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狐狸和乌鸦There was a big tree in the forest, and a crow lived on the tree. While a fox lived in a hole under the tree which the crow lived on.在森林里有棵好大好大的树,树上住着一只乌鸦。


One day, the crow stood on the tree with a piece of meat, and the fox saw her. The fox was very hungry and wanted the meat in the mouth of the crow. As the fox couldn'
t climb trees, and there was no way to get the meat under the tree.一天,乌鸦叼来一块肉,站在树上休息,被狐狸看到了。



The sly fox won'
t give up getting the meat. The fox was racking its brains under the tree, and his eyes rolled over, and then, he came up with a ghost idea.狡猾的狐狸不肯轻易放弃乌鸦嘴里的肉。


He said to the crow:"
Dear sweet, how are you?"
The crow did not answer her. The fox had to smiled and said:"
dear sweet, how are your children?"
The crow looked at the fox and still didn'
t answer. The fox shook his tail and spoke the third time:"
dear sweet, your feathers are so beautiful, and the sparrows are far away from you. You have a lovely voice, and everyone loves to hear you sing. Could you sing me a song please?"



您的嗓子真好,谁都爱听您唱歌,求求您给我唱几句吧?”The crow was very pleased and thought: Only the fox said I had a good voice and wanted to hear me sing.乌鸦听了非常得意。


So the crow sang happily. But when she opened her mouth, the meat fell down.于是乌鸦就高兴地唱了起来。


The fox hurried to pick up the meat and went into the hole, only leaving the crow there to scream.狐狸赶忙叼起肉就钻到洞里去了,只留下乌鸦在那里“喳喳”乱叫。


『壹』 用英语改编《狐狸与乌鸦》的故事 我记得,小的时候,我的妈妈还是谁来着,提出了另一个结局,不过应该视为第2天(the next day)发生的事,就是乌鸦叼着石头(对了,有人能分清stone和rock吗)骗狐狸。


『贰』 英语故事《孤狸和乌鸦》带翻译 你好,是狐狸与乌鸦吧 There is a big tree in the forest, the tree lived crow. There is a hole in the tree. There is a fox in the hole. One day, the crow has a piece of meat in its mouth. He is resting on the tree and is seen by the fox. Fox mouth drooling with greed, really wanted to get that piece of meat from the crow mouth. The fox has no way to get it under the tree, because the crow is holding the meat in the branch. The flesh of drool with envy and the fox would not give up easily. It yanzhuyizhuan said: "
Dear crow, hello?"
The crow did not answer. The fox has to pay the *** iling face to say again: "
Dear crow, your child good?"
The crow looked at the fox, still did not answer. Fox shook his tail, the third time said: "
Dear crow, your feathers are so beautiful, and the sparrow is far worse than you. Your throat is really good, everyone loves to hear you sing, you can sing a few words? "
The crow was very pleased that I had a good voice, but only you love to hear me sing the fox, happily sang. Just one mouth, the meat fell out of his mouth. The fox took the meat and went to the hole, leaving only the crow "
. 森林里有棵好大好大的树,树上住着乌鸦。












『叁』 狐狸与乌鸦英文故事 A raven stole a piece of meat and flew up and perched on a branch with it. A fox saw him and determined to get the meat for himself. So he sat at the base of the tree and said to the raven:"
Of all the birds you are by far the most beautiful and you were ideally made to be the king of all the birds.And if you only had a voice you would surely be the king."
The raven,wanting to demonstrate to him that there was nothing wrong with his voice,dropped the meat and uttered a great cry.The fox rushed forward,pounced on the meat. 『肆』 《狐狸与乌鸦》故事的英文 《狐狸与乌鸦》的故事英文版: Once upon a time, there was a crow. He found a piece of fresh meat and caught it in his mouth and flew happily to the big tree. At this time, a fox happened to pass here and saw the meat in the mouth of the crow'
s mouth and thought, "
this piece of meat must be delicious, but what can you do to get that meat?"
The cunning fox had a good turn and came up with a good way. So, he came to the tree and said to the crow in the tree, "
Dear Miss crow, you are so beautiful, you must have a beautiful song, can you sing a song to me?"
When the crow heard the fox'
s praise, he was delighted and excited to sing. He just dropped his mouth and fell into the fox'
s mouth. 小编补充: 《狐狸和乌鸦》是古希腊著名寓言家,世界四大寓言家之首的伊索所著《伊索寓言》里的一篇寓言故事。


