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关于暑假的英语作文(5句话加中文翻译 )


Summer vacation, and finally able to sleep comfortably a big lazy.放暑假了,终于能舒舒服服地睡了个大大的懒觉。

Originally, I thought that before 7:30 this summer vacation, I would meet the Duke of Zhou, but the weather didn'
t work out, so I had to make up lessons in the summer vacation.原本想这个暑假七点半之前都是我与周公相会的时候,可是天不遂人愿,偏偏暑假还得补课。

Nowadays, we are all advocating burden reduction, but the burden on students has not been reduced, on the contrary, it has increased a lot.现在都在提倡减负,但现在学生的负担倒是没减轻,反而增加了不少。

Not only do you spend about ten hours in school every day, but you still have to hold books in summer vacation.不仅在上学时每天花十小时左右在学校,暑假依然要捧着书本。

When will it be my turn to decide my summer vacation?我的暑假什么时候轮到我做主了呢?However, yesterday'
s course is over. I am free from today until September 1.但是,昨天课程已经全部结束了,从今天开始直到九月一日报名,我都是自由的了。

Fortunately, I only made up for one month, otherwise I'
m afraid I can'
t make it.幸亏只补了一个月,不然恐怕我是撑不下去了。

No wonder I am so happy now. It turns out that this is the happiness of hard work and the fear of the course.难怪我现在这么高兴,原来这就是苦尽甘来的幸福,以及对课程的后怕。


