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日常英语口语对话   日常练习英语口语对话,是最好的提高口语水平的方法,下面是我分享的日常情景英语口语对话,希望能对大家有所帮助!   日常英语口语:英文问路指路   A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?   B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.   A: Oh ! I think I’
m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?   B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.   A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?   B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。


我能否从这里到火车站呢?   B:顺这条街一直走过两个街区,然后左转。

  A: Excuse me. I’
m afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station? B: I’
m walking that way. Let me lead you the way.   A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎么走吗?   B:我正朝那边去。

让我给你带路吧!   A: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I’
m looking for the Museum. B: Boy, you are lost. It’
s across town.   A: Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum?   B: You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there. A:对不起,打扰一下,不知您能否帮助我,我在找博物馆。



  A:哦!太糟糕了!那我怎么去博物馆呢?   B:您可以在此乘坐24路公共汽车换乘83路公共汽车到那里。

  日常英语口语:打电话预定餐厅位子   La Lanterna Restaurant:Good evening, La Lanterna. May I help you?   Shelly Jackson:Good evening. I’
d like to make a dinner reservation for this Friday, the 8th.   La Lanterna Restaurant:Alright, just a moment please and I’
ll check our reservations book.Okay, how many people are there in your party?   Shelly Jackson:There’
ll be six, four adults and two children.   La Lanterna Restaurant:What time would you like the reservation for?   Shelly Jackson:6:30,please.   La Lanterna Restaurant:Alright, and what is your name?   Shelly Jackson:It’
s Shelly Jackson.   La Lanterna Restaurant:OK, Ms. Jackson. So, that’
s a party reservation for six, Friday, the 8th at 6:30.   Shelly Jackson:Yes, that’
s right. Thank you very much.   1.I’
d like to make a dinner reservation for this Friday, the 8th.   我想要订这个星期五,也就是8号的晚餐位子。

  兰登那餐厅服务人员:晚安,这里是兰登那餐厅,您需要什么呢?   谢利·



没问题,请问你们有几位?   谢利·

  兰登那餐厅服务人员:请问你的订位要从几点开始呢?   谢利·

  兰登那餐厅服务人员:好的,请问您的姓名?   谢利·





  日常英语口语:这位子有人坐吗?   乘客A:Excuse me, is this seat taken?   对不起,这个座位有人坐吗?   乘客B:No, I don'
t think so.   我想应该没有人。

  乘客A:Thanks,I am waiting for the train at 9 o’
clock to Shanghai.Where will you go? 谢谢,我在等9点到上海的火车,你去哪呢?   乘客B:What a coincidence! we are the same train.   真是太巧了,我们同一列火车。

  乘客A:Really? What is your seat number?   真的吗?你座位几号?   乘客B:No.5 on the second row. And you?   第二排5号,你呢?   乘客A:I am on the third row, No.10   我第三排10号。

  乘客B:Could you please keep an eye on my luggage? I want to go to the washroom. 你能帮我照看下行李吗?我去下洗手间。

  乘客A:No problem.   没问题。

  乘客B:Thank you so much.   非常感谢。



日常英语口语对话范文   在日常中进行英语口语对话,无疑会提高我们的英语口语水平。

下面是我分享的`日常英语口语对话范文,希望能对大家有所帮助!   日常英语口语对话范文【1】   Daniel: Hey Olga, how are you?   丹尼尔:嗨,奥尔加,你好吗?   Olga: Hi, and how are you Daniel?   奥尔加:你好,你怎么样,丹尼尔?   Daniel: I'
m fine thanks. I need to ask you a favor.   丹尼尔:我很好,谢谢。


  Olga: Sure, what'
s up?   奥尔加:没问题,什么事?   Daniel: Well I'
m trying to impress a girl and I need to cook something for her.   丹尼尔:我想给一个女孩留下好印象,我想给她做些吃的。

  Olga: I see.   奥尔加:我明白了。

  Daniel: So I was thinking of Mexican food.   丹尼尔:我打算做墨西哥食物。

  Olga: Wow, that'
s a good option.   奥尔加:哇,这是个不错的选择。

  Daniel: What can you recommend me?   丹尼尔:你会推荐我做什么?   Olga: Why don'
t you cook tacos?   奥尔加:为什么不做墨西哥玉米饼呢?   Daniel: OK.   丹尼尔:好。

  Olga: It'
s fairly simple and I think you can do it. Can you get tortillas?   奥尔加:非常容易做,而且我认为你能做出来。

你能做玉米面饼吗?   Daniel: I might be able to get them but I'
m not really sure.   丹尼尔:我应该可以做,不过我不太确定。

  Olga: Well if you get them then I can just cook the meat, you know. It'
s really easy, like in a pan, a fry pan, you just fry it with onion, salt, pepper, and maybe a little bit of chili peppper. Do you like it hot?   奥尔加:如果你能做玉米面饼的话,我可以来炒肉。


