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快乐王子的英文简介:In one city, a statue of the Happy Prince stands above it. A little swallow had to stay in the city because of being left behind. Moved by the prince'
s tears and kindness, he chose to stay for the first time. 在一座城市,快乐王子的雕像矗立在上面。


The swallow is also full of love and uses his wings to ease the pain of the sick boy after giving him the ruby.小燕子同样充满着爱心,送去红宝石后用翅膀为生病的小男孩减轻痛苦。

The next day, the swallow is ready to start his journey again. At the prince'
s entreaty, he has to give his eyes to the young man with tears. The second time he chooses to stay. But the prince took off his only eye and gave it to the little match girl. The third choice is to stay.第二天,燕子准备再次启程,在王子的哀求下,不得不哭着将他的眼睛送给那个年轻人,第二次选择留下。



And for the last time, because he decided to stay with the prince forever. Every decision to go or stay, let the swallow step by step close to death. 也是最后一次,因为他决定永远陪伴着王子。


The first two choices were tentative. The call of his companions from afar and the warm weather in Egypt urged him on, but the kindness and appeal of the prince touched his heart deeply.前两次的选择是犹豫的。


Facing the blind prince for the third time. Swallows resolutely choose to stay actively, at the cost of life. When the happy Prince saw the swallow die at his feet, his lead heart broke in two. 第三次面对双目失明的王子。



Without any decoration, the happy Prince was regarded as ugly by the citizens, so the workers melted him in the furnace and threw the lead on the rubbish heap.失去了任何装饰的快乐王子被市民们视为丑陋不堪,随即工人们将快乐王子放在炉子里溶化,更将铅块扔在垃圾堆上。

When spring came, the angels came to the city and carried away the two most beautiful things -- the lead heart and the dead swallow. God raised them to life in heaven.当春天来临,天使来到这个城市带走了最美的两样东西——铅心和燕子的尸体,上帝让他们复活,在天堂里面永生。


快乐王子的英文简介:In one city, a statue of the Happy Prince stands above it. A little swallow had to stay in the city because of being left behind. Moved by the prince'
s tears and kindness, he chose to stay for the first time. 在一座城市,快乐王子的雕像矗立在上面。


The swallow is also full of love and uses his wings to ease the pain of the sick boy after giving him the ruby.小燕子同样充满着爱心,送去红宝石后用翅膀为生病的小男孩减轻痛苦。

The next day, the swallow is ready to start his journey again. At the prince'
s entreaty, he has to give his eyes to the young man with tears. The second time he chooses to stay. But the prince took off his only eye and gave it to the little match girl. The third choice is to stay.第二天,燕子准备再次启程,在王子的哀求下,不得不哭着将他的眼睛送给那个年轻人,第二次选择留下。



And for the last time, because he decided to stay with the prince forever. Every decision to go or stay, let the swallow step by step close to death. 也是最后一次,因为他决定永远陪伴着王子。


The first two choices were tentative. The call of his companions from afar and the warm weather in Egypt urged him on, but the kindness and appeal of the prince touched his heart deeply.前两次的选择是犹豫的。


Facing the blind prince for the third time. Swallows resolutely choose to stay actively, at the cost of life. When the happy Prince saw the swallow die at his feet, his lead heart broke in two. 第三次面对双目失明的王子。



Without any decoration, the happy Prince was regarded as ugly by the citizens, so the workers melted him in the furnace and threw the lead on the rubbish heap.失去了任何装饰的快乐王子被市民们视为丑陋不堪,随即工人们将快乐王子放在炉子里溶化,更将铅块扔在垃圾堆上。

When spring came, the angels came to the city and carried away the two most beautiful things -- the lead heart and the dead swallow. God raised them to life in heaven.当春天来临,天使来到这个城市带走了最美的两样东西——铅心和燕子的尸体,上帝让他们复活,在天堂里面永生。


The narrator of the novel is a pilot who tells the story of the little prince and their friendship. The pilot is a fantasy person. He is not used to those who are too practical adults. He likes to get along with children. The children are natural and pleasant.The pilot was forced to land in the Sahara Desert due to an aircraft failure, where he met the little prince. This encounter with the little prince made the pilot sad and revived himself. The little prince left because of emotional entanglement. He roamed among the planets, visiting the planets of kings, egos, drunkards, merchants, lamplighters, and geographers, and finally came to earth to try to find solutions to loneliness and pain.小说的叙述者是个飞行员,他讲述了小王子、以及他们之间友谊的故事。

















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