【 #英语资源# 导语】快乐的时光总是过的很快,两个月的暑假就在学习,游戏,旅游中过去了。

无 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。

1.关于暑假的英语作文   During the summer vacation, I went back to my hometown to help my grandmother work. I also did a very interesting thing there. Do you know what it is? It'
s digging sweet potatoes.   "
Lala, Lala, I'
m an expert in selling newspapers..."
I hum a tune, carry a hoe and grandma happily go up the mountain to dig sweet potatoes.   When I arrived in the field, I saw sweet potato seedlings shaking and dragging their young bodies dancing in the wind. It was very cute! I can'
t wait to pick up a hoe and dig up sweet potatoes.   But sweet potato is very disobedient. No matter how I dig, it will either break or crack. I clapped my hands and stamped my feet in anger. At this time, grandma'
s gentle voice came from a distance: "
Dear grandson, you should take the sweet potato seedlings as the center, start harder, and be stronger."
  After listening to grandma'
s advice, my confidence came back. I picked up the hoe again, got full of gas, and was ready to "
with sweet potatoes again. I picked up the hoe and made a detailed gesture to the sweet potato seedlings before I plunged the hoe. The result of this time is the same as that of the last time. The hoe stabbed the sweet potato hard, and there was a deep crack.   I saw the sweet potato raising his head and sticking out his belly as if he were saying, "
little boy, will you dig me? Let your grandmother dig me."
  The more I look, the more sad I feel. Suddenly, I sat on the ground and cried, "
grandma... Grandma... Sweet potato bullied me!!! You don'
t care!"
Good grandson, sweet potato didn'
t bully you. It'
s your wrong way."
As soon as the words fell, grandma picked up the hoe and showed it to me again, so that I could understand the "
of digging sweet potatoes   third time. I learned from the experience of the previous two times and "
went to war"
with sweet potato again!   I picked up a hoe and carefully pushed away the soil on the sweet potato;
Then the position of sweet potato was compared in general;
Finally, dig out the sweet potato with a hoe and clean the soil!!   I hold the sweet potato that I dug out first, jumping and jumping with joy, and refuse to put it down for a long time!   Later, I dug many sweet potatoes, and more and more! Dig faster!! The more you dig, the more energetic you are!   The sun sank inch by inch into the mountains. Grandma and I are walking on the way home. I am always happy because we returned home with a full load today! 2.关于暑假的英语作文   From the X, we have our summer vacation. It'
s summer vacation, but what are we going to do? I don'
t want to go through the past like I did when I was a child. I want to do something different. But I don'
t know where to start and where to end. Maybe it doesn'
t start or end. Life is the same. This is the time in summer vacation. If you cherish her, he will cherish you. On the contrary, if you do not cherish her, he will not treat you kindly. The so-called: no pain, no gain. Time is life. The time in summer vacation cannot be wasted. Life is like summer vacation. In the eyes of children, it is simple and rich in business, and the society is full of truth, goodness and beauty, while in the eyes of adults with rich life experience.   In life, there are not only truth, goodness and beauty, but also falsehood, evil and ugliness, with ups and downs. Why do adults and children have very different ideas? I think there is no hypocrisy or ugliness in the eyes of children because they are still young. There is no positive contact with society, and adults, for the sake of family and life. I have to go outside to be busy and have a wide range of contacts, so I have experienced countless. This is the difference. In the vast world, everything has two sides. Although adults have rich experience, they see things more comprehensively. And children will not always be children, but will eventually grow up. I remember a teacher told me that life is a training ground and a stage for sharpening people. On this stage, everyone will encounter different things in the world. We can only summon up courage and set sail.   This summer vacation, I want to be pro social, kiss nature, understand life, and be a person who cherishes time! 3.关于暑假的英语作文   I hope and hope, finally came the happy and long summer vacation, and finally I can run off my homework and play happily.   In the morning, there is no mother'
s urging sound or annoying alarm bell in my ears, so I can sleep comfortably. I woke up from my dream at more than 9:00 in the morning. It'
s really a happy morning!   On the first day of summer vacation, I came to my room and began to do my homework seriously. I thought as long as I finished my homework "
bitter before sweet"
, I could really play carefree. So I wrote my homework meticulously every day, "
for a month, and finally swept my homework forward.   In the afternoon, my friends and I came to the swimming pool to have a water fight and compare our swimming skills together. We will keep drawing water from each other, but no one is angry. We had a very full afternoon!   Once, Grandpa and I went fishing together. Grandpa fiddled with the fishing rod, put the line in place and waited quietly. I couldn'
t bear to be idle, and also picked up a fishing rod and fiddled with it a few times. I didn'
t expect that this fishing seemed easy to do, but it was difficult to do: the hook either hung on the grass or fiddled too hard. Once, I almost threw myself out. Ah! Fishing is really difficult. Let'
s look at Grandpa'
s harvest. Ah! Grandpa had many small fish in his bucket. I watched grandpa fishing and wanted to learn more. I saw grandpa holding a fishing rod in one hand and a line in the other hand. It was good to throw it out not far or near, and hit the edge of the Xiuhe river. After a while, a fish was hooked. I also caught the first pot of gold like my grandfather. In the evening, I returned with a full load.   This is one of my happy summer vacation life. This summer vacation is full of happiness. 4.关于暑假的英语作文   Summer vacation is coming. I spend most of my summer vacation doing homework every day. I can only play in the afternoon. Although not as free as before, although a little tired, but enriched their own life, learned a lot of knowledge.   Today is a Saturday in the summer vacation. I did my homework for a while and felt a little tired. So I found children of the same age to play with me. Finally, we decided to go fishing by the river. First, we caught earthworms, then brought fishhooks, and ran to the river happily. We put the hook in the water. One minute passed, five minutes passed, ten minutes passed   After a long time, we didn'
t see a fish hooked. We began to be a little discouraged, so we took out our snacks and ate them. We put the fish hook aside and ate. Suddenly, a kitten passed by me. I seemed to realize something -- I thought of the story of kitten fishing. Then he called on the little friends to continue fishing. Finally, the time paid off. After less than 20 minutes, a fish finally got hooked. Then, other little friends also caught fish. After more than an hour, our bucket was full. Looking at the fruits of their labor, the partners seemed to forget the hard work of fishing and laughed happily 5.关于暑假的英语作文   In the summer vacation, I did many things, and the most interesting thing was that I went fishing with my father.   One day in the summer vacation, my father and I finished breakfast and went fishing by the Ganjiang River.   I took out the bait I bought in advance, put it on the hook, and then threw the hook into the water. Just a minute or two after fishing, I saw the buoy sinking. There must be a fish on the hook. I quickly lifted the fishing rod and saw a small fish on the hook. I quickly grabbed the fishing line and took the hook out of the fish'
s mouth   Still into the bucket with water, put the bait on the hook, throw it into the water and wait for the fish to bite quietly.   However, after more than ten minutes, there was still no fish on the hook. I couldn'
t sit still and wanted to lift the hook. This is, dad said, "