你希望做的辣一些吗?   Daniel: I would rather not to have it that hot. It'
s the first date.   丹尼尔:我希望不要做得太辣。


  Olga: Yeah, but you know it'
s romantic.   奥尔加:嗯,你知道这很浪漫。

  Daniel: OK.   丹尼尔:好。

  Olga: Maybe just a bit. So yeah you just cut a little bit of chilli pepper and put it inside and when you'
ve made this you just put it inside a tortilla, wrap it and maybe put some salad like lettuce and tomato on top with a little bit of cream.   奥尔加:可以放一点儿辣椒。


  Daniel: OK, what kind of cream?   丹尼尔:好,用哪种奶油?   Olga: The one that'
s not sweet, you know the natural cream.   奥尔加:不太甜的那种,就是天然奶油。

  Daniel: That white one?   丹尼尔:白色的那种?   Olga: Yeah, right and are you sure about the tortillas?   奥尔加:对,没错,你确定可以做玉米面饼吧?   Daniel: Just explain me so in case I cannot get them.   丹尼尔:跟我说一下怎么做,确保我能做出来。

  Olga: Just get corn flour.   奥尔加:准备玉米面。

  Daniel: Corn flour?   丹尼尔:玉米面?   Olga: Yeah, I think you can get it anywhere or at least on the internet and you just mix it with some water and maybe a little bit of salt and make like a...   奥尔加:对,我想你可以在任何地方买到,至少可以在网上买到,在玉米面里加水,再加些盐,就像…

  Daniel: Pastry?   丹尼尔:油酥面团那样?   Olga: Yeah and just take a little round ball the size that you can hold it in your hand and you know like extend it to make the shape of the tortilla and just heat it up in the pan without any oil or anything and it'
s done like in one minute.   奥尔加:对,揉成面团,做成可以握在手里的大小,然后把面团伸展开,做成玉米面饼的形状,然后放到锅里加热,不用放油,加热一分钟就可以了。

  Daniel: Wow that'
s really easy. You think it'
s going to work?   丹尼尔:哇,那太简单了。

你认为这会有用吗?   Olga: Of course.   奥尔加:当然了。

  Daniel: Thanks.   丹尼尔:谢谢。

  Olga: You'
re welcome.   奥尔加:不客气。

  日常英语口语对话范文【2】   C=Customer S= Salesperson   C: Excuse me, I'
m looking for your casual short-sleeved shirts. Can you tell me where those are?   顾客:对不起,我正在找休闲短袖衬衫,你可以告诉我它们放在哪里吗?   S: Right over here, sir. What-size do you wear?   店员:先生,就在这边,您穿几号的?   C: Medium.   顾客:中号。

  S: These here are all mediums.   店员:这里全是中号的。

  C: Thank you. I think I'
ll take this one, and these pants as well. They'
re presents for a friend.   顾客:谢谢。


  S: Shall I gift-wrap them for you, sir?   店员:先生,需要把它们装成礼盒吗?   C: Yes, please. ( to be continued)   顾客:好的,谢谢。




我整理了关于日常生活英语对话,欢迎阅读!   关于日常生活英语对话一   blow one'
s top 勃然大怒   A:I heard that Mark was trying hard to win her favor, but she didn'
t give him a tumble.   A:我听说马克在努力赢得她的欢心,但她却不予理睬。

  B:Yeah. Last week when Mark was asking what kind of man she would marry, Jenny blew her top and jump down his throat like anything.   B:是的,上星期当马克问她要嫁什么样的人时,珍妮勃然大怒,失声斥责,像什么似的。

  A:He has not guts. If I were Mark. I wouldn'
t give her a tumble.   A:他没有魄力,如果我是马克,我就不理她。

  关于日常生活英语对话二   blow one'
s lid 吹胡子瞪眼   A:You are blowing your lid?   A:你生气了?   B:I'
m ing to the end of my patience. She dug dirt about me again.   B:我已经忍无可忍了,她又说我的坏话了。

  A:Oh, nobody will believe her. If I were you, I wouldn'
t eare a damn.   A:噢,没有人会相信她的,我要是你,我根本不在乎。

  B:But I am really angry.   B:但我很生气。

  关于日常生活英语对话三   A:A woman like her has to be at the mercy of her fate.   A:像她这种遭遇的妇女都受命运的支配。

  B:But she should not give up hope. I might go up to her and put her in the picture of the situation.   B:但是她不应该放弃希望,我会设法让她了解清楚情况的。

  A:You want to tell her the truth about her hu *** and blow by blow?   A:你要把她丈夫的所作所为一五一十地告诉她么?   B:Anyway I don'
t want her to be the victim of such an unfaithful man.   B:不管怎么说我不希望她再跟这样不忠实的人一起生活。

  关于日常生活英语对话篇四   A:I bumped into Mary last night at a club. She was alone. She was obviously blitzed out.   A:我昨天晚上碰巧在一个俱乐部遇见了玛丽,她自己在那儿,她已经喝得东倒西歪。

