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),韩国SM Entertainment公司2012年推出的男子音乐组合,成员人数达12位,继Super Junior后推出最多成员的男子组合。



EXO是韩国S.M Entertainment 2011年12月22日亮相,2012正式推出的组合,分在中国出道活动的M队和在韩国出道活动的K队。



EXO这个名字从意为太阳系以外的外部行星EXOPLANET一词中得来,寓意新组合是“从未知世界来的新星”,分别在韩国和华语圈开始活动,并有逐步进军全球,将EXO的音乐传遍全世界的抱负EXO - 出道经过 最初的计划是两个分队分别由八名韩国人和四名中国人组成,为寻找组合主打曲,SM Entertainment于2011年8月到丹麦和挪威举行音乐夏令营活动,动员全世界五十多名作曲家,但都无功而还。


EXO-K的BAEKHYUN、D.O.演唱的数位序曲《What Is Love》通过各大音乐网站公开;

正式出道前,EXO-K就已成为Calvin Klein Jeans品牌的代言人,并登上杂志封面。



2012年5月15日,EXO-M首度正式在韩国电视上亮相,并于MBC MUSIC《Show Champion》演唱主打歌MAMA。


Super Junior(韩文名:슈

)亦常简称为SJ 或 SuJu,是由SM Entertainment创始人李秀满发掘并管理的韩国男子组合。



super junior - 简介 韩国SM娱乐公司精心策划的面向全亚洲娱乐市场的“Super Junior(超级少年)”project,由13名美少男组成的“Super Junior”是BoA、东方神起经纪公司SM娱乐公司迈向世界市场的重要Project,10名以上组成的大型组合从一开始便引起各方关注。

“Super Junior”队长为朴正洙,于2005年11月6日正式出道,SuperJunior气球的代表色目前是宝蓝色(纯宝石蓝) 宝蓝色应援气球整个后援团名称: E.L.F 指Ever Lasting Friends 是队长李特(朴正洙)为歌迷们取的。


SUPER JUNIOR跟其他组合不同,他们有着亚洲明星的代表性。

SUPER JUNIOR组合是从韩国各个地区以歌手、演员、笑星、作曲家、模特、MC等方面发掘的13名新人。

2005年11月,SUPER JUNIOR正式开始演出活动,组合中的每个成员将展现自己最特别的才华。

组合中最特别的成员是中国人韩庚,他是通过2001年在中国大规模选拔大赛 '
H.O.T. China'


的名字命名的选拔大赛,进一步扩大 SUPER JUNIOR 的影响力。

06年成员历旭、艺声、圭贤在年结成Super Junior——K.R.Y组合,为《鬟狗》演唱主题曲《只为一个人》成功,并以《只为一个人》单曲辑出道。

07年成员李特、希澈、强仁、银赫、晟敏、神童以Super JuniorT(TORT)组合出道,推出单曲《来过倒》 2007年9月21日,Super Junior最新专辑《Don'
t don》发行,其中车祸后痊愈的圭贤也回归队伍,13个人的造型更是发生的很大的改变。








