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英文名: Cirkus v cirkuse

中文名: 大象音乐会

导 演: ( 奥·里普斯基 Oldrich Lipský )

主 演: (叶·列奥诺夫 Yevgeni Leonov) (娜·瓦尔列伊 Natalya Varley) (亚历山大·列尼科夫 Aleksandr Lenkov) ( Leonid Kuravlyov) ( Iva Janzurová) ( Zdenek Díte)


请问大佬有杂技亡命队1979年上映的由 罗莽主演的高清视频在线观看资源吗




导演: 张彻

编剧: 张彻、倪匡

主演: 罗莽、江生、孙建、郭追、鹿峰、詹森

类型: 剧情、动作

制片国家/地区: 中国香港

语言: 汉语普通话

上映日期: 1979-06-29(中国香港)

片长: 80分钟(西德)、100分钟

又名: Five Kung Fu Daredevil Heroes、Daredevils of Kung Fu、Magnificent Acrobats、Shaolin Daredevils、The Daredevils、The Kings of Kung Fu、Venom Warriors

本片为张彻导演,并与倪匡联合编剧,演员除罗莽、江生、郭追、孙建、鹿峰一众《五毒》演员之外,尚有曹达华客串。故事描述土匪出身的军人韩佩昌(王力 饰)发动叛变,杀死师长杨宗,窃居其位,杨家只得长子大英一人(罗莽 饰)逃出生天。

大英志切报仇,结果未得手已告命丧;其好友陈风(江生 饰)、梁国仁(郭追 饰)、傅全义(鹿峰 饰)、辛成(孙建 饰)决替其复仇……


Dialogue A

(Mary and Bill are going to an acrobatic performance. )

Mary:I'm all dressed up and ready to go.

Bill:That was pretty fast. It only took you fifteen minutes.

M:I don't dilly dally when there's the prospect of a good acrobatic performance in the offing. Let's go.

B:Yes,it's very difficult to see Chinese acrobatics at home. So it's great to have this opportunity since I like them very much.

M:So do I. What kind of things do you prefer?

B:All kinds. Such as magic shows, flying trapeze acts,tightrope walking, and even the clowns.

M:Flying trapeze acts! Oh! They're breathtaking. I'm the nervous type and get too nervous.

B:Yes,those hair-raising performances can be scary. I saw a little girl fell off a pyramid of chairs when she was balancing on them.

M:Really? Was she hurt?

B:Fortunately,she survived the accident because of the safety rope fastened on her.

M:That's too bad. It must be very difficult for them to be trained as very skillful acrobats.

B:Yes,that goes without saying.

M:Oh, it's a hard and very dangerous job. I hope we won'tsee the same thing today.

B:I don't think so. It seldom happens.

Dialogue B

(Mary and Bill are watching the performances. )

B:Can you see clearly? If not,we can move to the front.

M:No problem. It's very good here.

B:Look at the girl who is building a pagoda of bowls. She's stacking the bowls one by one very skillfully.

M:Oh,it's almost incredible. How can she do that?

B: I heard they are trained when they were very young. Oh,she's finished. Let's applaud her.

M:All right. What's next?


B:We have to wait for the announcer. Ah,it's bicycle stabilizing feats on a raised platform.

M:What's that like?

B:Er…one or more people do performances on a still bike. The bike is on a raised platform.

M:That's difficult, unless the bike is moving.

B:Yeah. It's not easy even on a moving bike. There might be a performance called trick cycling tonight. That's the one with a moving bike. If there is one, you can see it with your own eyes.

M:That kind of act would take a lot of skill. Everything is easier when you are skillful at it.

B:Yes, just like speaking Chinese. We feel it's difficult,yet the Chinese use it freely.

Words and Expressions

dillydally vi. [口] 磨蹭,吊儿郎当地消


prospect n. 前景

acrobatics n. 杂技;[军] 特技飞行

offing n. 在附近,不远的将来

magic n. 魔术

trapeze n. 高秋干

clown n. 小丑

breathtaking a. 惊险的;惊人的

hair-raising [口]恐怖的,使人毛发竖起的

scary a. 吓人的;(马等)易受惊的

pyramid n. 金字塔形;金字塔现象;金字塔

balance n. v. 平衡

skillful a. 熟练的

acrobat 杂技演员(尤指走钢丝者)

pagoda n. 塔,宝塔

incredible a. 难以置信的

applaud vt. vi. 喝彩;叫好

announcer n. 报幕员;(电视、电台)播音员;




主要演员:阿迪斯·坎贝尔 大卫·德马托 艾龙·哈斯吉尔


剧情简介:描述1974年法国杂技名人Philippe Petit,在纽约世贸大楼间搭钢索逐梦的纪录片,产生念头到完成壮举,他缜密调查规划,突破层层关卡,前后花费六年半的时间。911事件后,当年偷拍画面成为珍贵历史纪录,导演生动捕捉这名杂技人的神态及心理状态。……



主演:斯加勒·费斯克斯蒂芬·麦克哈特约翰·克莱尔导演:Chris Bould




在马戏团来到镇上的十天当中,克里斯和乔的友情越来越浓。克里斯的爸妈和大家一样都没有察觉到乔是伪装的男孩,对于克里斯自己生命的转折点也非常高兴。克里斯的母亲因为太喜欢乔甚至要他住在家里,差点就揭穿了乔的秘密。 经过一连串的互动后,乔从科特的魔掌中逃跑出来,并和克里斯相约到海边的秘密基地中过夜。最后乔向克里斯坦承自己其实是琼安Joanne,但就在克里斯还来不及反应时,乔却被科特抓走了……

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