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克里斯·哥伦布(Chris Columbus),1958年9月10日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州斯潘格勒,美国导演、编剧、制片人,毕业于纽约大学艺术学院。2011年,由其监制的剧情电影《帮助》上映。2015年,执导科幻动作电影《像素大战》;2017年,担任剧情电影《帕蒂蛋糕》的制作人。



《[小鬼当家 1~10][喜剧 家庭][美国]》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看


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一年一度的圣诞节又到了。全家忙着外出欢度圣诞假期,不料忙中出错,将家里最小的成员——8岁的凯文(麦考利•卡尔金 Macaulay Culkin 饰)留在了家里。






《[小鬼当家 1~10]》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看     







Plot Summary for Home Alone 3 (1997)

Peter Beaupre, Alice Ribbons, Burton Jernigan, and Earl Unger, after stealing a top secret computer chip hide the chip in a remote control car. After going through security at San Francisco International Airport, they grab Mrs. Hess's bag off the X-ray belt while Mrs. Hess grabs the bag containing the toy car. They then see that a flight to Chicago is showing "now boarding" on the monitors showing all the flights, so they decide to board that flight. When in Chicago the crooks ask the cab driver who drove Mrs. Hess home where her house is, and for a description, and the cab driver says that her house is the only house whose driveway was not shoveled. At Mrs. Hess's house that night, Alex Pruitt shovels snow on Mrs. Hess's driveway, and he gets the toy car as a thank-you gift. The crooks get there to see that every driveway has been shoveled. The next day, Alex, who is home sick from school, spots the crooks in one of the neighbors' houses, so he calls the police to report the burglary. By the time the police get there, the crooks are gone, and no tracks that anyone broke into the house are left. Therefore, Alex is accused of turning in a false police report. The next day the crooks are spotted in Mrs. Hess's house, so Alex calls the police again. Once again, the police find no evidence that the house was broken into, so the chief comes to speak to Alex about how serious it is to call the police. The next day, the burglars are spotted again, but this time Alex decides to attach the camcorder to the top of the toy car, and attempt to get footage of the burglars in action. After a fight with the burglars to gain the toy car, Alex sees that they took the tape, and he finds the chip hidden inside the car. He then reports the chip to the local Air Force recruiting office, who informs the FBI. The burglars, figuring that Alex has the car, approach the Pruitts' house, only to find booby traps. In the end, an FBI agent comes to the house, and Alex hands the chip to the FBI agent, and the crooks are all caught.

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