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本文是关于英语美文短文,希望对大家有帮助!   关于英语美文短文:The Power of the Dream   When someone looks into your eyes they should see something alive within you. Having a dream is like owning a lighthouse1 which directs you on your journey.   At every turn we come across its mystery. At each new level we become more of the person we were meant to become. In lonely times, when we pass through a storm of disappointment, we find our faith is unshaken, our strength still strong.   Believe in your faith. Set the vision before your eyes. Write down your most sincere dreams and when the opportunity comes, step into your dream. It may take one season or more, but the result is the same. Make big dreams and then go out and make them realities. The highest hopes of the dreamer are revealed with every step taken in their journey to the impossible. For a season we must protect the dream so that it can grow quietly on the inside. But if we tenderly care for our deepest expectations, slowly but surely the dream will become new life.   Dreaming is an act of faith. The light of your expectations will cast off the shadows of a disbelieving world. God has given us the dreamer as a gift to light an unbelieving world.   Find your treasure within and cherish2 it. Tomorrow is waiting for you to take the first step.   翻译:梦想的力量   别人看你的眼睛时,他应当体会到你内心的活力。
















  关于英语美文短文:DUTIES OF A STUDENT 学生的责任   Education is the very thing that we want to receive. Our parents send us to school so as to enable us to get/
obtain knowledge and achieve great things in the future. The following are the duties of a student (which/
that) we should keep in mind.   In the first place, we should be filial to our parents and respectful to our teacher.   In the second place, we must study as hard as we can.   In the third place, we must not tell lies.   Last of all, we must not criticize others.   To sum up, the above-mentioned rules are the very duties of a student.   教育就是我们要接受的东西。








  关于英语美文短文:BOOKS 书籍   As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.   Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good.   众所周知,书籍教我们学习人生,真理,科学以及其它许多有用的东西。









下面是我带来的英语朗诵 文章 简短带翻译,欢迎阅读!    英语朗诵文章简短带翻译1   When Day Is Done   If the day is done ,   If birds sing no more .   If the wind has fiagged tired ,   Then draw the veil of darkness thick upon me ,   那就用黑暗的厚幕把我盖上,   Even as thou hast wrapt the earth with The coverlet of sleep and tenderly closed ,   如同黄昏时节你用睡眠的衾被裹住大地,   The petals of the drooping lotus at dusk.   又轻轻合上睡莲的花瓣。

  From the traverer,   路途未完,行囊已空,   Whose sack of provisions is empty before the voyage is ended ,   衣裳破裂污损,人已精疲力竭。

  Whose garment is torn and dust-laden ,   你驱散了旅客的羞愧和困窘,   Whose strength is exhausted,remove shame and poverty ,   使他在你仁慈的夜幕下,   And renew his life like a flower under   如花朵般焕发生机。

  The cover of thy kindly night .   在你慈爱的夜幕下苏醒。

  I asked nothing, only stood at the edge of the wood behind the tree.   我一无所求,只站在林边树后。

  Languor was still upon the eyes of the dawn, and the dew in the air.   倦意还逗留在黎明的眼上,露润在空气里。

  The lazy smell of the damp grass hung in the thin mist above the earth.   湿草的懒味悬垂在地面的薄雾中。

  Under the banyan tree you were milking the cow with your hands, tender and fresh asbutter.   在榕树下你用乳油般柔嫩的手挤着牛奶。

  And I was standing still.   我沉静地站立着。

  I did not come near you.   我没有走近你。

  The sky woke with the sound of the gong at the temple.   天空和庙里的锣声一同醒起。

  The dust was raised in the road from the hoofs of the driven cattle.   街尘在驱走的牛蹄下飞扬。

  With the gurgling at their hips, women came from the river.   把汩汩发响的水瓶搂在腰上,女人们从河边走来。

  Your bracelets were jingling, and foam brimming over the jar.   你的钏镯丁当,乳沫溢出罐沿。

  The morning wore on and I did not come near you.   晨光渐逝而我没有步近你。

   英语朗诵文章简短带翻译2   We Won'
t Have a Christmas This Year We won'
t have a Christmas this year, you say   你说,今年我们不过 圣诞节 了   For now the children have all gone away;
  因为孩子都全部离开了   And the house is so lonely, so quiet and so bare   家中很空,很静,很孤单   We couldn'
t have a Christmas that they didn'
t share.   有他们一起分享,我们才算是真正的过圣诞节   We won'
t have a Christmas this year, you sigh,   你叹息到,我们今年不过圣诞节了   For Christmas means things that money must buy.   因为圣诞节已经变成了事物,必须用钱买的事物   Misfortunes and illness have robbed us we fear   我们担心,不幸和疾病降临   Of the things that we'
d need to make Christmas this year.   把我们需要用来过圣诞节的东西都抢走了   We won'
t have a Christmas this year you weep,   你哭泣道,我们今年不过圣诞节了   For a loved one is gone, and our grief is too deep;
  因为所爱之人已逝,让我们万分悲痛   It will be a long time before our hearts heal,   我们的心需要很长的时间来愈合   And the spirit of Christmas again we can feel.   愈合后才能再次感受圣诞节的喜悦。