『伍』 狐狸与乌鸦英语故事100字 狐狸和乌鸦 森林里有棵好大好大的树,树上住着乌鸦。












小狐狸和小乌鸦 那只上了老狐狸的当掉了肉片的老乌鸦,十分沉痛地向小乌鸦讲了自己当年受骗上当受骗的经过,要小乌鸦永远记住乌鸦家族的这个奇耻大辱,提防奉承话里可能隐藏的阴谋诡计。


” 有一天,小乌鸦衔着一片肉,停在一棵树上,心里想:“要是我碰上狐狸,保准不会上当。

” 巧得很,这时一只小狐狸走了过来,看见了小乌鸦,随即嘻皮笑脸地走到树跟前,甜言蜜语,又耍起当年老狐狸那套哄老乌鸦唱歌的把戏。


小狐狸有些沮丧,但它转了转眼珠子,马上换了一副嘴脸,破口大骂起来:“该死的小乌鸦,你听着,世界上再也没有比你们家族更坏的东西了,你们是灾祸的传播者,谁碰上你们,谁就要倒霉,谁听到你们的叫声,谁就会遭殃……” 听到小狐狸这样放肆地诽谤咒骂乌鸦家族,小乌鸦顿时火冒三丈,“呱”的一开口,刚要呵斥小狐狸:“闭上你的臭嘴!你们狐狸才是世界上最可恶的家伙哩!”可是,就在这一刹那,肉块一下子从口中滑落到了地上,小狐狸像老狐狸一样,立即掉在地上的肉片依靠吞了下去。

小狐狸舔了舔嘴巴,对着树上无限懊悔的小乌鸦,抹了抹嘴巴,挤了挤眼睛,洋洋得意地说:“谢谢你,朋友!你的警惕性是够高了,可是,这一回你又该吸取一个什么教训呢?” 续写《狐狸和乌鸦》的故事 乌鸦自从上次被狐狸骗了以后,心里耿耿于怀,总想报仇雪恨,恢复乌鸦家族名誉。









