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japonensis19had(japonensis 19ad)

admin2023-12-05ng体育20 ℃0 评论



My family lives in Panjin, here my personal experience of Red Crowned Crane the" Heming Yu Jiugao, is in the wild" charm.When I was 12 years old to a crane field. On that day, I said to his mother:" Mom, you take me to the crane field." OK. Then, we took a taxi to go.Just to the crane field, flying into the gate of my.The first Yingru eye is a large cage, which contained a snow-white cranes, the Yellow claw, a long nose. Some head and a red, like a red hat.Some of these crane in water, some of the fish in a small pond, some take a shower, and chasing each other, play ... ... It is really funny. When I feel excited.Suddenly, I saw an interesting scene: a visitor to a fish into the cage, two cranes at the same time ran over, respectively, pecked at the live fish and fish, are tearing, refuse to give up. I couldn't help laughing, with the camera captured this funny scenes. Somehow, fish suddenly fell to the ground, was also a flower crane peck up, eat. They looked cute, I laugh stagger forward and back, stomach aches.Thereafter I more and more like crane, crane also collected some knowledge. The world's existing cranes of 15, China had 8. Mention of cranes, in the minds of people often have a stand gracefully erect crane in the sundowners dusk, lift your head, back to the step turn neck, or take Gao Ming, or wings for dance, like a gentleman, like in the accompaniment, cheerful ballet.


我12岁那年去过一次鹤场。那天,我对妈妈说:“妈妈,你带我去鹤场吧。” “好的。”于是,我们打了一辆出租车就去了。






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