be patient when fishing, otherwise you can'
t catch fish."
I listened to my father and continued to wait patiently. But after more than ten minutes, there was still no fish on the hook. So my father asked me to go fishing in another place, but I still didn'
t catch any fish. What happened? I picked up the line and saw that the bait had been eaten by those cunning fish, so I had to install the bait again. Soon, a fish was hooked. I asked my father, "
why does the earthworm just put down attract fish?"
Dad replied, "
the earthworm just put down has a smell. The fish will know there is food here when they smell this smell, and they will swim over..."
just talking about this, a fish was hooked. Unconsciously, it'
s more than eleven o'
clock. It'
s time to go home for dinner. I saw a dozen fish in the bucket and was very happy! At noon, I was happy eating the fish I caught. 6.关于暑假的英语作文   On a Sunday in the summer vacation, the weather was particularly muggy, so I had to hide in the air-conditioned room and watch TV with my father and mother. Dad suddenly said to my mother and me, "
s go swimming."
As soon as I heard that I was going to swim, I jumped up happily. We took swimsuits and swimming circles and set out for Longhu in the eastern suburbs.   As soon as we arrived at Longhu Lake, we saw a lot of people coming to swim. New comers are changing clothes. People in the pond wear all kinds of swimming rings, just like flowers in full bloom. Looking at the clear water of the pool, we hurriedly changed into swimsuits upstream, put on swimming rings, put on water sleeves, and couldn'
t wait to get underground.   The cool pool water gradually overflowed my chest. I felt that the sun was not so hot, and the sweat on my head suddenly didn'
t know where to go. I just felt comfortable and cool.   My father began to teach me swimming. My father taught me carefully, and I studied carefully. In a short time, I learned to swim. Then, we began to have a water battle, and the multicolored and glittering water flowers glittered in the sun, just like our happy mood flying. Once when I was pulling water, the water sleeve left me, and I suddenly sank. My father attacked me at this time. After I was attacked, my father laughed. I attacked him again. When he wiped the water off his face, I saw that I was gone, but he was looking carefully. I competed with my mother to swim again, and I soon lost my mother.   It was getting dark. We went home reluctantly. I had a good time that day. 7.关于暑假的英语作文   Time flies. The summer vacation will be over in the blink of an eye. I feel that this summer vacation is full and sad. Do you know why?   What I feel enriched is that I went to many places to play in the summer vacation, such as Shanghai'
s Sunday town and thebund, Suzhou paradise in Suzhou, etc. in those places, I can have a happy time there, and I can do some homework in the evening, so I can play and write again.   The sad thing is that I went to too many places and played too much during the summer vacation. In this way, the time to do my homework will be greatly reduced, resulting in making up the homework I didn'
t do when I came back. It'
s very hard.   My harvest in the summer vacation is two sentences: first bitter, then sweet, and finally happy, happy! First sweet, then bitter, and finally tragic, painful! These two words tell me: those who are willing to bear hardships first, finally infinite happiness, those who love sweets first, and finally infinite pain and sadness. I feel that my performance in the whole second grade summer vacation is average, because I didn'
t arrange my time to play and do my homework, resulting in less time to do my homework and hurry to do my homework. This is my lesson in the summer vacation.   I feel my mistake this summer vacation is:   1. Poor schedule.   2. Poor control ability.   My advantage this summer is to be polite. I promise I will correct my mistakes and continue to maintain my advantages in the future. 8.关于暑假的英语作文   We started our summer vacation again. This summer vacation is as usual, very sultry, and my parents don'
t have time to take me out to play, but I still arrange this summer vacation very fully. I enrolled in the interest class in XX art school and learned a lot of knowledge. In the twinkling of an eye, the interest class is about to end, and I have already taken the exam.   Today is the last class in XX art school. The sun was so hot that I sweated a lot. I ran to XX art school. I was excited and nervous. I didn'
t know the result of the exam. Finally, when the teacher announced the results, I felt as if I had a little rabbit in my heart. I kept jumping, and my hands were full of sweat. Listening to the teacher quote the names of the children, my heart became more and more nervous. At this time, the teacher said that I got full marks in the exam, and I was so happy that I almost jumped up. Next is Chinese class. In Chinese class, I heard another good news. I got 99 points in the exam. Although I didn'
t get a full score, this is also the grade of the whole class! This is really a double blessing. 9.关于暑假的英语作文   During the summer vacation in the hot summer, my family and aunt decided to visit XX'
s cousin'
s house. Speaking of my cousin'
s house, I haven'
t been there for some time. I thought to myself, "
t been there for a long time. Don'
t you know if it has changed?"
This time I'
m going to my cousin'
s house, which I haven'
t seen for a long time. I'
m so happy that I feel like I'
m in the cloud! So under the leadership of my father, we are excited and looking forward to step by step towards the home of cousin XX'
s house, which we haven'
t seen for a long time.   In the countryside far away from the city, there are orchards full of fruit trees. I remember that our group of children used to play games while picking fruit under fruit trees. We have also caught various insects to play with, so the insects in the orchard seem to be the object of our exploration and our good friends. Especially when you are hungry, you can pick a pile of fruits and eat them! So the orchard, which was originally silent, was suddenly filled with the laughter and noise of our children. It was really very happy!   It seems that we come here every year - XX'
s cousin'
s home. Because the journey is very long, it often takes a long time to get here, so we can only have the opportunity to go during the summer vacation. On the one hand, the fruit is ripe, on the other hand, everyone will be free to come here, so I'
m looking forward to coming to Pingtung. I hope that when I come next time, I can be as happy and full as this year. Although it is a scene I haven'
t seen for a long time, it still seems to return to the laughter and happiness of childhood. 10.关于暑假的英语作文   In my life, countless things have happened, including happy, sad and regretful. One of them is still fresh in my memory.   It was a sunny Saturday morning. My best friend Liu Bin and I went to their home to play computers and games. Unconsciously, we played until more than four o'
clock. Suddenly, I remembered that my homework had not been done, so I hurried home. I just got home and saw my father watching: animal world. This is my favorite cartoon. I can'
t help watching TV on the sofa. As soon as I saw it, I saw my mother coming home from work. It was not until my mother asked me to take out my homework for inspection that I remembered that my homework had not been finished. In the past, my mother just talked about me when I didn'
t finish my homework, but this time, my mother was so angry that she picked up the stick at home and hit me hard. She only felt pain all over and her eyes flashed stars. I kept telling my mother to forgive me. My mother didn'
t seem to hear it until she was tired. I was so scared that I realized the seriousness of the problem. I felt pain all over my body when I went to bed at night. Through this thing, I finally understand a truth: we must finish what we should do before we can play.   The most unforgettable thing in the summer vacation was that countless things happened in my life, including happy, sad and regretful. One of them is still fresh in my memory. 。


