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块 Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal(B卷)答案 小学英语 六年级上 第四单元 帮帮忙 谢

求 pep小学英语六年级上册第四单元I Have A Pen Pal的单元教材分析(用知识树的形式)和ALet's Read的教案


【 #小学英语# 导语】暑假作业意义在于让我们在疯狂的同时还记得学习,在2个月后不至于陌生和痛苦不堪;


以下是 考 网整理的《小学四年级英语暑假作业》相关资料,希望帮助到您。

1.小学四年级英语暑假作业   选择题:   1、_______is the first day of the week .   A、Sunday B、Monday C、Saturday D、Tuesday   2、 ______ do you go to school ? By bus .   A、What B、How C、Where   3、This is a _____ day , not a _____ day .   A、rain , sun B、rainy , sun C、rain , sunny D、rainy , sunny   4、Is that an ______?   A、apple B、dog C、pen D、chair   5、They have ______ breakfast at 7:00 in the morning .   A、a B、an C、/
  6、Its often cold ______ December .   A、in B、on C、at D、above   7、__________ I’m fine , thanks .   A、How are you ? B、Nice to meet you .   C、How old are you ? D、Whats your name ?   8、__________ I m 11 years old .   A、How old are you ? B、When is your birthday ?   C、How tall are you ? D、Where is it ?   9、__________ Its 2:00 .   A、What day is it? B、What time is it?   C、What is the date? D、Whats this ?   10、Where do you live ? __________   A、I live on the second . B、Lets go to your house .   C、This is a house . D、I live in a house near the park .  2.小学四年级英语暑假作业   一、选出每组中不属于同一类的单词。

  ( )1.A.tomato B.potato C. photo   ( )2.A. hot B.pants C. socks   ( ) 3.A.twenty B.carrot C. thirteen   ( ) 4.A. small B. big   ( )5. A.hen B. farm   二、选择正确的答案,把序号填在括号内。

  ( )1.Where is the canteen ? Its ______the first floor .   A. in B. on C. at   ( )2.______________   They are goats .   A. Whats this ? B. Whats that ? C. What are these ?   ( )3.How many _____are there ? __Six .   A. goat B. goats C. sheep   ( )4.Do you have ________on you farm ? _Yes ,we do .   A.potato B.potatos C. potatoes   ( )5.whats the weather like ? _Its_______________.   A.snow B.wind C.cold 3.小学四年级英语暑假作业   Lion:Good afternoon,Mrs Rabbit.Let me eat you.   Rabbit:Don’t eat me,Mr Lion.I’m old.That mouse is younger than me.   Lion:Miss Mouse,Miss Mouse,let me eat you.   Mouse:Oh,no.Many birds are standing over there.   Lion:Birds,I will eat you.You are my dinner.   Birds:You are bad.We can fly,can you?   Lion:No,I can’t.But where is my dinner?   根据短文选择正确答案   ( )1.The lion is ______.   A.full   B.hungry   C.scared(受惊吓的)   D.happy   ( )2.The lion doesn’t eat the rabbit,because there is a ______ over there.   A.deer   B.bird   C.goat   D.mouse   ( )3.Can the birds fly ?______   A.No,they can.   B.Yes,they can.   C.No, they can’t.   D.Yes,they can’t.   ( )4.The lion can'
t fly. He ______ at last. dinner the rabbit   C.doesn’t have dinner the mouse   ( )5.The lion doesn’t eat the mouse,because there are ______ over there.   A.birds   B.rabbits   C.goats   D.deers 4.小学四年级英语暑假作业   选出正确的选项:   ( )1.The boy ____a big nose is new here.   A.with   B. in   C.on   ( )2.Are you a teacher? No, _____ _____.   A.I am   B. I’m not   C. I’m   ( )3. I can see the girl ____ the tree.    B.with    C. on   ( )4. ______ that girl?She’s Nancy.   A. Who’s   B. Whose   C What’s   ( )5.The girl is_____ there sweater.   A.on   B. in    C. with   ( )6..How many______ ?One______, please .   A.kilo , kilo   B. kilos ,kilo    C. kilos ,kilos   ( )7. What do you ______be ?A doctor .   A. want   B. want to  C. to   ( )8. ---Can I help you? ---Some , please.   A. pears  B. pear   C. a pear   ( )9.What are these? _____________   A. Grapes  B. Grape  C. An grape   ( )10.Who’s the girl _____ small nose?   A . in    B.with   C. on 5.小学四年级英语暑假作业   一、根据所给情景写句子。

  1.到时间上英语课了,小明还在玩,你对他说:   It’s _________ _________ __________ _________,Xiao Ming.   2.你的朋友问你现在的时间,你一看手表是9:00,你说:   __________ nine _____________.   3.你想知道远处的建筑物是不是Mike的学校,你问他:   _________ _________ ___________ ____________?   4.放学了,你想叫你的同学Jone一起回家,你对他说:   ____________ _____________ _____________ , Jone.   二、翻译下列句子。










