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中文名称:History Channel古埃及-众神之国

英文名称:Egypt, Land of the Gods







阿蒙 Amon

底比斯的主神,因底比斯的兴起而成为国家的主神。这个名字意指"The Hidden One",圣兽是鹅和公羊。

阿努比斯 Anubis


安穆凯 Anuket


阿顿 Aton (Aten)

太阳头上之圆盘,朝日刚露出地平线时的太阳神。在阿克奈天(即 Amenhotep IV)宗教改革时,被奉为唯一真神,他的继任者 - 图坦卡门王(Tuankhamun)因神官而恢复以前崇拜阿蒙·拉的信仰。

阿匹斯 Apis


阿陶姆 Atum


贝斯特 Bast (Bastet)

猫神,崇拜中心在 Bubastis 的三角洲城。自从猫变成宠物后,贝斯特变成家中很重要的神只及图像。(猫杀死攻击太阳神的蛇常被画在纸沙草上)。

贝斯 Bes


荷鲁斯四子 Four Sons of Horus


艾谢特 Amset


哈碧 Hapi (Golden Dawn,Ahephi)


杜米特夫 Duamutef (Tuamutef;Golden Dawn,Thmoomathph)


奎本汉穆夫 Qebhsenuef


艾德乔 Edjo


给布 Geb (Seb)


荷鲁斯 Horus


哈波奎特斯 Harpocrates (Hor-pa-kraat;Golden Dawn,Hoor-par-kraat)

孩提时的荷鲁斯(Horus the child), 用以区别年长后的荷鲁斯。它保护上埃及的小孩子,头发旁分并吸着手指。

哈托尔 Hathor (Het-Heru,Het-Hert)

爱及丰饶的女神,是古埃及所有女神中最美的,外形幻化成牡牛。埃及最古老的女神之一,希腊文提及其为天空女神。它经常被视予和伊西斯相同,主要崇拜地在 Edfu ,以为是荷鲁斯之妻。在底比斯它曾被认为是死神,但是一般均认为它是爱、舞、酒及外国之神。

海奎特 Heqet

青蛙头的女神,乃八个最被隐士崇拜的神只之一。在 Antinoe 被视为是克奴姆之妻。

海鲁-拉-哈 Heru-ra-ha

由Ra-Hoor-Khuit 和Hoor-par-Kraat 组成。这个名字在埃及文中意指"Horus and Ra be Praised!"(赞美荷鲁斯及拉)当然,这是不同与言所翻译出来的意义,或许只是因为要进入不同文化所译的。

伊姆贺特普 Imhotep (Imouthis)

是建筑师,医生,更是第三王朝 Zoser 王的宰相,为 Zoser 王在塞加拉(Sakkara)建造了阶梯金字塔。在他死后被奉为医药之神及布塔神之子,与托特神同为书记的守护神;希腊则尊之为 Asklepios。

伊西斯 Isis (Auset)


凯宏斯 Khons (Chons)/孔苏 Khonsu


凯布利 Khepri

甲虫神,亦为早晨之太阳神,常被认为与拉相同。代表太阳在天上周行一日的路径。Kheper在埃及文中意指许多,但根据上下文所得,多指创造或转换("to creat" or "to transform"),而且也代表了圣甲虫。它之所以受此尊重乃因太阳的升起就像甲虫滚动着它的卵,因此它代表了太阳在天空运行的推进器。

克奴姆 Khnum


敏 Min (Menu,Amsu)

生产及收获之神,亦为道路和沙漠旅行者的守护神,可布特斯之主神。全名是Menu-ka-mut-f("Min, Bull of his Mother"),是一个很男性化的神,通常人们把莴苣当成祭品献给它,然后吃掉便能获得成年的标志(成年礼)。乃爱之女神奎特的丈夫。

莫 Month (Mentu,Men Thu)


姆特 Mut (Golden Dawn,Auramooth)


马特 Maat


奈夫图 Nefertum


奈斯 Neith (Net,Neit; Gold Dawn,Thoum-aesh-neith)


迈荷贝特 Nekhbet


奈芙提斯 Nephthys


奴特 Nut


奥西里斯 Osiris


布塔 Ptah

万物的创造者,除了为国王与职工的守护神之外,亦为孟斐斯的主神。通常以一有胡子且戴着无边帽的男人木乃伊形像出现,手握着 Uas(phoenix-headed)权杖,安克(Ankh)和Djed(安定的象征)。常以Ptah-seker-ausar的名字和塞克,奥西里斯一起被崇拜;塞克荷迈特之夫,奈夫图之父。

奎特 Qetesh


拉 Ra

即太阳神,中王国和新王国时代握有绝对的权威。苏及奈夫姆特之父,奴特与给布的祖父,奥西里斯等人的曾祖父,荷鲁斯的曾曾祖父。十八王朝后,因为奥西里斯及伊西斯的受欢迎,连带它也是,以Ra netjer-aa neb-pet("Ra, the great God, Lord of Heaven") ,更晚一些,它变成宇宙的主宰阿蒙·拉。