您的嗓子真好,比 *** 歌声还要动听,您就唱几句吧!”小乌鸦拍拍翅膀,张开嘴,唱起来。



那块肉咽也咽不下去,吐也吐不出来 。

小乌鸦站在树上,对小狐狸说:“这就是你们狐狸家族骗人的下场!”小乌鸦:“哇哇哇”地唱着歌,飞到妈妈——老乌鸦的坟前,说:“妈妈,我终于为乌鸦家族报仇雪恨了,您安息吧!” 小狐狸嘴里流着血,痛苦不已地来到老狐狸的坟前,默默地对爸爸说:“爸爸,我要死了,现在我才明白,害人害已,害人之心不可有哇!” The fox and the crow There are good big very big tree in the forest, the tree lived a raven. Under the tree there is a hole, the hole lived a fox. One day, the crow flies away a piece of meat, standing on a tree to rest, the fox saw it. The fox'
s mouth water, really want to get that piece of meat from the crow mouth. Due to the crow on the branch meat in mouth, the fox can'
t under the tree. Eager for meat and made the fox would not give up easily. It had a turn to say: "
dear crow, how are you?"
The crow did not answer. The fox had to pensate with *** ile and said: "
my dear crow, your child good?"
The crow saw the fox one eye, still no answer. Fox shake tail, and a third time talked: "
dear crow, your beautiful feathers, sparrows pared with you, will. That'
s very kind of your throat, who loves to hear you sing, you sing a few words?"
Said the crow was so satisfied: my throat good, to hear me sing but only you, fox, sang happily. Just one mouth, the meat just fell out of his mouth. Master fox meat have to drill into the hole, leaving only a crow "
there. Little fox and the crow That only to be taken in by the old fox away old crow, meat is very hard to spoke to the young ravens own cheated cheated after, to the young ravens forever remember the crow family disgrace, against the may hide in a grain of intrigue. Young ravens nodded and said, "
One day, the little crow with a piece of meat, parked in a tree and thought to myself: "
if I hit the fox, you don'
t fall for it."
Very opportunely, then a fox came along and saw the young ravens, then walked over to the tree, playful raillery in sweet words, and now the old fox that old crow singing trick. But the young ravens in the teaching of the ancestors to ignore it. Fox some depressed, but it turned to turn eyeball, immediately in a public face, swearing: "
damn little crow, you listen, the world no more bad things than your family, you are evil, who speak to you, who will be out of luck, who hear you cry, who will suffer..."
Hear little fox so impudently cursing the crow family, young ravens immediately the fire emit three zhangs, "
open, just wanted to reprimand angrily to fox: "
shut your mouth! You fox is one of the world'
s most hateful guy!"
But, in that instant, meat suddenly fell from the mouth to the ground, *** all, like the old fox, fox immediately fell to the ground meat rely on swallowed down. Fox licked mouth, infinite regret little crow on the trees and wiped to wipe your mouth, crowded a crowded eye, triumphant said: "
thank you, my friend! Your vigilance is high enough, but this time you what to learn a lesson again?"
Written the story of the fox and the crow"
Crow since the last time was the fox cheated, heart to heart, always want to avenge, restore the crow family reputation. So they constantly to the young ravens in class, let them remember the cunning fox, can'
t fall for it. Over the years, the old crows and old fox died. Young ravens and fox are grown up, they still are neighbors. The crow looking for opportunities to teach *** all fox. One day, the young ravens to e up with a trick, she also took a piece of meat, stand in front of the nest and the fox. Little fox also hungry, out of the cave, and saw the little crow with a piece of meat in its mouth, thought: I also like my father, the little fox meat lying down. So he raised his head and said: "
my friend, the little crow, hello!"
Little crow heart exulting, know little fox cheated, deliberately ignored it. Fox said: "
you look more beautiful than your mother! Has glossy black feathers, the magpies pared with you, that would be much worse. Your voice is really good, beautiful than your mother'
s song, you sing a few words!"
Small crow wings, open your mouth and sing. The piece of meat fell into the fox'
s mouth as the song. Fox is satisfied, suddenly feel what throat is hurt, called don'
t make any noise. The meat pharyngeal swallow not bottom go to, also vomit also can'
t spit it out. Small crow standing on a tree, said to the fox, "
this is you lying off the fox family!"
Little crow, "
singing, fly to the front of the mother - old crow'
s grave, said: "
mom, I finally to avenge the crow family, you rest in peace!"
s mouth bleeding, painful to the old fox'
s grave, quietly said to the father: "
dad, I to die, now I understood that has hurt, harm a person'
s heart is to bee a wow!"
『陆』 狐狸和乌鸦的故事英文 One day, the crow got a piece of meat and was seen by the fox. The fox was eager to get the meat from the crow'
s mouth。

Because the crow was holding meat in its mouth on the branch, the fox could not get it under the tree。




He turned his eyes. "
How are you, dear crow?"
No answer. "
Dear crow, how is your child?"
The crow looked at the fox, but did not answer。



The fox wagged his tail. "
Your feathers are beautiful. They are more beautiful than other birds. They have a good voice. Can you sing me a song?"
The crow was very proud of it and began to sing. But as soon as he opened his mouth, the meat fell off and the fox ran away with it。



(6)狐狸与乌鸦英文故事扩展阅读: 《狐狸和乌鸦》这则寓言故事的寓意是:遇到别人无事献殷勤的时候,要保持清醒,不要盲目的去相信别人,不然吃亏的是自己。







『柒』 翻译《狐狸与乌鸦》的故事 一天,狐狸走在路上,看见了乌鸦站在树上,叼着一块肉,于是它想:我要把它得到!然回后他对乌答鸦说:“你的歌声是最美的!你可以为我唱一支歌吗?”乌鸦听了,就张开嘴巴唱了起来,肉就落到了狐狸的嘴里了 One day, the fox went on the road, saw a crow standing on a tree, with another piece of meat, so it would: I would like to get it! Then he said to the crow: "
your voice is the most beautiful! Can you sing a song for me?"
The crow heard very happy, he opened his mouth to sing, the meat fell on the fox'
s mouth 『捌』 狐狸和乌鸦的故事用英语怎么写 One day.A crow picked up a piece of meat.The fox saw want to eat.Idea wanted a fox.On the Crow said:"
Miss Crow.I heard people say that after listening to you singing the best,and you sing it to me!"
Openings crow,meat away from the crow'
s mouth to the ground.The fox rushed the title to that piece of meat to the hole went. 有一天,乌鸦捡到了抄一块肉,狐狸看见了,流着口水想吃.狐狸就想了一个鬼主意,就对乌鸦说:“乌鸦小姐,我听人家说你唱的歌最好听了,求您给我唱一首吧!”乌鸦刚开口,肉就从乌鸦嘴里掉到地上,狐狸急忙把那一块肉衔到洞里去了. 『玖』 乌鸦和狐狸的故事英文以ony day开头的 One day a crow finds a piece of1 meat. She picks it up2 in her mouth and flies to a big tree. When she is just going to eat the meat, a fox sees her. The fox es to the tree and stands under the tree. He looks at3 the meat and wants to eat it very much. 有一天,一只乌鸦发现了一块肉。




