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admin2023-11-30ng体育21 ℃0 评论




"Changjin Lake" is a war theme film with the largest investment scale and the largest number of actors in Chinese film history.


Through the smoke of history, the work aims at the battle of Changjin lake on the eastern front of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea for the first time, and shows an unprecedented grand spectacle of war on the screen for the first time.


For the first time, it vividly created these little-known heroes of the ninth Corps represented by the seventh company, which made this magnificent battle thrilling and moving.


In particular, the film embodies a more thorough and modern view of war and history, reaching a new height of Chinese war films.



【 #英语资源# 导语】71年前,中国人民志愿军赴朝作战,在极寒严酷环境下,东线作战部队凭着钢铁意志和英勇无畏的战斗精神一路追击,奋勇杀敌,扭转了战场态势,打出了军威国威。以下是 无 为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


In the Korean War, the battle of Changjin lake was the most unforgettable one, because it was so tragic that it startled goose bumps all over the body as soon as it was understood. On the day before this year's national day, I went to watch the film Changjin lake, which tells the heroic performance of the ninth corps company of the volunteer army in this battle.

Inside, we saw the powerful realism of air machine guns and shells, people being broken and flying into the sky, shells swallowing the valley, countless blasting points, smoke filled the air, showing the cruelty of the war! This would have been a battle of extreme material imbalance. The U.S. military is an aircraft, tank and artillery, well-equipped and adequately supplied, eating turkey, pie and hot coffee; We only have millet and rifles, and only frozen potatoes. Facing the American Army whose conditions are far better than ours, Wu Qianli, who originally wanted to build a house for his family, and Mei Sheng, who just returned home, are still duty bound to go into the battlefield after receiving the order, just for their next generation not to face the cruelty of war and no longer fight! Wuqianli's younger brother, wuwanli, was originally a young boy playing by the river. He hasn't seen his eldest and second brothers for more than ten years. But he was still attracted by the spirit of his brothers and was determined to go to the battlefield to fight against his brother. The 19-year-old boy has experienced the transformation from a naughty child to an iron man and become more responsible. They let us deeply feel that from the past to the present, we always rely on the iron will and the heroic spirit of sacrifice to defeat the enemy!


Especially in the section where Lei Gong led away the identification bomb alone in order to protect more volunteers, he was already very weak and his hands were shaking. At that moment, tears burst into his eyes. When Lei Gong was dying, his two words: "ouch, it hurts me." "don't leave me here alone." it made the audience burst into tears and deeply portrayed the clank and iron bones of the soldiers.

Zhu Guangqian said, "for tragedy, what matters is not only the great pain, but the way to deal with the pain. Without resistance to the disaster, there will be no tragedy. What makes us happy is not the disaster, but resistance." so it is the revolutionaries who chose to face the disaster and resist it for the motherland and the people! Our original intention of watching war films is to remember the revolutionary martyrs' efforts for us and their experiences. Understand that our current life is bought by them with flesh and blood. We have no qualification and no reason to forgive the enemy for them for some reason. We should remember the martyrs, remember the history, and keep these lovely volunteers in our hearts!


"Crossing the Yalu River in high spirits" is a true portrayal of the Chinese people's Volunteer Army's war to resist US aggression and aid Korea more than 70 years ago. The film "Changjin Lake" takes the battle of Changjin Lake in the second battle to resist US aggression and aid Korea as the background, showing the smoke battlefield at that time.

In terms of combat equipment, the United States has aircraft in the air, aircraft carriers in the sea and tanks on land, while the Chinese army has only two legs and rifles; There is also a big gap in logistics between the two countries. On Thanksgiving, American soldiers eat turkey, bread and drink hot coffee, while Chinese soldiers only have one hard potato every day. Some soldiers even cut off their teeth by eating potatoes. In this harsh environment, Chinese soldiers are not afraid of difficulties and move forward bravely. It is precisely because they have the "iron and steel" spirit of sacrificing life and death. This spirit, like a powerful weapon, gurgles in the body of Chinese soldiers, making them rush to the battlefield without fear!

The enemy plane dropped the red marker bomb, turning the hard won position into a live target, killing and wounding countless people. I drove to the tank camp of the U.S. Army and let the enemy bomb myself. On the road, I was heavily bombed by bombers, my body was riddled with shrapnel, and my lower body was crushed by jeeps... Seeing here, my eyes were wet and my heart was like a pagoda collapsed!

Finally, the United States was overwhelmed and fled. On the way, it found a group of soldiers who maintained a fighting posture like ice sculptures. Chinese soldiers would rather freeze to death than step back! The top American officer gave them a military salute, sighed and said, "we can never defeat such a determined enemy." at this time, my heart was very excited and my ears echoed the voice of "we have won!"!


During the National Day holiday, my mother took me to the cinema. The name of the film is Changjin lake.

The film tells a shocking story - resist US aggression and aid Korea. At this time, the cinema was packed with people. My mother and I were directly "squeezed" into the corner seat by the audience. It seems that this film is very popular. Now compare the American army and the volunteer army. At that time, the steel output of the United States was 140 times that of China. American fighters flew in the air like rows of giant geese. Tanks are very domineering. They run rampant on uneven roads, like huge bulldozers. Such a powerful weapon was eventually lost to the Chinese Volunteer Army, which was only behind with Xiaomi and rifles and dozens of artillery.

There are many moving pictures in the film. For example, in order to avoid American planes, soldiers lay among the dead and loaded them with dead people. Unexpectedly, American fighter planes couldn't find a living person in the air for several times. They bet more dead people than who shot. At this time, many soldiers were sacrificed. It's really angry and hateful. And the soldiers were frozen into "ice sculptures" and did not move in the snow. Their faces, eyebrows and brims are covered with ice and snow, and they still maintain a fighting posture until the end of their lives.


Changjin Lake, an artificial lake located in the upper reaches of the Changjin River in the north of Korea, is located in South Hamgyong Road.


A gravity dam with a height of 55 meters and a top length of more than 700 meters has been built to cut off the Changjin River.


The construction area is 54.2 square kilometers, with an average water depth of 3 meters and a storage capacity of more than 160 million cubic meters.


Changjin Lake is the second largest artificial lake in North Korea. The lake water is introduced into the tunnel from Surabaya, passing through the Qianzhanling Mountains, flowing into the Chengchuan River in the south, and then into Xianxing Bay.


Four diversion type cascade hydropower stations have been built in Changjin Lake, with workers' sanatorium.


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