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汽车电影项目介绍英语翻译(汽车电影 英语)

admin2023-12-09加拿大2822 ℃0 评论




Mass jetta is Germany Volkswagen group joint ventures in China - faw - Volkswagen co., LTD., production car brand.


Jetta in 1979 listed in Europe.


New jetta on March 19, 2010 in chengdu listed.



In June 1915, "Volvo" name first appeared in a ball on the SFK, and formally at the Royal Swedish Patent and Trademark Registration Board registered as trade marks. Since that date, SKF companies produce go each group of automotive side of ball and roller bearings, are marked with a new Volvo logo.

In Latin, "Volvere" is the verb "roll" (rolling) and infinitives, for example, a pistol with a runner is called "revolver". In the use of first person singular form, the verb "volvere" becomes "volvo", "I roll" is "I go forward" means. Therefore, Volvo means "rolling forward." At present the Chinese name of unification as "Volvo", in the past have also had the "rich" in Chinese name.

Volvo cars marked by a graph composed of three parts: the first part of the circles represent the Roman god of war Mars, which is the ancient chemical symbol for iron - an arrow inside the circle, the arrow pointing diagonally upwards to the upper right corner. In Western civilization, this can be regarded as the oldest and most common of a trademark, which originated in the Roman Empire, is Mars, the Roman god of war and men masculine symbol of the concept of three different qualities, thus also embodies Mars and then to use to make the majority of weapons between the initial source of iron. Because of this, the flag has long been the world including Switzerland, as a symbol of the steel industry. The reason why the car on the use of the brand logo on behalf of iron is to allow people to recall the glorious tradition of the Swedish iron and steel industry, as well as a strong steely strength.

The second part is diagonal, set in the radiator from the upper left to lower right in favor of a diagonal ribbons. This band was originally out of technical considerations, is used to sign fixed to the grille on Mars, then it has gradually evolved into a decorative sign and become the most obvious sign of Volvo cars.

The third part is a registered trademark of Volvo company, is the font used for writing the ancient Egyptian word VOLVO.

In 1927 was successfully manufactured the first cars on display on the integrity of all of the company logo. This car marked the beginning since the first one has been in use since Volvo cars, Volvo's car as a clear sign of unusual. In addition, Volvo the center of the steering wheel can be seen the iron symbol.


Lobster feast on the birth of recorded

volvo car company's creation and colorful, volvo this in Sweden as well as the world's most well-known companies is in a very traditional features of the Swedish lobster dinner was born.

It came during a July 25, 1924. Nordic summer evening, still charming, in Sweden known as "water beauty," said Stockholm,古斯塔夫拉森, and Arthur did not have walked into a Collison two restaurants called斯图雷霍夫, the two Swedes have to love the car had a big lobster in the dining a few hours, they talked about the love and dedication to the car and eventually worked out what became known as volvo car companies to create plans.

volvo car's history is full of years of development and change of the legendary, but it has always maintained the distinctive features of the Nordic companies, over the years precisely because of these characteristics but different. The first vehicle - "jacob" (Jacob) in the Swedish calendar, July 25 is precisely the anniversary of Saint Jacob. Therefore, in order to commemorate the birth of volvo, the company produced the first car to be a model named "Jacob ov4". This is equipped with a power of 28 hp twin engine cars in the April 14, 1927 in people driving out of the attention in the factory. When the sales manager, Johnson will be open to a car after the open ground, a group of the audience responded with applause. At that time, the car faster than today's cars are relatively slow and more is said to reach a top speed of 90 km. But that is just the ideal speed only.

Scandinavian Motors Corporation to market a convertible car, which at that time was seen as a bold act. Thus, one of the Jacob cars is not so great, within a few years sold only 300 units.

Crash under the Safety Car was born the image of

volvo company's founder from the company to create the Office on emphasizing the safe use of vehicles. Sold the first car volvo car right before the impact test carried out for the first time. That was in 1926, in the beautiful Costa Rica Petersburg Stockholm's road, 9 ov4 prototype of a car on the car in the United States had a positive impact test. A result, imports of American cars is almost a heap of scrap metal. The volvo car crash only a few scars, cars generally safe. Since then, volvo cars to establish a safe car's image. Each year, Volvo have to put in a lot of costs of security product research and development, and continuously right to criticize what has been accomplished. This spirit of self-examination so that Volvo in the automotive safety aspects of product development, has been taking the forefront in the world for the auto industry offer a plethora of innovative inventions, such as the 40 years the safety of cars, 60's three-point seat belts, 90's anti-side-impact protection system. It is precisely because of the relentless pursuit in the security field in recent years, Volvo's award-winning, such as the Prince Michael Road Safety Award, the European Collision 4 Star Award, the British Touring Car Championship and so on. Export road volvo car export volume was originally very limited, in 1928 and 1929 was only sub .

汽车电影项目介绍英语翻译(汽车电影 英语)

介绍汽车英语作文400字左右 带翻译的(在线等高悬赏)


First there r more and more families own a car or more.


