 , Hebei University. Learning pany adminstration knowledge by myself mainly.

  Academic Main Courses:

  Managementof Human Resources/ProductionandBusiness Administration Operation Management/StrategicManagement/Quality Management/Marketing/International Trade/Principles of Management/Groundwork of Accounting/Economic Law and so on

  English Skills:

  Have a good mand of both spoken and written English.

  Computer Abilities:

  Skilled in use of Windows / Office2000Self Assessment:a energetic,adaptable and able man, is cooperative . and honest to others

  EmploymentExperience: EmploymentExperience:

  2004/6--2004/10 sale car accessories kits to abroad in WENZHOU QISHIJIAYIN CAR ACCESSORIES CO.,LTD2004/10--2005/3 General Manager Assistantassist the manager to open a good market to sale car accessories in Southeast Asia ,2 million RMB per month now,and it will be added month by month.Position Wanted:

  To obtain a challenging position as an assistant for a manage,especially in Human Resource Management/ Sale Part.


  Personal Information:

  Famlily Name: Wang Given Name: Bin

  Date of Birth: July 12, 1971 Birth Place: Beijing

  Sex: Male Marital Status: Unmarried

  Telephone:(010)62345678Pager: 99900-1234567

  E-mail: job.sohu.com

  Work Experience:

  Nov. 1998- present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing.Organizedand attended trade shows (Comdex 99) .

  Summer of 1997 BIT Companyas a technican ,designed various web sites . Designed and maintainedthe web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials,content editing to designing web page by FrontPage,Photoshop and Java as well ;


  1991 - August 1996 Dept.of Automation,Tsinghua University, B.E.

  Achievements & Activities:

  President and Founder of the Costumer Committee

  Established the organization as a member of BIT

  President of Communications for the Marketing Association

  Representative in the Student Association

  Computer Abilities:

  Skilled in use of MS Frontpage,Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans,HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

  English Skills :

  Have a good mand of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE: 2213

  Others :

  Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious na ture and dedicationare my greatest strengths.

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