小学四年级暑假作业英语答案   很多同学因为假期贪玩而耽误了学习,以至于和别的同学落下了差距,因此,我为大家准备了小学四年级暑假作业英语答案,欢迎阅读参考!   一、 Read and find.(读一读,选出不同类的单词 共5)   ( ) 1. A.gym B.TV C. TV room   ( ) 2. B.pants C.jeans   ( ) 3. A.warm B.cold C. dress   ( ) 4. A.fat C.rabbit   ( ) 5. A.rainy B.windy   二、Look and write.(看图,写单词 共5)   三、Watch and judge.(仔细观察,判断划线部分读音是否一致,一致的“
共5)   ( ) 1. A. nose B. home ( ) 2. A. pig   ( ) 3. A. cat B.cake ( ) 4. A. music B. B. student   ( ) 5. A. egg   四. 看图,根据句意选择正确的'
单词填空 共5) B.expensive C. library D. snowy E. How many   1. _______ pears?-----Two.   2.The skirt is 100yuan,very _______ .   3.Today is _______.Put on your _______.   4.Go to the ________ . Read some books.   五. Read and find.(读一读将右栏前的序号写在相应问句前的括号内 共5)   A B   ( ) 1.What time is it? A. It’
s on the second floor.   ( ) 2.Are they goats? B. Yes, you can.   ( ) 3.Whose is this T-shirt? C. It’
s eight o’
clock.   ( ) 4.Where is the music room? D.It’
s Amy’
s.   ( ) 5. Can I wear my new shirt today? E. Yes,they are.   六、Read and choose.(选择填空 共5)   ( ) 1. ----How much is this pretty dress? ---- ____________.   A. It is 98 yuan. B.They are 98 yuan. C.Great.   ( ) 2.It’
s rainy today. Let’
s _____!   A. go to the playground B. play football C. watch TV   ( ) 3. ----Can I help you? ---- ____________.   A.Yes. How much is it? B.It’
s pretty. C.You are welcome.   ( ) 4.----Where is the TV room? ---- It’
s on the _____ floor.   A. one B. first C. two   ( ) 5.----Is this your T-shirt? ----_____________.   A. No,it is. B.Yes, it is. C. Yes,it isn’
t.   七、Read and match(读一读,连线 共5)   1. What are these? ---They are cats.   2. Take off your jackets.   3. It’
s hot today.I can wear my T-shirt.   4. Go to the canteen.Eat some noodles.   5. It’
s windy .Hold on to your hat.   八、Read and number. (读一读,排顺序 共5)   ( ) What colour is it?   ( ) Is this your sweater?   ( 1 ) Where is my sweater?   ( ) Black.   ( ) No,it’
s not.   ( 7 ) It’
s my sister’
s.   ( ) Whose is it?   九、Read and match.(看图回答问题 共5)   1. How many hens ?   2. Is this your art room?   3. What’
s the weather like?   4.Are they horses?   5. What time is it?   十、Put the words in the right order.(连词成句 共5)   1. Is cold it (?)   2. your That computer is ( .)   3. time English It’
s for class( .)   4. are much How they ( ? )   5. What is colour it ?   十一、Read and fill in the blanks。


共5)   Amy: Hello.   Chen Jie: Hi,Amy! ___________   Amy: Not much.   Chen Jie: _____________________   Amy: It’
rainy. How ahout Linyi?   Chen Jie: ____________   Amy: Oh,no,my pictures!   Chen Jie: What’
s the matter ,Amy?   Amy: It’
s windy now . ___________ Bye!   Chen Jie: OK._______   A. What’
s the weather like in Shanghai?   B. Goodbye   C. What are you doing?   D. It’
s sunny today.   E. I have to close the window.   十二、Read and judge.(读短文,判断正“

共5)   Dear Grandma,   Thank you for the new sandals. They are cool. It is hot in Tancheng. It’
s sunny too. I can wear my new sandals. I have a new T-shirt. My old T-shirt is too small.   I want to buy a new dress.It’
s ninety-nine yuan.It’
s very pretty. I think it’
s cheap.What is the weather like in Harbin?Is it hot?   Love,   Chen Jie   ( ) 1. It is cold in Tancheng.   ( ) 2. Chen Jie has a new T-shirt.   ( ) 3. The T-shirt is pretty.   ( ) 4. Sarah wants to buy a new dress.   ( ) 5. It is hot in Harbin.   一、 1. B 2. A 3.C 4.A 5.C   二、 1.pig 5.skirt   三、 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T   四、 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C   五、 1.C 2.E 3.D 4.A 5.B   六、 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B   七、(连线题略)   八、( 2 4 1 3 5 7 6 )   九、1.Three. /
3.   2.Yes , it is. /
Yes.   3. It’
s cold. /
Cold.   4.No,they aren’
t. /
No.   5.It’
s nine o’
clock. /
Nine o’
clock.   十、 1. I s it cold?   2. That is your computer.   3. It’
s time for English class.   4. How much are they?   5.What colour is it?   十一、1. C 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. B。

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