原因 1私家车比较方便 2国名生活条件的提高 3身份的象征 等等。

Because it's more convenient to hang out when u have car. u can go anywhere u want and no need to worry about u will miss the train or bus and then wait for a long time.(因为当你拥有一辆车时,出游更方便,不用担心耽误火车或者巴士,然后再花很多时间去等)

otherwise there are more and more people get rich now. The cars r not like before that only a few people can buy.And some people think get a car is a sign that u r one of the rich guys.(另外越来越多的人变的富有,车子也不想从前只有少部分人能买到,而且一些人认为有辆车是富有的标志)


弊端 1污染环境 2交通堵塞 3停车难

But as we all know the Car exhaust lead the problem of Global Warming.(但是众所周知,汽车的废气导致了全球变暖)

And too manys cars in the road cause the Traffic jam. (而且太多车在路上造成交通堵塞)

another problem is we need more place to parking the cars. The cars Occupy more space with our public space.(还有一个问题是我们需要跟多地方停车,车子占据了我们更多公共空间)


1 支持私家车 2 不支持私家车 (在这里建议选择第二个,因为在环保的大前提下,低碳生活最重要。)

And my opinion is cars bring us the convenient but it also bring the Environmental issues.In the long term i think we should contral the number of cars.(我的观点是,汽车带给我们方便的同时也带来了环境问题,从长远角度看我们要控制汽车数量)


we cant stop that more and more families own a car but we need consider the problem that cause from cars.(我们无法阻止越来越多的家庭买车,但是我们至少要考虑下车子带给我们的问题)



Gran Torino is a 2008 American drama film directed by, produced by, and starring Clint Eastwood, and also starring Bee Vang and Ahney Her. The film marks Eastwood's return to a lead acting role after four years, his previous leading role having been in Million Dollar Baby, and Eastwood has stated that this is his final film as an actor. The film features a large Hmong American cast, as well as one of Eastwood's younger sons, Scott Eastwood, playing Trey. Eastwood's oldest son, Kyle Eastwood, provided the score. The film opened to theaters in a limited release in North America on December 12, 2008, and later to a worldwide release on January 9, 2009.It was the first mainstream U.S. film to feature Hmong Americans.

The story follows Walt Kowalski, a recently widowed Korean War veteran who is alienated from his family and angry at the world. Walt's young Hmong neighbor, Thao Vang Lor, is pressured into trying to steal Walt's prized 1972 Ford Gran Torino by his cousin for his initiation into a gang. Walt then develops a relationship with the boy and his family.

Gran Torino was a critical and commercial success, grossing over $260 million worldwide. Within the Hmong community in the United States, the film had some praise and some criticism.



Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood), a gruff retired Polish American Ford factory worker and Korean War US Army veteran, has recently been widowed after 50 years of marriage. His neighborhood near Detroit in Highland Park, Michigan, formerly populated by working-class white families, is now dominated by poor Asian immigrants, and gang violence is commonplace. Adding to the isolation he feels is the emotional detachment of his family, noticed in the irreverence of his grandchildren during his late wife's funeral and the indifference of their parents. He vehemently rejects a suggestion from one of his sons to move to a retirement community (sensing they want his home and possessions), and lives alone with his labrador retriever, Daisy. Walt suffers from coughing fits, occasionally coughing up blood, but conceals this from his family. Father Janovich, the young Catholic priest in whom his wife had confided, tries to comfort him, but Walt openly disdains the much younger, inexperienced man.

The Hmong Vang Lor family reside next door to Walt. Initially, he wants nothing to do with his new neighbors, particularly after he catches Thao Vang Lor, a member of that family, attempting to steal his 1972 Ford Gran Torino as a coerced initiation into a Hmong gang run by Thao's cousin, "Spider". The gang is infuriated and attacks Thao, but Walt confronts them with an M1 Garand rifle and chases them off, earning the respect of the Hmong community. As penance, Thao's mother makes him work for Walt, who has him do odd jobs around the neighborhood, and gradually the two form a grudging respect for each other, aided by Thao's sister Sue. Walt helps Thao get a construction job and gives him advice on dating a popular Hmong girl, Youa, whom he calls "Yum Yum."

The gang continues to pressure Thao and again assaults him, on his way home from work. Walt sees Thao's injuries and visits the gang members' house where he attacks a gang member. In retaliation, the gang performs a drive-by shooting on the Vang Lor home, injuring Thao, and kidnapping and raping Sue. The next day, Thao seeks Walt's help to exact revenge, who tells him to return later in the afternoon. In the meantime, Walt makes personal preparations: he buys a fitted suit, gets a haircut and makes a confession to Father Janovich. When Thao returns, Walt takes him to the basement and gives him his Silver Star; Walt then locks Thao in his basement and tells him that he has been haunted by the memory of killing an enemy soldier (which he had not confessed to Janovich) and insists that Thao must never be haunted with the experience of killing another man.

Walt drives to the house of the gang members. When they spot him, they draw their weapons. He talks loudly (openly berating them), drawing the attention of the neighbors. Putting a cigarette in his mouth, he asks for a light; he then slowly puts his hand in his jacket then provocatively pulls it out as if it's a gun, inciting the gang members to shoot and kill him. As he falls to the ground, his hand opens to reveal an Army lighter: he was unarmed. Sue frees Thao and they drive to the crime scene in Walt's Gran Torino. A Hmong police officer tells them the gang will be arrested and imprisoned for a long time for murder due to the number of willing neighborhood witnesses.

Walt's funeral mass is performed by Father Janovich and attended not only by his family, but also by Thao, Sue, and many of the Hmong community. Afterward, his last will and testament is read, and to the surprise of his family, Walt leaves them nothing: his house goes to the church and his cherished Gran Torino to Thao. As the film ends, Thao is seen driving the car along Lakeshore Drive with Walt's dog, Daisy.


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