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漫威电影宇宙(Marvel Cinematic Universe,缩写为MCU),是由漫威影业(Marvel Studios)基于漫威漫画出版物中的角色独立制作的一系列电影所构成的共同的架空世界。它像漫画中的漫威主宇宙一样,是由共同的元素、设定、表演和角色通过跨界作品所建立的。漫威电影宇宙独立于漫威宇宙(Earth-616)和终极宇宙(Earth-1610),编号为Earth-199999。

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2、漫威电影宇宙(Marvel Cinematic Universe,缩写为MCU),是由漫威影业基于漫威漫画角色制作的一系列电影组成的架空世界和共同世界。电视剧系列进一步扩充了漫威电影宇宙。



The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a media franchise and shared fictional universe that is centered on a series of superhero films, independently produced by Marvel Studios and based on characters that appear in publications by Marvel Comics. The franchise has expanded to include comic books, short films, and a television series. The shared universe, much like the original Marvel Universe in comic books, was established by crossing over common plot elements, settings, cast, and characters.

The first film released in the MCU was Iron Man (2008), which began the first phase of films, culminating in Marvel's The Avengers (2012). Phase Two began with Iron Man 3 (2013), and will conclude in Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015). Marvel is also preparing Phase Three, with the release of Ant-Man (2015). The universe began to expand with the release of the Marvel One-Shots direct-to-video short films in 2011, and saw further expansion with the premiere of the TV series Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the 2013-14 season. Marvel has multiple films and television projects in various stages of development.

The films within the Marvel Cinematic Universe have received both critical and commercial success, and the franchise as a whole ranks as the second highest-grossing film franchise of all time.

By 2005, Marvel Studios began planning to start independently producing its own films and distribute them through Paramount Pictures. Previously, the studio had co-produced several superhero films with Columbia Pictures, New Line Cinema and others, including a seven-year development deal with 20th Century Fox. Marvel Studios made relatively little profit from its licensing deals with other studios and wanted to get more money out of its films while maintaining artistic control of the projects and distribution. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige realized that unlike Spider-Man and the X-Men, whose film rights were licensed to Columbia and Fox respectively, Marvel still owned the rights to the core members of The Avengers. Feige, a self-professed fanboy, envisioned creating a shared universe just as creators Stan Lee and Jack Kirby had done with their comic books in the early 1960s. To raise capital, the studio secured funding from a seven-year, $525 million revolving credit facility with Merrill Lynch.[Marvel's plan was to release individual films for their main characters and then merge them together in a crossover film. Feige initially referred to the shared narrative continuity of these films as the "Marvel Cinema Universe", but later used the term "Marvel Cinematic Universe".




要知道的是,雷神3这部电影是由taiga viditi导演,将雷神和他的团队融为一体。这为后来的雷神4设定了更高的标准。在这部电影中,简·福斯特的回归和克里斯蒂安·贝尔的加入也在意料之中。经过《复联4》角色的发展和提升,他成为复仇者联盟最受欢迎的成员之一,并为续集设定了更高的标准。而截然不同的是,雷神四这部影视作品并没有延续复仇者联盟4的优秀基点,反而导致雷神四这部作品出来以后观众的口碑大降,这足以说明这部影视的亮点并不突出,而对于观众们的吐槽也是五花八门,所以本人对于这部影片得到的这个影评分是符合本人预期的。





Marnel started in 1939. and by the early 1950s had generally become known as Atlas Comics. It counts among its characters such well-konwn properties as Spider-man, the X-men, Iron man, The Hulk , Thor, ,,,,

Nowadays, Marvel Studios films are very famous and popular. for example, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow,Spider-man,Captain America, Hulk, Marvel's The Avengers .etc each are all enjoyed by audiences.






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