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In the movie Jenny's forrest gump from good friend, her life has certain tragedy color, she lost on the stoop, finally because drug infection AIDS (AIDS) and death (drug with many people share a syringe and infection). But her own also reflects a trend of the history of the United States.

First, Jenny's personality formation, decisive point is she young was drinking father abused experience. If you skim over Freud's books, to psychoanalysis understanding of words, will know, childhood experience is will become unconscious, and or so of the person subconscious. In fact, Jenny later in reverse to male movement, and is the cause.


Iron man Tony Stark / Iron Man Toni Stark is stark industrial heir, his father Howard was one of the founders of the aegis board. In a kidnapping in the accident, Toni invented aset of dynamic enhanced armor, this set of equipment by the gold titanium alloy is made, there are some limitations, loss. Put on the armor, Toni turned into good and evilAvengers of iron man.

USA captain Steve Rogers / Captain America

Justice warm blooded american original captain of a common soldier an emaciatedduring World War II, for taking part in the "super soldier project rebirth" became the onlya successful experiment has superhuman stamina. During the Second World War he had made illustrious military exploits, but in the final battle off the red skull, Rodgers was hit and was frozen, about seventy years after the wake again. He then joined the avengers.

Raytheon Thor

The Avengers in non earth human members, to his brother rocky love hate. Sol wasOdin's own son, Aas Gade, heir to the throne. He is young, reckless upright, because once the conceited exiled earth. The main problem is concerned with the maintenance of sol nine world including Asgard and earth, peace and good relations with brother loki.Disasters pile up on one another., two things happened at the same moment problems.

Black widow Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow

Is a former Russian nationality female detective shield secret organization, graceful posture beautiful face, the mind clear and quick action, extraordinary skill hard fierce, isthe elite shield agent. Natasha was initially scheduled for stark industries inside as theundercover, responsible for monitoring the iron man Toni stark, formally joined the avengers. She is the only female member of the army into the Avengers in.

Green giant Bruce Banner/Hulk

Scientist Dr. Bruce Banner error was hurt by the gamma ray in an experiment, then hefound that when himself into a rage or fear emotion, cannot control the heartbeat can let oneself become a large, infinite strength but involuntary green giant. Dr. banner isalways looking for how to treat the "disease", because he has a terrible force wasrecruited to join the avengers.

Hawkeye Clint Barton / Hawkeye

He is in a circus grew up as an orphan, because the ultra first-class archery is the aegis board commander Nick Ferrie Huiyanshizhu, join the avengers. Hawkeye action quicklyresolute, low-key personality calm, moves to shoot with unfailing accuracy, extremelygood sniper. In the Marvel Comics story, Hawkeye and black widow had gossip. In the movie "God of thunder", Hawkeye was arranged in the aerial shot of sol.

Nick Ferrie Nick Fury

As the legendary commander secret peacekeeping aegis Bureau, Nick Ferrie inresponse to the world crisis action often hands-on. When the aegis board to learn theevil forces will threaten the safety of earth, Jeffery brokered, will be the planet's most powerful superheroes together to form the strongest ground team the Avengers

Loki Loki

There is ice giants blood war orphans Loki was the father of the gods Odin adoption,and together with Odin's son Lei Shen Saul grew up. In the growth process of quest for love and fair treatment in the rocky gradually lost its reason and balance, the lust for power that led him to the road of treason. Rocky after his exile, the formation of a huge army and enslave the people, become the biggest enemy of the avengers.

Agent Colson Agent Phil Coulson


Aegis officers, is a strong supporter of captain america.


Holden hero of this book is a secondary school students came from wealthy middle-class 16-year-old boy, in the fourth after being expelled from school, not dare to go home, alone in the United States the most prosperous of New York City one day and two nights wandering living small inn, go to nightclubs, girlfriend promiscuity, alcoholism ... ... he saw the ugly capitalist society, access to a wide variety of characters, most of which are "false false mode of" hypocrite. Holden could not around almost everything, he even wants to flee the real world, to the remote to pretend that a deaf and dumb people, but to really do so, it is impossible, and he can only live in contradiction: the most hated him in this lifetime movies, but bored to death also had to spend their time in the cinema; him offensive sexual relations without love, but a confused and called a prostitute; He hated the vulgar vanity of his girlfriend Sally , but obsessed with her beauty, could not help with her two?. Therefore, even though he could not Shidao, but had no choice but to depression, like anxiety, using a variety of comforting illusions about themselves, self-deception, and finally we still can not avoid the reality of social compromise, into a genuine treason, which can be said to be the author JD Salinger His characters and the tragedy of Holden is located.


本书的主人公霍尔顿是个中学生,出身于富裕中产阶级的十六岁少年,在第四次被开除出学校之后,不敢贸然回家,只身在美国最繁华的纽约城游荡了一天两夜,住小客店,逛夜总会,滥交女友,酗酒……他看到了资本主义社会的种种丑恶,接触了各式各样的人物,其中大部分是“假模假式的” 伪君子。 霍尔顿几乎看不惯周围发生的一切,他甚至想逃离这个现实世界,到穷乡僻壤去假装一个又聋又哑的人,但要真正这样做,又是不可能的,结果他只能生活在矛盾之中:他这一辈子最痛恨电影,但百无聊赖中又不得不在电影院里消磨时间;他厌恶没有爱情的性关系,却又糊里糊涂地叫来了妓女;他讨厌虚荣庸俗的女友萨丽,却又迷恋她的美色,情不自禁地与她搂搂抱抱。因此,他尽管看不惯世道,却只好苦闷、彷惶,用种种不切实际的幻想安慰自己,自欺欺人,最后仍不免对现实社会妥协,成不了真正的叛逆,这可以说是作者塞林格和他笔下人物霍尔顿的悲剧所在。


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