【 #英语资源# 导语】暑假的趣事就像一幅幅画一样,让我翻开一幅画来分享吧! 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。

1.有关暑假趣事的英语作文   Every summer vacation, I go to grandma'
s house for a few days. In the past, I used to go to play with myself after eating. Today, I came to grandma'
s house again. Grandma cooked me a lot of delicious food and I had a good time.   After dinner, I would like to put down my chopsticks and watch TV as usual. But after a few steps, I stopped and went to the table. I stopped at the table and put the leftovers on the table into the garbage can. Then when I went to pick up the dishes, grandma came out of the kitchen. Grandma looked at me with a smile and said: our Tongtong has grown up. I laughed with embarrassment.   After the table is cleared, the next task is more difficult. I have to wash all the dishes and chopsticks and put them in order before I start to wash the dishes.   I first put the bowl under the water to wash, and scrub it with a dishcloth. Wash the inside of the bowl first, then wash the outside. After a lot of effort, the bowl was finally washed. I put them in the cupboard again. Well, after washing the dishes, I began to wash chopsticks again. Chopsticks are easier to wash. First flush with water and then wipe with cloth. It'
s finished.   The most difficult task is to wash the dishes. I washed the dishes one by one, and then put them into the pool. Then I squeezed the detergent onto the dishcloth and began to wash the dishes.   "
Left brush, right brush, front brush, back brush, brush, refuel brush..."
I sang my own "
the march of washing dishes"
while vigorously brushing the dishes. After nearly 15 minutes, I finally cleaned up the seven small and large plates with the garbage tray. He washed it with water and put it on it. He was exhausted. Finally, he was finished.   Although I am very tired, I still feel very happy and proud to see my "
labor achievements"
. I can work for my grandmother! 2.有关暑假趣事的英语作文   One sunny afternoon in the summer vacation, my sister said that she would take me to make cookies. At first, I thought how my sister, who had always been clumsy, could make cookies, and she would take me to make cookies. With infinite curiosity, I followed my sister to make cookies.   Today, my sister is very mysterious. She also took me to a mysterious place. Then I saw a very kind-looking aunt, but I had never seen this aunt before. I felt a bit of fear in my heart because I was afraid that this aunt was a bad person. Soon the aunt brought us to a table of rich cakes. My sister ate big mouthfuls, but I dared not start. Later, they seemed to see my thoughts and explained to me that this aunt was a friend of my aunt. Later, I quickly began to eat cookies.   Within half an hour, we had eaten up several plates. Time flies. I'
m about to start making cookies before I'
m full. I heard it. I hurriedly drank a mouthful of water and left my favorite pastry. But I still go to make cookies first, so that I can see how the cookies are made.   After a while, one of the masters suddenly arrived. He was master Mei Mubing. He told us a lot about biscuits, and it took us a long time to start. I can'
t help it, but it'
s much better now.   My sister and I are all clumsy and can'
t do it. We had to ask those skilled masters for advice. As a result, the speed was much faster and more and more work was done.   This biscuit class is over. I learned how to make biscuits and the happiness of labor. 3.有关暑假趣事的英语作文   The summer vacation has come, which means that I have lived a leisurely life with nothing to worry about except summer homework. But I am not satisfied with this life. I always try my best to find something to do for myself in order to enrich my summer life. So I tried to do a lot of things, but they all ended in failure. But I still don'
t stop here. I remember the teacher said that a person'
s life is to grow up and get promoted through constant attempts.   One summer day at noon, the hot sun made people extremely hot! After dinner, I saw my mother washing the dishes and said to my mother, "
Mom, you'
ve been busy all day. Let me help you wash the dishes!"
Mother agreed happily.   First of all, I rolled up my sleeves high and blocked the drain with a plug. Then I put all the tableware into the sink, put some hot water in it, poured some water to clean it, and I put my hands down with a song. Suddenly he bounced back. Hi! It'
s my carelessness that I forgot to add cold water. I turned on the tap and added cold water. It'
s really slippery to wash. The flax is stuck on the bowl and seems to be coated with a layer of lubricating oil. Accidentally, a bowl slips out of my hand. Before I could understand what was going on, it went into the water with a thud and splashed all over my face. I had to take them out of the water and put them on the cupboard to wash them slowly one by one. It was not easy to wash the bowls. I grabbed a handful of chopsticks and rubbed them vigorously in my palm. "
Cha Cha, cha cha..."
how nice the sound is! Suddenly, they fell out of my hand and lay on the ground like a game stick. I had to pick them up and wash them again. Finally, I washed all the spoons.   Through washing dishes, I deeply realized the hard work and tiredness of my mother who has to do so many jobs every day, and also realized the pleasure of washing dishes. 4.有关暑假趣事的英语作文   This summer holiday, my father and I went back to our hometown. I experienced an interesting thing in my hometown.   As soon as I got home, I couldn'
t wait to go to my mother'
s house to find my second brother. At noon, my second brother and I had dinner together. After dinner, my second brother said, "
s go to catch cicadas tonight!"
I was very happy to hear that. In the afternoon, I was so excited that I couldn'
t sleep. I was waiting for dark!   We had some food early. As soon as it was dark, my second brother and I rushed out of our house and went straight to our destination. The second brother first told me some secrets of finding cicadas, and I listened carefully. When we got there, we split up. At the beginning, I followed the method taught by my second brother. I first looked on the ground. I held a flashlight in my hand, shining it on the ground, and at the same time, I scratched at the place where the soil was loose. In this way, I searched for a long time, but I did not receive any goods. I was a little angry. At this time, the second brother not far away shouted. He found a cicada. I hurried to see that this was a guy who had just come out of the mud, and there was some dirt on him. He was staring at us with big eyes. I'
m a little afraid. I don'
t dare to touch it. Its four legs are crawling in the hands of the second brother. It seems to be trying to escape? At this time, I heard some children call us and say, "
there are many cicadas in the trees here."
I hurried to the tree and took a photo with my flashlight. There were several good guys, but I didn'
t dare catch them. I could only watch them climb up step by step. I was very worried. What a heart without courage! At this time, many children said, don'
t be afraid, it doesn'
t bite. I tried several times in a row, and finally I got up my courage. I touched the tree with my hands shaking, and one of the cicadas got it. I was really afraid and excited. This was my first time to catch cicadas. I finally overcame my fear. We had a good night. 5.有关暑假趣事的英语作文   The summer vacation is coming. The weather is hot and the earth is scorched by the sun. We can only hide at home to avoid the summer. Today is a "
cloudy day. Of course, those of us who are "
at home will not miss such a good weather! I made an appointment with Yang Sheng and other students to take my parents to the field.   When all the "
of our group arrived, we entered the tense and exciting competition.   The game began. The captain of our blue team led us to our seats on the first floor. We all found our seats. As soon as I was relieved, I heard someone shouting, "
my life is gone!"
Another called, "
m dead, too."
My heart had to hang up again. I looked around carefully, always trying to "
the enemy and make great contributions to our team. But I was surprised to find that they had quietly occupied our second floor under the cover of several people. We wanted to take back our territory, but we couldn'
t. After a two minute duel, we finally lost the battle. All the members of our team were depressed, as if it was the end of the world.   The second scene has begun with intense efforts. This time, we learned a lesson and transferred half of our military strength to the second floor. I was assigned to the first floor. We attacked the enemy with all our strength. It'