EXO (Korean:), South Korea'
s SM Entertainment company in 2012 launched the man music group, the number of members of the 12, following the Super Junior after the launch of the most members of the boy band. Before the debut immediately by the majority of the attention, in which the members split into two teams, EXO-K and EXO-M, K Korean, M Mandarin. The two teams with the same song at the same time in Korean and Mandarin, debuted at the same time in Korea and china. EXO is South Korea'
s S.M Entertainment debut in December 22, 2011, 2012 officially launched in China, his activities of M team and K team debut in South korea. The name EXO means to come from outside the solar system planets outside of EXOPLANET, implies they are from the unknown world to star. Add KOREA K began activities in Korea in the EXO activities in China, began to add on behalf of the Mandarin M, and gradually enter the world, the EXO music throughout the world ambition. The name EXO means to come from outside the solar system planets outside the word EXOPLANET, meaning the new combination is "
from the unknown world star"
, began its activities in South Korea and Chinese circle respectively, and gradually enter the world, the EXO music throughout the world ambition EXO debut after the initial plan is to the two teams are composed of eight South Koreans and four Chinese, for the combination of the title song, SM Entertainment of Denmark and Norway music summer camp activities in 2011 August to mobilize the whole world, more than 50 Maestri, but was also without success. EXO began in December 23, 2011 0 when release Debut Trailer picture and photos, successive open one to two members;
members in December 29th SBS music ceremony for the first official appearance. By January 30, 2012, EXO-M CHEN, LUHAN;
What Is Love"
digital "
through various music sites open;
March 8th, two teams form through the second song digital Overture"
History "
MV open source, released in March 9th. The official debut, EXO-K has become the Calvin Klein Jeans brand spokesperson, and on the cover of a magazine. After a one hundred day notice period, EXO in March 31, 2012 and April 1st respectively in China and South Korea held a news conference the two large. The official debut in April 8, 2012, EXO-K in SBS popular official debut;
EXO-M on the twelfth Billboard Music Awards ceremony officially debut. In May 15, 2012, EXO-M first official in South Korea TV appearance, and sang the title song "
Show Champion MAMA to MBC MUSIC"
. In May 20, 2012, when EXO debuted for the first time fit in SBS popular singing the title song MAMA. Super Junior (Han Wenming:) is often referred to as SJ or SuJu, by SM Entertainment founder Lee Sooman explore and management of South Korean boy band. Combined in 2005 September debut with 12 crew members, Kyuhyun in 2006 May with a total of 13 people, become the world'
s largest groups of men. But because of the contract, the military and other reasons, the fifth album will have only 10 members to participate in, the follow-up song has 8, Hee Chul and Siwon also participated in the filming, but did not participate in the publicity period. Super junior, Korean SM entertainment company orchestrated entertainment market in Asia for the "
Super Junior (super teenager)"
project, consists of 13 members of the United States and the "
Super Junior"
is an important Project BoA, TVXQ Broker'
s Firm SM entertainment company towards the world market, more than 10 large portfolio of components from the outset from the parties concerned. "
Super Junior"
Captain Pu Zhengzhu, the official debut in November 6, 2005, the balloon SuperJunior color is blue (pure sapphire blue balloon) support the backing group name: E.L.F Ever Lasting Friends is the captain Leeteuk (Pu Zhengzhu) as the fans take. A goblin, elf meaning in Chinese, the name so the Chinese fans on the fairy as a back-up team. SUPER JUNIOR is different with other combinations, they have a representative Asian stars. SUPER JUNIOR is a combination of 13 new explore various regions from South Korea to singer, actor, comedian, composer, model, MC etc.. In 2005 November, SUPER JUNIOR officially began performances, each member of the portfolio will show their most special talent. The most special member in combination is Chinese Han Geng, he was elected by 2001 in China large-scale contest'
H.O.T. China'
newcomer, his handsome face, dance talent, has predicted the future of Asia super star birth. When all members of their debut in the entertainment aspects of the activities have begun, such as participating in drama performances, music show host, guests a variety of performing arts programs, film advertising, they are just the business has a lot of fans and fans. In China and Asia will be held named "
in the name of the contest, to further expand the influence of SUPER JUNIOR. 06 year member Li Xu, Kim Jongwoon, Kyuhyun in a Super Junior -- K.R.Y combination, as a "
hair dog"
to sing the theme song "
only for a person"
, and to "
only one"
singles series debut. 07 year member Leeteuk, Hee Chul, Kim Young Woon, Lee Hyuk Jae, Sheng Min, prodigy to a Super JuniorT (TORT) combined debut, launched the single "
come back"
in September 21, 2007, Super Junior'
s new album "
t don"
issue, which after the crash recovery Kyuhyun also return to the team, 13 individuals are in the form of great change. In mid April 2008, the members of the SuperJunior Chinese nationals Han Geng (captain), Siwon, Kyuhyun, mainly in East China Sea, Kim Ryeo Wook。

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