He says to the crow, “How pretty you are! You are the prettiest bird in the world. All the animals like you. ” The crow is very pleased by these words. Then the fox speaks again, “I can see your beautiful face, but I can’t hear4 your beautiful voice. Can you sing a song for me? ” 他对着乌鸦说:“你多漂亮呀!你是世界上最漂亮的鸟。



狐狸又说:“我能看见你漂亮的脸蛋,却听不见你美丽的歌喉,你能给我唱首歌吗?” This makes the crow very happy. She opens her mouth and sings a song. When she opens her mouth, she drops the meat. The fox picks up the meat and goes away. 这番话使乌鸦非常高兴。




『拾』 怎样用英语讲述乌鸦和狐狸的故事 One day, a crow flew up a tree with a piece of meat.一只乌鸦叼着一块肉飞到树上, A fx came by and saw the piece of meat, he wanted to eat it. So he came up with an idea.一只狐狸看到了想吃那块肉,就想了一个回办法。

He told the crow '
Could you sing a song for me?'
它对乌鸦说:Could you sing a song for me? So the crow bagan to sing.于是答,乌鸦就唱歌了。

Because the crow sang, the piece of meat fell from its mouth,因为他唱歌了,那块肉从乌鸦的嘴里掉了出来, The fox got hold of the meat and ran away狐狸就抢到那块肉,逃走了。


狐狸和乌鸦There was a big tree in the forest, and a crow lived on the tree. While a fox lived in a hole under the tree which the crow lived on.在森林里有棵好大好大的树,树上住着一只乌鸦。


One day, the crow stood on the tree with a piece of meat, and the fox saw her. The fox was very hungry and wanted the meat in the mouth of the crow. As the fox couldn'
t climb trees, and there was no way to get the meat under the tree.一天,乌鸦叼来一块肉,站在树上休息,被狐狸看到了。



The sly fox won'
t give up getting the meat. The fox was racking its brains under the tree, and his eyes rolled over, and then, he came up with a ghost idea.狡猾的狐狸不肯轻易放弃乌鸦嘴里的肉。


He said to the crow:"
Dear sweet, how are you?"
The crow did not answer her. The fox had to smiled and said:"
dear sweet, how are your children?"
The crow looked at the fox and still didn'
t answer. The fox shook his tail and spoke the third time:"
dear sweet, your feathers are so beautiful, and the sparrows are far away from you. You have a lovely voice, and everyone loves to hear you sing. Could you sing me a song please?"



您的嗓子真好,谁都爱听您唱歌,求求您给我唱几句吧?”The crow was very pleased and thought: Only the fox said I had a good voice and wanted to hear me sing.乌鸦听了非常得意。


So the crow sang happily. But when she opened her mouth, the meat fell down.于是乌鸦就高兴地唱了起来。


The fox hurried to pick up the meat and went into the hole, only leaving the crow there to scream.狐狸赶忙叼起肉就钻到洞里去了,只留下乌鸦在那里“喳喳”乱叫。


『壹』 用英语改编《狐狸与乌鸦》的故事 我记得,小的时候,我的妈妈还是谁来着,提出了另一个结局,不过应该视为第2天(the next day)发生的事,就是乌鸦叼着石头(对了,有人能分清stone和rock吗)骗狐狸。