s true that our Kung Fu is worthy of our hearts. Our team beat the red team with only six men left. However, at this crucial moment in deciding the victory or defeat, our team lost three people inexplicably. Once again, it turned out that it was the members of our own team behind them who were "
doing strange things"
. The Dragon King'
s temple is really flooded -- people in their own family do not recognize their own family. After a while, there were only two people left in their team. I used my own way to repay myself. I quickly occupied their territory and killed them in a second row to win for our team. All of their teams bowed their heads and were particularly discouraged, while our team cheered and cheered.   I sat on the chair and looked at the happy background of my classmates. I felt like I was in a happy world 6.有关暑假趣事的英语作文   Summer vacation seems to be a singer, singing many songs, fishing is one of them.   On the morning of August 2, my mother took me fishing. The sun father-in-law fired his "
bow and arrow"
and warmed the earth. My mother and I were sweating like rain. When we arrived at a small fish pond, the uncle guarding the fish pond saw us and said with a smile: "
yo! Children, come to learn fishing with your mother? You must be patient!"
I said, "
yes, uncle."
  My mother and I each took a small bench and sat under the willow tree near the fish pond. Following my mother'
s example, I took a little bait and stuck it to the hook. Then I threw the fishing rod and the hook into the pond. After a while, I suddenly saw the buoy move. I was very excited. I immediately drew in the line, but the bait didn'
t move at all. I said, "
Damn it, the little fish is so damn that he ran away. I'
m not easy to mess with."
Mother said, "
t be excited! Xiaoyu was just trying to find out if there was anyone on the line. If there is a lot of noise, you must close the line immediately and don'
t hesitate."
Just then, mother'
s buoy moved. She whispered, "
look at me!"
I said, "
Oh, I see."
When mother saw the noise, she immediately pulled the fishing rod and caught a small fish! I said, "
Wow! Mom is great!"
Mom smiled and said, "
s a piece of cake. Try it!"
I tossed the fishing rod. After a few minutes, the buoy moved. After a while, there was a lot of noise. I hesitated for about one or two seconds. In the end, there was no sign, and the hook was empty. Mother said, "
t give up!"
I threw the hook into the water again. This time, there was a lot of noise. I immediately caught a big fish. I jumped up happily and my mother said, "
yes! Congratulations! I caught a big fish the first time."
  From this incident, I understand a truth: in doing anything, you must have patience and perseverance, otherwise it is difficult to succeed. 7.有关暑假趣事的英语作文   The interesting summer vacation slipped away from my eyes in the blink of an eye. Those interesting summer holidays were like the colorful shells on the beach, which made me unforgettable. Although the interesting summer vacation has passed, it seems that the interesting things happened in the summer vacation are still in front of us. I remember everything that happened in grandma'
s house was so unforgettable.   That day, we pestered our uncle and mother to take us to the beach for swimming. Our hungry uncle and mother, who had been so fond of us, agreed.   My uncle took us to the beach that we have long yearned for. When we come to the beach, the shells attract us most. The colorful shells have different shapes and are beautiful. After a while, we picked up a large basket of shells and prepared to make a necklace for our mother. After picking up the shells, we had the embrace of the sea. When we were tired of swimming, we went to the beach to play with the sand. Some of the young friends piled up sand castles, and some picked up shells... While we played sand bathing. We dug two big pits to bury my uncle and my mother, and looked at the way my mother and my uncle enjoyed themselves.   I also want to try the feeling in the arms of my mother on the beach. So my friends buried me. I have only one head left to bury. Like my mother, I also enjoy myself in the arms of my mother on the beach.   "
I heard a mixed cry. It turned out that a big brother was bitten by a lovely little crab.   "
a burst of laughter came from the beach.   "
Ha ha ha..."
who is laughing? It turns out that they are little friends on the beach. Their hungry laughter is so sweet that it still rings in my ears. 8.有关暑假趣事的英语作文   In this long summer holiday, some people play games at home, some visit the mountains and waters nearby, and some travel everywhere. But I went to an unexpected place - the chicken farm. A lot of interesting stories have happened here. 9.有关暑假趣事的英语作文   Although the happy summer vacation has passed, I still miss some interesting days. Now let me tell my interesting summer vacation stories one by one!   During the summer vacation, I participated in the summer camp for small hosts, where many teachers taught us a lot of knowledge about small hosts. Most of the teachers who taught us were people we saw on TV, such as teacher Liu Yan and uncle Jianwei. And the torch bearer of Zhongshan: Uncle Li Shengxi!   Among so many courses, what impresses me most is the hosting class given to us by Uncle Jianwei. In the class, he read several poems and let us speak Mandarin well. The most interesting thing is that he taught us to do "
mouth exercises"
. Unexpectedly, our mouths can move and our mouth muscles can make us speak louder.   During the summer vacation, I also learned how to skate. In the past, I saw how fast other people could skate, which made me eager to try. So I put on my skates and slowly stood up. My body was slightly forward, my hands were on my knees, and I carefully moved my feet forward. Unexpectedly, my step was too big and I couldn'
t get back. I fell and fell. Later, I found that when I walked on the grass, the wheels didn'
t slide, I will learn faster. Sure enough, walking on the grass is like walking normally. I also quickly learned to slide the pulley. When I slide, others will always cast envious eyes at me!   In the summer vacation, the world-famous Olympic Games opened! Of course we can'
t be wrong. I like watching gymnastics and diving. Guo Jingjing, known as the "
Diving Queen"
, and Wu Minxia formed a "
gold combination"
. On the women'
s springboard, they played a superhuman level and won the gold medal! In the women'
s team gymnastics, although Cheng Fei failed many times, the gold medal still hung on their necks!   In this summer holiday, I learned a lot and had a full summer holiday. I look forward to the coming of the next summer holiday! 10.有关暑假趣事的英语作文   The interesting summer vacation slipped away from my eyes in the blink of an eye. Those interesting summer holidays were like the colorful shells on the beach, which made me unforgettable. Although the interesting summer vacation has passed, it seems that the interesting things happened in the summer vacation are still in front of us. I remember everything that happened in grandma'
s house was so unforgettable. That day, we pestered our uncle and mother to take us to the beach for swimming. Our hungry uncle and mother, who had been so fond of us, agreed. My uncle took us to the beach that we have long yearned for. When we come to the beach, the most attractive thing is the shell. The colorful shells have different shapes and are beautiful. After a while, we picked up a large basket of shells and prepared to make a necklace for our mother. After picking up the shells, we had the embrace of the sea. When we were tired of swimming, we went to the beach to play with the sand. Some of the young friends piled up sand castles, and some picked up shells... While we played sand bathing.   We dug two big pits to bury my uncle and my mother, and looked at the way my mother and my uncle enjoyed themselves. I also want to try the feeling in the arms of my mother on the beach. So my friends buried me. I have only one head left to bury. Like my mother, I also enjoy myself in the arms of my mother on the beach. "
I heard a mixed cry. It turned out that a big brother was bitten by a lovely little crab. "
a burst of laughter came from the beach. "
Ha ha ha..."
who is laughing? It turns out that they are little friends on the beach. Their hungry laughter is so sweet that it still rings in my ears now 。