  But if you lose Christmas when troubles befall,   但如果麻烦降临使你再也感受不到圣诞的喜悦   You never have really had Christmas at all.   你就没有真正的过圣诞节   For once you have had it, it cannot depart   只要你曾经拥有过,它就不会失去   When you learn that true Christmas is Christ in your heart.   如果你体会到圣诞节的真正含义是--耶稣基督在你心中    英语朗诵文章简短带翻译3   Group member: Huangtao Low, Lide Qian   A father and a dad are not the same:   One can be a dad and not a father,   Or one can be a father and not bother   To earn through love the more endearing name.   Some find fatherhood a bit too tame,   Leaving all the details to the mother,   Or dumping the sweet burden on another   Man with just a passing twinge of shame.   You have been our dad so many years   That you’
ve become the landscape that is home,   The mountain that we look to from afar.   No matter where we go we’
re not alone,   For you remain within to still our fears   And be the word that tells us who we are.   父亲和爸爸有着不同的含义   一个人可能是爸爸但不是父亲   或者他可能是父亲不能去打扰   因为爱,会赋予“
这个词更多含义 有人发现父子关系太平淡   他把很多细节都抛给了母亲   或者他把这甜蜜的负担抛给别人 而他自己只会感到一时的羞愧   你已经成为我们的爸爸好多年了 那你也成为一个风景那就是家   你是我们远远观望的一座大山   不管我们去哪里我们都不会孤单   因为你永远在我们心中安慰我们的畏惧 告诉我们自己是谁。




我精心收集了3分钟英语美文,供大家欣赏学习!   3分钟英语美文篇1   Shocking Bill   触目惊心的账单   A young man had a new girlfriend,whom he wanted to impress   一年轻人新交了一位女朋友,为了给她留下好的印象   so he invited her to go to a world-famous restaurant with him one evening.   一天晚上他邀请女朋友去世界闻名的饭店吃饭。

  They dined wonderfully and had numerous drinks;

  they danced until midnight,and there was fine musical entertainment.   伴随着一场优雅的音乐会,他们跳舞一直到深夜。

  The girl enjoyed the entire evening,   女孩整个晚上玩的很尽兴。

  and was suitably impressed by everything she saw,   她所看到的一切,给她留下了深刻的印象,   including several film stars.   包括看到的几个影星。

  Then the waiter brought the bill at the end of the evening,   这时,服务员拿来了这天晚上的消费的账单。

  and when the young man saw how much he had to pay,   但年轻人看到账单时,   he was so shocked by the total that he went as white as a sheet.   他被账单上的数目惊呆了,脸色苍白。

  The helpful waiter, who was watching his face,   服务员注视着他的脸,   thought he might be going to faint,   他认为这个年轻人要晕倒了。

  so he quickly poured out a glass of ice cold water   于是,他拿来一杯冰水   and emptied it over the young man'
s head   泼在年轻人的头上,   Then he took the bill back and added to it:Iced water-- 50 cents.   然后他又拿来账单,并在上面加上:"

  3分钟英语美文篇2   Love and Time   爱和时间   Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived:   从前,有一个岛屿上住着所有的感情:   Happiness,Sadness, Knowledge,and all of the others, including Love.   快乐,悲伤,知识,还有包括爱在内的所有其他所有情感。

  One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink,   一天他们得到消息说这个岛屿将要沉没,   so all constructed boats and left. Except for love.   除了爱以外,他们都修建了船只,打算离开。

  Love was the only one who stayed.   只有爱无动于衷,   Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.   她想在最后一刻才离开   When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.   当岛屿几乎沉没的时候爱决定寻求帮助。

  Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat.   富裕乘着一艘巨轮从爱身旁经过,   Love said,"
Richness, can you take me with you?"
  Richness answered,"
No,I can'
t.There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat.   富裕回答说:"
不行,我的船上有很多金银珠宝   There is no place here for you."

  Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel.   爱决定求助于空虚,他正坐在一艘漂亮的船上。

Vanity,please help me!"

I can'
t help you, Love.You are all wet and might damage my boat,Vanity answered   "


  Sadness was close by so Love asked,"
Sadness,let me go with you."
Oh...Love,I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"
  Happiness passed by Love,too,   快乐也从爱身边经过,   but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.   她太高兴了竟然没有听到爱叫她。

  Suddenly,there was a voice,"
Come,Love, I will take you."
It was an elder.   忽然,传来一个声音:来吧,爱,我载你。


  So blessed and overjoyed,   爱是那么欣喜若狂,   Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going.   竟忘记了问老人他们要去哪儿。

  When they arrived at dry land,the elder went her own way.   到了一块干地后,老人放下爱独自走了。

  Realizing how much was owed the elder,   意识到自己亏欠老人很多时,   Love asked Knowledge another elder,"
Who helped me?   爱问另一位叫知识的老人:"
It was Time."
Knowledge answered.   "


asked Love."
But why did Time help me?"
  Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered,   知识意味深长地笑笑说:   "
Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."

  3分钟英语美文篇3   At the Post Office   在邮局   This was what happened to a Frenchman who lived in England   这是一个发生在居住英国的   and didn'
t know English very well.   而英语不太好的法国人身上的故事。

  One day,he went into a post office with his letter.   一天他去邮局寄信   He bought a stamp and gave it together with his letter,   他买了一张邮票,将邮票和信一起   to the girl at the counter.   交给了柜台前的小姐。

the girl said,"
You must stick the stamp on yourself."

  The Frenchman was very surprised.He could not believe his ears.   这个法国人非常惊讶,他不相信自己的耳朵。

  He said,"
I want to post my letter,not myself.   他说:"

  Why must I stick the stamp on myself?"
The girl smiled and answered,   为什么要在我自己身上贴上邮票?"
I mean that you must stick the stamp on the envelope and must do it yourself   小姐笑着说:"


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