  B:She must have known somethin Jack had done.   B:杰克做的事她肯定听到了些风声。

  A:I don'
t know. But she must have been bits and pieces.   A:说不准,不过她是一副心烦意乱的样子。

  B:She is one of those unfortunate women.   B:她也是个可怜的女人。

  关于日常生活英语对话篇五   A:Have you noticed that tall girl?   A:你注意到那个高个子女孩了吗?   B:Yes, Her behavior is so bizarre that everyone couldn'
t help noticing her, I think.   B:注意到了,我觉得她的举止行为太奇怪了,大家都会禁不住注意到她的。

  A:But if you make friends with her, she is very friendly to you.   A:但如果你和她交上了朋友,她对你就非常友好。

  B:I don'
t think so.   B:我可不这样看。



英语想要学习好的方法就是我们要多读多背,我下面就给大家分享英语的口语,行动起来才会学习好哦   在图书馆   A: Wow! Look at all these books! I bet I can find a book about anything here!   哇!看这些书!我打赌在这里我总可以找到一本什么书。

  B: Shhh!! Please keep your voice down. There are people reading and studying here.   嘘!!声音小一点。


  A: Ok, I'
m sorry. Are you the librarian? Maybe you can help me, I am looking for a book.   知道了,抱歉。


  B: Yes I am. You can check our online catalog to search the book you want based on the genre, title or if you know the author, I can point you towards the right direction.   我可以帮你找找。


  A: I am looking for a book that has nursery rhymes.   我在找一本有关童谣的书。

  B: That would be in our children'
s section. That book shelf there on the right.   那可能在儿童区域。


  A: Ok, I would like to check out these books.   好的,我去看看有没有。

  B: Do you have a library card?   你有借阅证吗?   A: No. How do I get one?   没有,我怎么可以有个?   B: I just need to see your drivers license or utility bill to prove that you a resident of this state.   我只需要看你的驾驶执照或者物业账单,能够证明你是当地的居民就行了。

  A: Here you go.   给你。

  B: So you are all set. You can have these books for two weeks. If you need to have them longer, you can bring them here to renew them. If you don'
t, you get charged ten cents a day for each book.   办好了。




  A: Ok, thanks!   好的,谢谢!   A: OK, so are you ready to learn how to bake a cake?   B: Almost, let me just put my apron on.   差不多,让我把我的围裙穿上。

  A: OK, so the first thing we are going to do is pre-heat the oven, that way we have it at the desired temperature once we finish preparing everything. Set it to three hundred and seventy five degrees Fahrenheit.   好的,第一件事就是我们要预热一下锅,这样的话等到锅达到需要的问题,我们的准备工作也就做好了。


  B: Got it.   知道了。

  A: No we are gonna make the batter. Take some butter and sugar and mix it lightly until you have a nice consistency. Then add some vanilla extract and eggs and continue mixing.   B: Do I have to use a whisk or can I use the electric mixer?   我能用搅拌器或者电动搅拌器吗?   A: Go ahead and use the mixer, but put it on medium speed. I'
m gonna sift the flour and baking powder separately and then we can mix it with milk and the rest of the ingredients.   可以用搅拌器,但是要调到中速。


  B: OK, so now we need a baking pan right?   好的,我们现在就需要个烤盘,对吗?   A: Yeah, but grease and flour it first so the cake won'
t stick to it when it bakes.   是的,但是先得在上面抹上油涂上粉,免得烘烤的时候蛋糕粘在上面了。

  B: Done. So how long do we bake it for?   做好了。

烘烤这个要花多久的时间?   A: We can leave it in there for about twenty five minutes. Then we let it cool for ten minutes before we remove the cake from the pan.   我们需要把它放在那儿25分钟。


  B: Wow! This was a lot easier than I thought!   哇!这个比我想象的要简单!   新的一年即将到来   A: It'
s almost midnight! We are about to start a brand new year!   现在已经是午夜了!我正准备迎接新年的到来!   B: I know it'
s so exciting! A new year is always like a clean slate.   我知道这样很兴奋!新的一年就像一个干净的石板。

  A: Fresh start to accomplish any dreams, objectives and goals.   可以重新书写你的梦想,目标和方向。

  A: Do you have a New Year'
s resolution?   你有新年愿望吗?   B: I was thinking about it, but I'
m never able to keep my New Year'
s resolution. Last year for example I joined a gym and only went twice.   我在想这件事,但是我从来没有坚持过我的愿望并且实现它。


  A: Yeah I know what you mean. That'
s why this year I am keeping things more simple. Maybe like getting together with friends I haven'
t seen in a long time, or doing some volunteering work.   是的,我知道你的意思。



  B: That seems reasonable. We should get together and watch the ball drop in Times Square.   听起来很合理。


  A: Sure, as long as you don'
t try to kiss me at midnight!   这样很好,只要你不要在午夜试着亲我就好了!   B: Well, we can'
t break tradition! It'
s bad luck!   嗯,我们不能打破常规!这样会倒霉的!。

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