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admin2023-12-21游戏22 ℃0 评论



关于爱好的英语对话是:Simon: Hi! What'
s your name?西蒙:你好!你叫什么名字?Lesie: My name is Lesie Gregory.蕾希:我叫蕾希·格利高里。

Simon: And do you want to tell us about your hobbies?西蒙:你想跟我们谈谈你的爱好吗?Lesie: Sure, I'
ll tell you about my hobbies.蕾希:好的。


Simon: OK. What are they?西蒙:好。

你都有什么爱好?Lesie: My first hobby is going to the gym. I go to the gym three times a week. I do floor execises, aerobics classes, swimming and I do weight training.蕾希:我第一个爱好是去健身。



Simon: Of all those things, what are your favorites? What'
s your favorite? What'
s your favorite thing to do?西蒙:在这些运动中,你最喜欢的是什么?你最喜欢哪项运动?你最喜欢做的事情是什么?Lesie: My favorite thing to do is either swimming or what they call aqua-aerobics.蕾希:我最喜欢的是游泳,也有人称为水中有氧运动。

Simon: Aqua-aerobics?What'
s that?西蒙:水中有氧运动?那是什么?Lesie: Well, actually, there'
s different kinds of aqua-aerobics. It'
s just like an aerobics class but it'
s in a swimming pool, so there'
s, so you'
re not putting pressure on your joints when you'
re jumping up and down.蕾希:嗯,实际上,水中有氧运动有不同的种类。


Simon: Ah, cool!西蒙:啊,真酷!。


有关爱好的英语对话如下:格雷: What do you like to do in your free time?你业余时间喜欢做什么?李磊: I like playing basketball. What is your hobby?我喜欢打篮球.你的爱好是什么?格雷: I like reading books.我喜欢读书。

李磊: What is your favorite book?你喜欢的书是什么啊?格雷: I like reading Wuthering Height.我喜欢读(呼啸山庄)。

李磊: That is really a good book.那可是本好书啊。

格雷: Yes, I have read it several times.是的.我已经读过很多次了。

李磊: It seems that fate rules their lives.似乎命运控制了他们的生活。

格雷: Yes, I agree with you.是的.我同意你的说法。

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