『贰』 英语故事《孤狸和乌鸦》带翻译 你好,是狐狸与乌鸦吧 There is a big tree in the forest, the tree lived crow. There is a hole in the tree. There is a fox in the hole. One day, the crow has a piece of meat in its mouth. He is resting on the tree and is seen by the fox. Fox mouth drooling with greed, really wanted to get that piece of meat from the crow mouth. The fox has no way to get it under the tree, because the crow is holding the meat in the branch. The flesh of drool with envy and the fox would not give up easily. It yanzhuyizhuan said: "
Dear crow, hello?"
The crow did not answer. The fox has to pay the *** iling face to say again: "
Dear crow, your child good?"
The crow looked at the fox, still did not answer. Fox shook his tail, the third time said: "
Dear crow, your feathers are so beautiful, and the sparrow is far worse than you. Your throat is really good, everyone loves to hear you sing, you can sing a few words? "
The crow was very pleased that I had a good voice, but only you love to hear me sing the fox, happily sang. Just one mouth, the meat fell out of his mouth. The fox took the meat and went to the hole, leaving only the crow "
. 森林里有棵好大好大的树,树上住着乌鸦。












『叁』 狐狸与乌鸦英文故事 A raven stole a piece of meat and flew up and perched on a branch with it. A fox saw him and determined to get the meat for himself. So he sat at the base of the tree and said to the raven:"
Of all the birds you are by far the most beautiful and you were ideally made to be the king of all the birds.And if you only had a voice you would surely be the king."
The raven,wanting to demonstrate to him that there was nothing wrong with his voice,dropped the meat and uttered a great cry.The fox rushed forward,pounced on the meat. 『肆』 《狐狸与乌鸦》故事的英文 《狐狸与乌鸦》的故事英文版: Once upon a time, there was a crow. He found a piece of fresh meat and caught it in his mouth and flew happily to the big tree. At this time, a fox happened to pass here and saw the meat in the mouth of the crow'
s mouth and thought, "
this piece of meat must be delicious, but what can you do to get that meat?"
The cunning fox had a good turn and came up with a good way. So, he came to the tree and said to the crow in the tree, "
Dear Miss crow, you are so beautiful, you must have a beautiful song, can you sing a song to me?"
When the crow heard the fox'
s praise, he was delighted and excited to sing. He just dropped his mouth and fell into the fox'
s mouth. 小编补充: 《狐狸和乌鸦》是古希腊著名寓言家,世界四大寓言家之首的伊索所著《伊索寓言》里的一篇寓言故事。


『伍』 狐狸与乌鸦英语故事100字 狐狸和乌鸦 森林里有棵好大好大的树,树上住着乌鸦。












小狐狸和小乌鸦 那只上了老狐狸的当掉了肉片的老乌鸦,十分沉痛地向小乌鸦讲了自己当年受骗上当受骗的经过,要小乌鸦永远记住乌鸦家族的这个奇耻大辱,提防奉承话里可能隐藏的阴谋诡计。


” 有一天,小乌鸦衔着一片肉,停在一棵树上,心里想:“要是我碰上狐狸,保准不会上当。

” 巧得很,这时一只小狐狸走了过来,看见了小乌鸦,随即嘻皮笑脸地走到树跟前,甜言蜜语,又耍起当年老狐狸那套哄老乌鸦唱歌的把戏。


小狐狸有些沮丧,但它转了转眼珠子,马上换了一副嘴脸,破口大骂起来:“该死的小乌鸦,你听着,世界上再也没有比你们家族更坏的东西了,你们是灾祸的传播者,谁碰上你们,谁就要倒霉,谁听到你们的叫声,谁就会遭殃……” 听到小狐狸这样放肆地诽谤咒骂乌鸦家族,小乌鸦顿时火冒三丈,“呱”的一开口,刚要呵斥小狐狸:“闭上你的臭嘴!你们狐狸才是世界上最可恶的家伙哩!”可是,就在这一刹那,肉块一下子从口中滑落到了地上,小狐狸像老狐狸一样,立即掉在地上的肉片依靠吞了下去。

小狐狸舔了舔嘴巴,对着树上无限懊悔的小乌鸦,抹了抹嘴巴,挤了挤眼睛,洋洋得意地说:“谢谢你,朋友!你的警惕性是够高了,可是,这一回你又该吸取一个什么教训呢?” 续写《狐狸和乌鸦》的故事 乌鸦自从上次被狐狸骗了以后,心里耿耿于怀,总想报仇雪恨,恢复乌鸦家族名誉。