【 #英语资源# 导语】同学们在暑假中所做的事,已成了一张网中的记忆。


那么这些有趣的事情是什么呢?以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。

1.暑假趣事英语作文范文   During the summer vacation, I went to Xiaozao village in Jiading District to experience the farm. There is not only beautiful scenery, but also feeding small animals.   Entering the farm, the first thing I saw was rabbit slope, where there were trees, grass and, of course, many little rabbits. Entering the rabbit slope, it was not long before I found a snow-white rabbit with slender ears and Ruby eyes. It was really cute! I immediately took out carrots for it to eat, but it was unmoved. It sniffed casually and jumped away. When I looked around, everyone was feeding carrots. On second thought, it should be that they were tired of eating carrots! So I took out the cabbage and fed it. Sure enough, it immediately bounced back, sniffed with its nose, and tasted gracefully. After a while, the little rabbit was full, but I still wanted to feed it. It hurried to the mud and kicked its hind legs, making me covered with mud. I'
m so angry! What a cute and naughty little guy!   We went to the elf tribe again. The houses there were very small, because they were for the "
. Standing in the house, I'
m like a little giant, with my head almost on the roof. There is also a gravel path leading to the top of the slope, which is like a maze. I almost got lost in it, and it took me a lot of effort to come out.   I went to see the duckling again. They are in a row, walking in a zigzag way, quacking and grabbing food. It'
s really cute and funny! I also fed sheep, alpacas and pigs.   I also stepped on the waterwheel. As a result, the goddess of luck came and unexpectedly stepped on a small crucian carp. Everyone came to watch. I felt so happy, but I soon released it.   What an interesting day! 2.暑假趣事英语作文范文   Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally looking forward to the summer vacation. My mother decided to take me to the Expo, and I jumped three feet high with joy. Because this is my wish this year!   When I arrived at the Expo area, I was stunned by the scene in front of me: the magnificent Guangyun gate stood on the World Park Avenue like a spider'
s web on both sides of the road. I took my mother to the four treasures Museum in Qinling Mountains, which I had been looking forward to for a long time. But there are so many people that you have to wait for an hour to get in. Looking at the queue like a long dragon, I had to stand in line. As soon as we arrived, I rushed in, "
t worry, don'
t worry!"
An aunt looked at me with a smile and said, I smiled shyly, and then she took us into the four treasures Museum. The first stop is the giant panda Pavilion. Giant pandas turn their heads, stand upside down and roll like giant balls on the flat grass, as if they had been trained in a circus. Every time it finishes a move, it looks at the tourists, as if waiting for everyone'
s praise. The second stop is the antelope Pavilion, and the third stop is the Crested Ibis Pavilion. I'
m not interested in them, but I'
m very interested in the golden monkey. It jumps from one tree to another, and from tree to tree. It doesn'
t stop for a moment. Its action is agile and breathtaking, and I can see my heart go up and down for a while. It often grabs the branch with one hand, swings violently, and suddenly grabs another branch with the other hand. After watching the insect museum, I think animals are very clever and interesting. We should make good friends with them.   I found many interesting things during my visit to the Expo. The whole trip was very happy and made me closer to nature. 3.暑假趣事英语作文范文   During the summer vacation, my mother sent me to Hangzhou natatorium to learn swimming.   At first, I was afraid of swimming, not only because the coach was very fierce, with a straight face all day without a smile, I shivered when I saw his face, but also because the water in the swimming pool was very deep and cold, which frightened me. If I don'
t get into the water, the coach will throw me down, so I can'
t learn anything. But this coach laid a foundation for me.   Later, a coach changed. He is very gentle, always encouraging me, don'
t be afraid, don'
t be discouraged. He never threw me into the water, but also taught me many methods. With the original foundation, through my own efforts, I slowly learned to swim.   In the process of learning to swim, the coach often gives us games to swim faster and dive longer than anyone else. I remember a diving competition, I was afraid of drowning, so I secretly raised my head out of the water, took a breath, and then dived into the water. As a result, I won the first place, and the coach awarded me a beautiful rubber. But I can see from the smiling eyes of the coach that he already knows that I have "
small moves"
. That is because he encourages me and makes me not afraid of swimming, so he doesn'
t expose my trick. In the future swimming competitions, I never cheated again.   Swimming can not only exercise, but also make me feel a lot of fun, so I didn'
t like swimming at first and then fell in love with swimming. 4.暑假趣事英语作文范文   Summer vacation came, and my father and I had a fierce competition. Our common rule is: the defender stands outside the line next to the bookshelf, and the attacker stands next to the TV. The plane cannot be thrown too high. If it exceeds the bookshelf, one point will be given, and if it does not exceed the bookshelf, points will be deducted.   The game began, and I took a deep breath to preempt. My father bent his knees, and his gloved hands were ready to jump out of the plane. His eyes were fixed on the plane in my hand, as focused as a tiger ready to hunt at any time. I roared and jumped up, only to hear a "
, oh, the plane came in, and I threw the remaining nine times   After these throwing, I made a mess in my home and made all kinds of noise: sometimes the plane hit the chandelier, sometimes the glass, sometimes the headlights... Although it made my mother very angry, it still couldn'
