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When we go to see a movie,there are some rules we should pay

attention to .Firstly,take away your rubbish and do not litter around in

the theater.Also shouting is not allowed inside and when the movie

begins,you'd better keep quiet.What's more,after the movie begins,stop

walking around which will definitely bother other audience.Last of

all,please turn off your mobile phones or shut the sound,in order that

you won't interrupt others watching.




Japan Universal Studios, USJ, is located in the flower area of Osaka, Japan. It was opened in October 28, 1998 by the American action actor and governor Arnold Schwarznegger of California, and opened in March 31, 2001.



There are a variety of parent-child entertainment facilities, cartoon characters with Japanese characteristics, and a movie theme amusement park, which is divided into eight areas: New York District, Hollywood District, old Jinshan District, Harry Potter's magic world, and Jurassic Park.


Harry Potter World: reappear the solemn appearance of Hogwarts castle in Harry Potter, let the tourists hover over the vast Hogwarts at a high speed, and make the "golden scout" flying in front of them seem to be within reach.


Eagle horse's flight is another entertainment facility in the area. Its flying car hovers over Hagrid's cabin and pumpkin field.

写一篇英语短文介绍电影院的有关规定 字数80个左右

Please refrain from smoking in cinemas

Please do not litter in the cinema

Please do not make much noise in the cinema

Please do not move about freely after the beginning of the film

You will be shut down or turn off cell phone ring tones

In the film you start to keep silent after the

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