您的嗓子真好,比 *** 歌声还要动听,您就唱几句吧!”小乌鸦拍拍翅膀,张开嘴,唱起来。



那块肉咽也咽不下去,吐也吐不出来 。

小乌鸦站在树上,对小狐狸说:“这就是你们狐狸家族骗人的下场!”小乌鸦:“哇哇哇”地唱着歌,飞到妈妈——老乌鸦的坟前,说:“妈妈,我终于为乌鸦家族报仇雪恨了,您安息吧!” 小狐狸嘴里流着血,痛苦不已地来到老狐狸的坟前,默默地对爸爸说:“爸爸,我要死了,现在我才明白,害人害已,害人之心不可有哇!” The fox and the crow There are good big very big tree in the forest, the tree lived a raven. Under the tree there is a hole, the hole lived a fox. One day, the crow flies away a piece of meat, standing on a tree to rest, the fox saw it. The fox'
s mouth water, really want to get that piece of meat from the crow mouth. Due to the crow on the branch meat in mouth, the fox can'
t under the tree. Eager for meat and made the fox would not give up easily. It had a turn to say: "
dear crow, how are you?"
The crow did not answer. The fox had to pensate with *** ile and said: "
my dear crow, your child good?"
The crow saw the fox one eye, still no answer. Fox shake tail, and a third time talked: "
dear crow, your beautiful feathers, sparrows pared with you, will. That'
s very kind of your throat, who loves to hear you sing, you sing a few words?"
Said the crow was so satisfied: my throat good, to hear me sing but only you, fox, sang happily. Just one mouth, the meat just fell out of his mouth. Master fox meat have to drill into the hole, leaving only a crow "
there. Little fox and the crow That only to be taken in by the old fox away old crow, meat is very hard to spoke to the young ravens own cheated cheated after, to the young ravens forever remember the crow family disgrace, against the may hide in a grain of intrigue. Young ravens nodded and said, "
One day, the little crow with a piece of meat, parked in a tree and thought to myself: "
if I hit the fox, you don'
t fall for it."
Very opportunely, then a fox came along and saw the young ravens, then walked over to the tree, playful raillery in sweet words, and now the old fox that old crow singing trick. But the young ravens in the teaching of the ancestors to ignore it. Fox some depressed, but it turned to turn eyeball, immediately in a public face, swearing: "
damn little crow, you listen, the world no more bad things than your family, you are evil, who speak to you, who will be out of luck, who hear you cry, who will suffer..."
Hear little fox so impudently cursing the crow family, young ravens immediately the fire emit three zhangs, "
open, just wanted to reprimand angrily to fox: "
shut your mouth! You fox is one of the world'
s most hateful guy!"
But, in that instant, meat suddenly fell from the mouth to the ground, *** all, like the old fox, fox immediately fell to the ground meat rely on swallowed down. Fox licked mouth, infinite regret little crow on the trees and wiped to wipe your mouth, crowded a crowded eye, triumphant said: "
thank you, my friend! Your vigilance is high enough, but this time you what to learn a lesson again?"
Written the story of the fox and the crow"
Crow since the last time was the fox cheated, heart to heart, always want to avenge, restore the crow family reputation. So they constantly to the young ravens in class, let them remember the cunning fox, can'
t fall for it. Over the years, the old crows and old fox died. Young ravens and fox are grown up, they still are neighbors. The crow looking for opportunities to teach *** all fox. One day, the young ravens to e up with a trick, she also took a piece of meat, stand in front of the nest and the fox. Little fox also hungry, out of the cave, and saw the little crow with a piece of meat in its mouth, thought: I also like my father, the little fox meat lying down. So he raised his head and said: "
my friend, the little crow, hello!"
Little crow heart exulting, know little fox cheated, deliberately ignored it. Fox said: "
you look more beautiful than your mother! Has glossy black feathers, the magpies pared with you, that would be much worse. Your voice is really good, beautiful than your mother'
s song, you sing a few words!"
Small crow wings, open your mouth and sing. The piece of meat fell into the fox'
s mouth as the song. Fox is satisfied, suddenly feel what throat is hurt, called don'
t make any noise. The meat pharyngeal swallow not bottom go to, also vomit also can'
t spit it out. Small crow standing on a tree, said to the fox, "
this is you lying off the fox family!"
Little crow, "
singing, fly to the front of the mother - old crow'
s grave, said: "
mom, I finally to avenge the crow family, you rest in peace!"
s mouth bleeding, painful to the old fox'
s grave, quietly said to the father: "
dad, I to die, now I understood that has hurt, harm a person'
s heart is to bee a wow!"
『陆』 狐狸和乌鸦的故事英文 One day, the crow got a piece of meat and was seen by the fox. The fox was eager to get the meat from the crow'
s mouth。

