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导演: 比尔·康顿

编剧: 斯蒂芬妮·梅耶、梅莉莎·罗森伯格

主演: 罗伯特·帕丁森、克里斯汀·斯图尔特、泰勒·洛特纳、杰克逊·拉斯波恩、阿什丽·格林尼、安娜·肯德里克、妮基·瑞德、彼得·费辛利

类型: 剧情、爱情、惊悚、奇幻、冒险

制片国家/地区: 美国

语言: 英语

上映日期: 2012-10-23(中国大陆)、2011-11-18(美国)

片长: 117分钟

又名: 暮色4:破晓(上)、吸血新世纪4:破晓传奇上集(港)、暮光之城:破晓I(台)、Twilight 4 - I


贝拉(克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart 饰)与爱德华(罗伯特·帕丁森 Robert Pattinson 饰)历经磨难终于踏进了婚姻殿堂。婚 后爱德华和贝拉去艾思蜜岛上渡蜜月,度过了一段快乐的时光。不久贝拉发现怀孕,蜜月提前结束。狼族担心胎儿会对族人构成威胁决定除掉它。雅各布(泰勒·洛特纳 Taylor Lautner 饰)为保护贝拉离开狼族,连夜警告库伦家。胎儿生长迅速令贝拉吃尽苦头。爱德华不忍看她受苦希望她放弃孩子,但贝拉却坚持要生下。分娩当晚,贝拉大量失血,在她命悬一线之际,爱德华将装有自己吸血毒液的针管插进贝拉心脏。另一边王族也注意到了这个新生儿,一场撼动吸血鬼、狼人和人类世界的对决正悄悄来袭...... 









In the United States, a place named fox, there lived a handsome young man Edward. He is mysterious, unconquered with the world, his family is also low-key and mysterious, because he is a vampire who will never grow old and die.

Edward was born in the first year of the 20th century. Since he developed into a 17-year-old boy in 1918, he has never been old and has always maintained a young and handsome appearance.

Time flies. Nearly a hundred years later, he no longer lives by sucking human blood, because Edward and his vampire family are vegetarians, only sucking animal blood.

Isabella, a 17-year-old girl, was dependent on her mother when she was young. Her mother took her to another city because of her parents' broken relationship.

But when she grew up, her mother decided to remarry. Because her stepfather was a baseball player and needed to travel back and forth, Isabella returned to her father Charlie in fox.

In school, she met the boy Edward, and soon was attracted by Edward's charm, and gradually fell in love with him.

But although Edward also likes Isabella, he knows that a vampire can't live with human beings.

But he can't forget Isabella, and he can't bear to go away and cut off the news with Isabella.

At this time, another group of blood sucking vampires came here and inadvertently targeted Isabella. Edward protected Isabella, and their relationship developed steadily.







Edward was fascinated by Bella and loved the unique fragrance of her. But happy time is always short, in her 18th birthday party happened a very unpleasant event;

Clumsy Bella accidentally cut her fingers when she unpacked the gift wrapping paper. The moment blood fell, Jasper, the worst self-control, rushed to her. To protect his beloved, Edward and his family left Fox town.

When Edward left, Bella's world collapsed completely, and she began to try all kinds of risky actions because she found that as soon as she did dangerous things, Edward's voice would appear in her mind.

Bella's sadistic madness did not make Edward turn back. At this time, young Jacob appeared in her pale world.

Although he knew that Bella had other people in her heart, he was still with her affectionate and protected her.

One is rock like cold dissimilarity, the other is the hot wolf with passion and fire.

Eduardard mistakenly thought Bella had jumped to sea and could not bear such a sudden blow, and he decided to make a decision to make a decision.

The twilight faded, waiting for them to be a new moon in the dark of the night.








Bella, who is about to graduate from high school, is in a dilemma: she wants to choose a lover between Edward and Jacob, which is likely to trigger a bloody war between the Cullens and the werewolf community.

Blood boiling Bella would rather die to stay with Edward forever, but before they get married, Edward does not allow her to do so.

On the other hand, Jacob's intervention makes the difference between them light up the red light.

A visit to Jacob, Jacob heard Bella said "after graduation will no longer meet", know that he and Bella get along with only a few months, angry face-to-face curse blood, this Bella is a little disappointed with Jacob.

When Bella and Edward are at home, Edward finds that a vampire has stolen from Bella's room. No one knows that their goal is to follow the smell above to find Bella's location.

Bella will connect all kinds of accidents in the past, and finally understand that Victoria from the legendary crane family is the mastermind behind everything.

In order to avenge the death of James, Victoria is gathering a gang of accomplices to rush to fox, which poses a great threat to the lives of Edward and Bella.

The Cullen family decides to unite with the werewolf group to deal with the common enemy.






After all the hardships, Bella and Edward finally married, and they were well-known to stay together.

From the moment the two first held hands, Bella and Edward knew that each other was the other half they were looking for, and love was as warm as the sun after the rain.

Happiness makes people feel warm, but also makes people feel like a thin ice.

The taboo love of two people from different worlds, like the raging storm, tormented two fragile hearts.

As a newly married couple, they arrived in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for their honeymoon. On the way to the honeymoon, the two men officially had a relationship.

Soon Bella found herself pregnant and that the fetus in her stomach was growing at an amazing rate. This growth rate is almost destroying Bella, as a human being.

In order not to let Bella die hard, Edward completed Bella's wish, let her become immortal. But their child Renee Smee's arrival did not become the happy thing for the couple.

The fast-growing little girl turned into the eyes of vampires and werewolves, and a war broke out.








By the time Bella Swann, who nearly died in childbirth, woke up again, some incredible changes had taken place in her body - now she is not only a mother, but also a real vampire.

Under the protection and guidance of her husband Edward Cullen, Bella's strength and speed have been unprecedented, and the most incredible thing is that she has extraordinary self-control over these new abilities and bloodthirsty desires.

After getting a new life, Bella also realizes that she is entering a new world, and there are all kinds of possibilities in front of her.

However, as the leader of the vampire, the Volturi family thought that the birth of Bella and Edward's child threatened their survival, so they decided to kill the child and the whole Cullen family.

As for Bella's best friend, Jacob Black, his fate began to intersect with Bella's daughter Renesmee, who has unusual talent. With the arrival of the terrible final confrontation,

it also brought unprecedented blow and test to the growing vampire family, And soon gathered together a terrible and powerful force that threatened to destroy them all.

The Cullens have gathered vampires from all over the world. They want to unite to fight the ultimate war with the Volturi family for their own destiny.

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