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Yu Gong Moves Away the Mountains(愚公移山)  In ancient times, there was an old man named Yu Gong. He was nearly 90 years old. There were two mountains in front of his house. One was the Taihang Mountain, the other the Wangwu Mountain. It was very inconvenient for people to come and go.  古时候,有一老人,名字叫愚公,快九十岁了。


  One day, Yu Gong said to the whole family:  一天,愚公对全家人说:  "
These two mountains block the doorway of our house. It is very inconvenient for us to come and go. Let our whole family exert efforts to move away these two mountains. How about it?"

咱们全家出力,移走这两座大山,好不好?”  Upon hearing this, all his sons and grandsons said:  他的儿子、孙子一听,都说:  "
You are right. Let us start tomorrow!"
  “你说得对,咱们明天就开始干!”  But his wife felt it too difficult to move the mountains. She said:  可是,他的妻子觉得搬山太难了,她说:  "
Do you know how high these two mountains are? How can you move such big mountains? Where can you put all the stones and earth?"
  “你们知道,这两座山有多高吗?这么大的山,你们怎么把它移走呢?哪儿放得下这么多的石头和泥土呢?”  Everybody said:  大家说:  "
So long as we work hard together, we can certainly move away these two mountains. We can carry the stones and earth of the mountains to the sea."


”  The following day, Yu Gong led the whole family and started to move the mountains. His neighbour was a widow with a son, only 7 or 8 years old. When he heard of this, he also came to help happily. They worked nonstop every day, fearing neither heat in summer nor cold in winter, neither wind nor rain.  第二天,愚公带着一家人开始搬山了。



  When a shrewd old man named Zhi Sou saw Yu Gong'
s family moving the mountains, he thought it ridiculous and said to Yu Gong:  有个老人叫智雯,很精明。

看见愚公一家人在搬山,他觉得很可笑,就对愚公说:  "
You are so old that you can hardly walk. Can you move the mountains?"
  “你这么大岁数了,路也走不动了,能搬得动山吗?  Yu Gong replied:  愚公回答说:  "
You are not even as clever as a child. Though I am about to die, I have sons. When my sons die, there are still grandsons. Generation after generation, my offspring are endless. But with more and more stones being removed, smaller and smaller will the mountains become. Not a grain of earth or a piece of stone will grow on the mountains. If we work without stop every day, why can'
t we move away the mountains?"


我们每天这样不停地搬,为什么搬不走山呢?”  Zhi Sou, who thought himself clever, had nothing more to say.  自以为聪明的智史听了,再也没有话说了。

  Yu Gong led his family digging the mountains continually from early morning till late night. They finally moved God, who sent two celestials to the world to move away these two mountains.  愚公带领一家人每天起早摸黑挖山不止,终于感动了上帝。



Yugong moving mountains is a fable essay created by Liezi, a thinker in the Warring States period.愚公移山是战国时期思想家列子创作的一篇寓言小品文。

The article tells the story of Yu Gong, who persevered despite difficulties, dug the mountain and finally moved the Emperor of Heaven to move the mountain away.文章叙述了愚公不畏艰难,坚持不懈,挖山不止,最终感动天帝而将山挪走的故事。

Through the contrast between the perseverance of Yu Gong and the timidity and cowardice of Zhi Sou,it shows the confidence and perseverance of the ancient Chinese working people,and explains that perseverance is necessary to overcome difficulties通过愚公的坚持不懈与智叟的胆小怯懦,以及“愚”与“智”的对比,表现了中国古代劳动人民的信心和毅力,说明了要克服困难就必须坚持不懈的道理。



A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "
What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"
I gave it to a poor old woman,"
he answered. "
re a good boy,"
said the mother proudly. "
Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?"
She is the one who sells the candy."
好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。

“昨天给你的钱干什么了?” “我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。



可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?” “她是个卖糖果的。


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