Because the crow was holding meat in its mouth on the branch, the fox could not get it under the tree。




He turned his eyes. "
How are you, dear crow?"
No answer. "
Dear crow, how is your child?"
The crow looked at the fox, but did not answer。



The fox wagged his tail. "
Your feathers are beautiful. They are more beautiful than other birds. They have a good voice. Can you sing me a song?"
The crow was very proud of it and began to sing. But as soon as he opened his mouth, the meat fell off and the fox ran away with it。



(6)狐狸与乌鸦英文故事扩展阅读: 《狐狸和乌鸦》这则寓言故事的寓意是:遇到别人无事献殷勤的时候,要保持清醒,不要盲目的去相信别人,不然吃亏的是自己。







『柒』 翻译《狐狸与乌鸦》的故事 一天,狐狸走在路上,看见了乌鸦站在树上,叼着一块肉,于是它想:我要把它得到!然回后他对乌答鸦说:“你的歌声是最美的!你可以为我唱一支歌吗?”乌鸦听了,就张开嘴巴唱了起来,肉就落到了狐狸的嘴里了 One day, the fox went on the road, saw a crow standing on a tree, with another piece of meat, so it would: I would like to get it! Then he said to the crow: "
your voice is the most beautiful! Can you sing a song for me?"
The crow heard very happy, he opened his mouth to sing, the meat fell on the fox'
s mouth 『捌』 狐狸和乌鸦的故事用英语怎么写 One day.A crow picked up a piece of meat.The fox saw want to eat.Idea wanted a fox.On the Crow said:"
Miss Crow.I heard people say that after listening to you singing the best,and you sing it to me!"
Openings crow,meat away from the crow'
s mouth to the ground.The fox rushed the title to that piece of meat to the hole went. 有一天,乌鸦捡到了抄一块肉,狐狸看见了,流着口水想吃.狐狸就想了一个鬼主意,就对乌鸦说:“乌鸦小姐,我听人家说你唱的歌最好听了,求您给我唱一首吧!”乌鸦刚开口,肉就从乌鸦嘴里掉到地上,狐狸急忙把那一块肉衔到洞里去了. 『玖』 乌鸦和狐狸的故事英文以ony day开头的 One day a crow finds a piece of1 meat. She picks it up2 in her mouth and flies to a big tree. When she is just going to eat the meat, a fox sees her. The fox es to the tree and stands under the tree. He looks at3 the meat and wants to eat it very much. 有一天,一只乌鸦发现了一块肉。




He says to the crow, “How pretty you are! You are the prettiest bird in the world. All the animals like you. ” The crow is very pleased by these words. Then the fox speaks again, “I can see your beautiful face, but I can’t hear4 your beautiful voice. Can you sing a song for me? ” 他对着乌鸦说:“你多漂亮呀!你是世界上最漂亮的鸟。



狐狸又说:“我能看见你漂亮的脸蛋,却听不见你美丽的歌喉,你能给我唱首歌吗?” This makes the crow very happy. She opens her mouth and sings a song. When she opens her mouth, she drops the meat. The fox picks up the meat and goes away. 这番话使乌鸦非常高兴。




『拾』 怎样用英语讲述乌鸦和狐狸的故事 One day, a crow flew up a tree with a piece of meat.一只乌鸦叼着一块肉飞到树上, A fx came by and saw the piece of meat, he wanted to eat it. So he came up with an idea.一只狐狸看到了想吃那块肉,就想了一个回办法。

He told the crow '
Could you sing a song for me?'
它对乌鸦说:Could you sing a song for me? So the crow bagan to sing.于是答,乌鸦就唱歌了。

Because the crow sang, the piece of meat fell from its mouth,因为他唱歌了,那块肉从乌鸦的嘴里掉了出来, The fox got hold of the meat and ran away狐狸就抢到那块肉,逃走了。

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