t stop my father and me from competing.   Dad also flew ten times, and the score was the same as mine. We had to play overtime again. The last time I fly, this is the key one. It suddenly occurred to me that I could refit the tail wing of the plane. The original plane flew flat in the air, and after refitting, it was different from the previous one. After I stood on the line, I easily threw it out, and my father smiled with a winning ticket. Seeing that he was about to jump on the plane, the plane suddenly rose and flew over his head. Dad leaned back to catch the plane, but it was too late. Wow, I won! 5.暑假趣事英语作文范文   Summer vacation is coming. We have nothing to do. On this day, we did an interesting thing.   That afternoon, I was watching TV when my mother came to me and said, "
s play a game."
I shouted excitedly, "
I saw my mother holding a small string in one hand and an apple in the other. What is my mother doing! He went to the middle room, tied the rope to the head of the apple, and then put the rope on the wooden strip. He said to me, "
you can only bite with your mouth, not with your hands. Can you eat this apple?"
Just as Dad came, he knew the rules and said, "
t that easy?"
he stood up and prepared to bite. As soon as he bit his teeth, the apple ran away like a child. He looked in another direction, but he still didn'
t bite. Apple seemed to be learning kung fu, as if saying, "
I hide, I hide..."
Dad was angry and bit it all at once. Instead of biting it, he knocked his front teeth.   It'
s my turn. I looked at the direction first, and then bit it. I didn'
t bite the apple and moved for a while. I looked elsewhere and just dented a piece. I thought it was good to bite, so I bit it, but I didn'
t bite it. I thought: No, calm down and calm down first. Look at the opportunity before you start. I looked and found that the top piece of the apple was easy to bite. If you don'
t do it, do it as you say. I asked for it immediately. I bit it on it. My upper tooth tore down and an apple came down. This is a fragrance that has never been seen before, and immediately the heart is like the heart and spleen. Eating the flesh you chew off is sweeter than anything you used to eat.   This interesting story makes me know that I can'
t be impatient in everything. I have to think twice before I act. 6.暑假趣事英语作文范文   There are many interesting things in the long and colorful summer vacation. On the wide bay, there are two "
waiting for the hare"
who are waging a tug of war. They are me and a friend. That friend'
s surname is Li. Everyone calls him "
clay glue"
. As for what are they doing? The above idioms may help you find some clues   But success depends on luck. This is a beach in Shenzhen. My father, I and two other colleagues went to the window of the world for a family tour. I'
ll stop here for a while and wait until the boat arrives. This beach is quite lively. It'
s not easy for me and "
mud glue"
to find a suitable place.   This is my first fishing. Although I'
m inexperienced, I can'
t make a fool of myself, so I racked my brains to use a killer mace: use shells as bait, let fish and shrimp think they'
ve found a nest, and then fish quickly;
And tie a small bucket with a line on both sides of the fish pole, put bait in it, and wait for the fish to be careless for a while, catch turtles in a jar, and carry out "
three side attack"
.   The method of "
clay glue"
is different from mine. He uses the general method, but he seems very confident. Sure enough, he harvested a small fish at the beginning, which was better than nothing. I was patient. After a while, the bucket on the left obviously tilted. I thought proudly: compared with low-level animals, of course, high-level animals are better. I immediately mentioned that, wow, a bucket of small fish and shrimp, they were rash and accidentally "
them.   "
Mud glue"
is not willing to fall behind. His serious attitude seems to challenge me. Sure enough, he caught a big one. Always, the ordinary fishing method is prudent. I didn'
t care so much. As soon as I found "
greedy fish"
, I threw the fishing rod up hard. PA, the fish line was dragged behind in a parabola. When I looked back, it turned out to be a small eel. It stopped moving and was knocked unconscious. Finally, a fish fell in my "
shell trap"
. After a while, the barrel was heavy again, and there was a harvest.   The "
mud glue"
on one side also caught a lot, but there was no shrimp, so I didn'
t catch as much as I did. I put these "
little things"
into a bucket and poured some water. But somehow, from time to time, there were splashes and collisions. Maybe they were engaged in a "
marine war"
.   I was very happy that my plan succeeded. This summer vacation is not only interesting, but also learned something. 7.暑假趣事英语作文范文   Every holiday, there are always a few interesting things. But the most interesting thing is one of this summer vacation.   It was a noon in this summer vacation. Our family sat around the table after dinner, waiting to eat the big watermelon my father just bought from the market. I waited impatiently for my mother to quickly get a knife to cut the watermelon.   Mother packed up the dishes and chopsticks, took out a large and round watermelon from the kitchen, and took a basin to wash the soil on the surface of the watermelon. With a bright stainless steel knife, she cut the watermelon in half, revealing the bright red flesh. After a few knives, the watermelon was divided into eight pieces. I couldn'
t help drooling. Start eating watermelon. I'
m ready to "
there. But at that moment, I thought of Grandpa. Grandpa always cares for me and always brings some delicious things to comfort my "
greedy cat"