沙提 Sati


塞特 Seth


塞克 Seker


塞克荷迈特 Sekhmet


塞勒凯特 Selket


塞拉匹斯 Serapis


苏 Shu

大气(空气)之神,通常会和奴特、给布一起出现,它立于中,支撑着奴特,而给布则横卧于下。这个名字或许和字根she(dry, empty)有关。它是太阳光拟人化出来的神,与泰夫姆特分享一个灵魂。

索贝克 Sobek


索提斯 Sothis

天狼星女性化的名字,早期其实是猎户座(being the consort of Sahu-Osiris, which was Orion),与哈托尔联合。

泰夫姆特 Tefnut

雨云女神,拉之女,苏之妻子与姐妹,给布与奴特之母,乃一具有母狮头的女神,名字可能来自Teftef(to spit, to moisten)及Nu(水,天空)。

托特 Thoth


托荷艾瑞斯 Thoueris



Egypt is probably the world's oldest civilization having emerged from the Nile Valley around 3,100 BC, historically. Egypt is probably one of the oldest vacation spots. Early Greeks, Romans and others went there just for fun, and to see the wonders of some of mankind's earliest triumphs. But Egypt is much more than Pyramids and monuments. It is also Red Sea scuba diving, hot night spots, luxury hotels and five star restaurants. It is romantic cruises down the Nile on festive river boats, a night at the grand opera and it is a cultural experience like none you have ever experienced. Egypt is a land bustling with life, sound, visual beauty and excitement. More than anything else, we want you to think of Egypt as fun. For thousands of years, it has been the playground of emperors and kings, and we hope you will take the time to find out why.

The Flag of Egypt

The first national flag of modern Egypt was established by a Royal Decree in 1923 when Egypt gained conditional independence from Great Britain in 1922. The color was green with a white crescent and three stars in the middle. In 1958, a Presidential Decree established a new flag for the United Arab Republic which comprised a merger of Syria and Egypt. The new flag had three colors: red, white with 2 green stars and black. The flag was rectangular in shape and the width was one-third of its length. In 1972, the Law was amended to change the flag. The stars were removed from the flag and replaced by a golden hawk. In 1984, the hawk was replaced by a golden eagle on the eagle of Saladdin, the Ayubbid Sultan who ruled Egypt and Syria in 12th Century, the same Saladdin of the Crusades.

Color Symbolism

The color red refers to the period before 1952 Revolution which brought a group of army officers to power after deposing King Farouk, then King of Egypt. This was a period characterized by the struggle against the British occupation of the country. The white symbolizes the advent of the 1952 Revolution which ended the monarchy without bloodshed. The color black symbolizes the end of the opression of the people of Egypt at the hands of the Monarchy and British colonialism.

Rules Governing the Hoisting of the Flag

The national flag is hoisted on all governmental buildings on Fridays, official holidays, on the inauguration of the People’s Assembly session and other occasions on which the Minister of Interior orders that the flag be hoisted. The flag is hoisted daily on border posts and customs buildings. It is also hoisted on Egyptian consulates and embassies overseas on the National Day and other national occasions, as well as during the visit of the President to the country hoisting the diplomatic mission.

Penal Provisions for Contempt of the Flag

Abusing the flag in any way is a criminal offense and is punishable under law as it implies contempt of the power of the state. Penal provisions also govern abuse of foreign flags or national emblems of other countries.

埃及介绍英文版 300字左右! 最好有中文翻译!

Egypt,officially the Arab Republic of Egypt,is a country mainly in North Africa,with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Western Asia.Covering an area of about 1,010,000 square kilometers (390,000 sq mi),Egypt is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north,the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northeast,the Red Sea to the east,Sudan to the south and Libya to the west.

Egypt is one of the most populous countries in Africa and the Middle East.The great majority of its estimated 77.4 million[1] live near the banks of the Nile River,in an area of about 40,000 square kilometers (15,000 sq mi),where the only arable agricultural land is found.The large areas of the Sahara Desert are sparsely inhabited.About half of Egypt's residents live in urban areas,with the majority spread across the densely-populated centres of greater Cairo,Alexandria and other major cities in the Nile Delta.

Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization and some of the world's most famous monuments,including the Giza pyramid complex and its Great Sphinx.The southern city of Luxor contains numerous ancient artifacts,such as the Karnak Temple and the Valley of the Kings.Egypt is widely regarded as an important political and cultural nation of the Middle East.

Egypt possesses one of the most developed economies in the Middle East,with sectors such as tourism,agriculture,industry and service at almost equal rates in national production.[citation needed] Consequently,the Egyptian economy is rapidly developing,due in part to legislation aimed at luring investments,coupled with both internal and political stability,along with recent trade and market liberalization.


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