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2、美国中学课程: 英语(英语课还分普通英语课和English as Second Language)、数学、社会交际(学一些关于各国习俗及传统的知识)、体育。

(2)美国课程代码扩展阅读: 中美得到中小学教育的差异: 1、美国教育偏重广而博,中国教育偏重窄而...。


  赴美国留学,须知美国中学课程设置与评分体系:   1、Basic curricular structure必修课   Science 自然科学(usually three years minimum, including biology, chemistry, physics)   Mathematics 数学(usually three years minimum, including algebra, geometry, algebra II, and/
or precalculus/
trigonometry)   English语言 (usually four years minimum, including literature, humanities, etc)   Social Science社会科学 (various history, government, and economics courses, always including American history)   Physical education 体育(at least one year)   2、Electives(选修课)   Common types of electives include:   Visual arts (drawing, sculpture, painting, photography, film)   Performing arts (drama, band, chorus, orchestra, dance)   Technology education ("
woodworking, metalworking, automobile repair, robotics)   Computers (word processing, programming, graphic design)   Athletics (cross country, football, baseball, basketball, track and field, swimming, tennis, gymnastics, water polo, soccer, wrestling, cheerleading)   Publishing (journalism/
student newspaper, yearbook/
annual, literary magazine)   Foreign languages (Spanish, French are common;
Chinese, Latin, Greek, German,and Japanese are less common)   3、高中GPA 举例   GPA,就是grade point average,学业平均成绩。

A=4,B=3,C=2,D=1,F=0,每门课的各个任课老师给出学年ABCD后,学校把整个高中的所有科目的成绩都平均起来,得到一个值,叫做unweight GPA。

  因为学校有不同等级的课,AP补助2分,Honor补助一分,regular没有补助,最后,再把这些所有补助的分数加起来,除以15,得数加到unweight GPA上,得到一个值称为weight GPA。

每个学校不同,我们学校就是用weight GPA排名(class ranking),所以导致了选课的竞争。

  4、学期、假期、考试   其他要点:   一年三个学期:9月初-12月中旬;
3月下旬-6月初   4个假期:X’
mas, Thanksgiving, Spring break, Summer vacation   SLEP:针对母语非英语的学生的语言测试   SSAT:美国中学入学测试   PSAT:SAT预考,10年级、11年级学生均可参加;
  5、美国私立中学一天的日常安排   Day schedule:   7:00-7:25 a.m.: breakfast 早餐   After breakfast, students are expected to return to their dorms, clean up their rooms, and finish their dorm jobs. Morning assembly, which is a time when students and faculty members have a chance to make announcements, begins at 8:00 a.m.   8:10 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m.: academic classes 上课   3:00-6:00pm: afternoon activity: athletics, music, or art   6:00pm:day students go home and boarders have a family style dinner;
  After dinner-7:30pm: free time   7:30-9:30pm: upper school students study at study hall;
7:30-9:00pm for middle school students;
  When study hall ends, students have some free time on campus, but must return to their dorms before 10:00 p.m.   Lights out for middle school students is 10:00 p.m.;
for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, it is 10:30 p.m.;
and for seniors and postgraduates, lights out is 11:00 p.m.    【更多申请条件信息请点击相关链接】   留学专家指出,美国的教会学校是由美国文化乃至西方文化的。



  第二、可衡量该校的学生比例及师生比例   在这里的学生比例主要是指种族之间的一个比例,留学专家表示,美国是一个移民国家,各个种族在学校里面都可以找到,这样也就是说在学生选择美国的高中时中国学生不可太多,这样对于学生的语言环境及性格的塑造是非常不利的。

  第三、可根据高中所在的区域做为择校标准   在选择美国的高中时地域也可以做为择校的一个参考,据留学专家介绍,在美国的东岸文化底蕴较好,而且优质的学校也较多。




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