every time I go out. Besides, in school, the teacher also taught us to cultivate the good habit of filial piety to the elderly! This watermelon should be given to Grandpa first. So, I swallowed my saliva, took the watermelon in my hands and sent it to Grandpa'
s mouth. I said to Grandpa skipping, "
Grandpa, this watermelon is sweet, this is a piece of it, you can eat it first!"
Grandpa said with a smile, "
d better eat it first!"
I was in a hurry, stomping my feet, shaking my body, and humming in my mouth, "
eat it first! If you don'
t eat it, I won'
t eat it."
m charming. Grandpa was helpless, so he had to take the watermelon in my hand and eat it in a big gulp. While eating it, he boasted, "
this watermelon is so sweet, my grandson is so filial!"
after listening to Grandpa'
s praise, my hand was raised over my head and waved.   I went back to the table, picked up a watermelon and tasted it with relish. I raised my head and looked at my father sitting opposite me. He was eating watermelon and smiling at me. 8.暑假趣事英语作文范文   Summer vacation is finally coming in my expectation! Seize this great time to play computer, travel, watch TV... Yes, it'
s better to travel!   After discussion, our family decided to go to Nanhai Park in Baotou. After taking a long-distance bus for four hours, we came to Nanhai Park in Baotou city. Bought tickets and entered Nanhai park. WOW! The national 4A level park must be very interesting. I rushed into Nanhai park.   We are going to have a good time at the swimming pool again. I came to the swimsuit rental office and rented two swimsuits. Because my mother can'
t swim, she can only watch us under the sun umbrella. I can'
t afford to watch the scenery here. I was so excited that I plunged into the water, breaststroke, freestyle and backstroke for a while. I was very happy and excited. Suddenly, I don'
t know where the water came out and drenched my face. Oh, it turned out to be the naughty boy'
s father. I was unconvinced and began to fight back. Soon we both became "
drowned chickens"
. I thought that my father couldn'
t swim, so I dived and attacked him from under the water. I didn'
t think that since my father beat around on the water with his hands, I couldn'
t get close to him. It seems that my father is not easy to mess with. It'
s getting late. Our "
water war"
ended in the fatigue of both sides. 9.暑假趣事英语作文范文   This evening, my father and I went shopping. When we bought something, we went to the 800 Mile Hotel. We almost searched the whole street, but there was still no shadow of it. Just when we were about to give up, it was diagonally opposite the Xinhua bookstore! I really want to go in and eat those delicious food right away. At this time, dad said, "
s go and eat together after mom'
s class.   We went to the place where my mother had classes, but I didn'
t know which classroom it was in. I looked up and down several times, but I couldn'
t find my mother. When I was about to go up and go again, my mother came downstairs. My father and mother hurried to the restaurant because it was already more than 9 o'
clock.   I opened the door of the hotel and saw the counter at a glance. Behind the counter stood a beautiful aunt. There was an order card and six children'
s set meals on the counter. I took a fancy to the one with hamburgers   One, but my mother said it was not delicious. I thought: since my mother said it was not delicious, it must not be delicious! Mom said to have the chicken fast one, dad also agreed, of course, I also agree. Father and mother each ordered a cup of milk tea. We are waiting for dinner. When I was looking around the restaurant, I accidentally saw a picture of our classmate Lu Wenhuan. Mother said she would come here when I celebrate my birthday.   Finally, I got my favorite - French fries, fried chicken nuggets, and a coke. I exchanged coke for milk tea with my mother. The smell of the food made my mouth water. The Chicken Nuggets were covered with flour. I took a bite. It was delicious. The outside was covered with crispy, and the chicken inside was so tender and fragrant. Others are more delicious!! French fries dipped in ketchup are delicious. They are sour. I'
ll eat them up in a moment. Feel your bulging stomach. It'
s so strong.   If only my father and mother came to eat with me every day! 10.暑假趣事英语作文范文   There are happy and sad things in the summer vacation, but one of these things I will never forget.   It happened that there was no class that day. I accepted my brother'
s "
and went to his house as a guest. When I was about to enter the door, I saw a rope tied to the door handle. I was very confused, but I didn'
t care much. I opened the door directly, and I suddenly became a "
drowned chicken"
with the sound of "
. Before I could recover, how could I step on a rope again when I walked forward? Sure enough, there was no accident. Another stream of water fell on me.   "
Success! Success!"
Listening to my brother'
s cheerful voice, I took a step forward, "
t step on it!"
Before I knew it, another stream of water came to my face, and I was hit by "
ten shots"
of water in a row. I asked my brother curiously, "
is this a gift for me? What are these!"
Full automatic anti personnel system, isn'
t it awesome!"
s great! Teach me, too!"
I began to beg my brother pitifully. My brother couldn'
t escape my obsession, so he began to teach me.   Brother first install the pulley, then connect the line and water gun to the wall and door to make a "
white line"
. Then brother fills the water gun and bucket with water, and finally install magnets in some key positions. At the same time, we also use the pulley and lever principle. Do you think we are powerful? In this way, I spent all afternoon studying "
with my brother, and we also developed several schemes of human defense system.   Half the summer vacation has passed, and many things have been forgotten almost completely, but this thing is rooted in my heart like a tree, which makes me unforgettable. 。

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