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1. that引导宾语从句时无含义,不充当成分,常省略。

that不引导介词的宾语从句,至于except that, in that, save that, but that等是复合从属连词。

I know (that) you have met him. Let'
s suppose that one day this happens to you. 在及物动词和宾语从句之间常有间接宾语(指人)。

例如: I told him (that) he was wrong. 在少数动词如:think, believe, suppose, expect, imagine, calculate, fancy, reckon, be supposed , seem, appear, feel as if, look as if, look like等后面的从句中的否定词经常转移到主句谓语动词上,这叫否定前置/

(hope“希望”, guess“认为”后的宾语从句否定不前置。

I hope not.“我希望不是那样的”,是I hope so.的否定式。

I don'
t hope so.是对hope的否定:“我不希望如此”。

)如: I don'
t think it will be very cold today. I don'
t think you are right. I don'
t believe he has finished his work. 注意: ①非必须否定转移。



I don'
t think diplomacy is a field for private enterprise. We didn'
t think we'
d be this late. ③当think用在疑问句中,或主句中的谓语动词与状语连用,或主句中的谓语动词被do强调时,不能否定转移。

Why do you think we can'
t change your note? I do believe Tom never tells a lie. They still didn'
t believe that the food would come. I can'
t believe that they are married. ④否定转移多用在主句动词为一般现在时的情况。



I had thought that he would not come. 我已经想到了他不能来了。

⑤当宾语从句中有no, never, hardly, not at all, not a bit, not...enough, can'
t help doing等时不能否定转移。

I think I can'
t help laughing if I see it. I believe he never tells a lie. ▲许多带宾语补足语的句子要用it作形式宾语,而把宾语从句置于句尾。

We think it wrong that he told a lie to everyone. We thought it a pity that she should have missed the chance. 2. whether, if引导宾语从句:表示“是否”可互换,口语中常用if。

He asked if she would come. 注意下列情况下whether不可用if换: 1)引导主语从句置于句首时。

2)whether后没有单词间隔而直接跟or not时。

I don'
t know whether or not he will come. 3) whether从句作介词宾语时。

They are talking about whether he will win the game. Everything depends on whether you agree with us. 4)whether后接不定式时。

I don'
t know whether to attend the meeting. 5)动词discuss, decide的宾语从句时。

3. 连接代词what, who, whose等引导的宾语从句。

Tell me what you want. Do you know who will come at the meeting? 注意:who, whom按照传统语法,从句中who所取代的名词如果是宾语应用宾格whom,但在口语中常用who,如: Do you know whom (who) he will invite? ①whose, which, what三个词都带有形容词性质。


如: Whose book it is not important. Please tell me which school you want to go. He didn'
t know what time it was. ②一般说来,which指的是在一个具体的、较明确的、有限的、较小范围;

如:which food,说话人一般指眼前的或明确范围的几种food;
what food则指许多food,而且说话人心中没有数。

I don'
t know which /
what food you want. 如果范围较大或者没有什么范围,用what food。

4. 连接副词when, where, why, how引导的宾语从句。

I don'
t know when the meeting will be held. Please tell me where I can find Tom. He explained to me why he was absent from the meeting. Can you tell me how I can get to the post office? 5. 可用whatever, whoever, whomever, whenever, wherever等引导宾语从句。

Please write down whatever he is saying. I don'
t know whoever will come. I'
ll do whatever you ask me to. 6. 表示爱憎情感的动词,如:enjoy, hate, love, like, dislike, don'
t mind, resent, appreciate(感激)等以及某些介词结尾的短语动词如:count on, depend on, rely on, see to, look forward to, be fond of, feel like, see to等后,即使没有宾补也要先接形式宾语it,再接宾语从句。

I like it when she smiles at me. I love it when you sing. I hate it if I am spoken to loudly in public. 除了but, besides, except, in, save, beyond六个介词后跟that引导的宾语从句外,其他介词都不能。

in that是“因为”的意思,其余五个与that搭配都是“除了……”。

专项训练: 1、Do you know how much hot water ______? A.Mum is needed B.does Mum need C.Mum needs D.did Mum need 2、Can you tell me ______? A.where he is B.where is he C.he is where D.what is he 3、I didn'
t know how ______ to London? A.would they go B.are they going C.they would go D.they are going 4、I want to know how long ______. A.has he been back B.has he come back C.he has been back D.he has come back 5、Do you know ______? A.what the news are B.what is the news C.what the news is D.what are the news 6、He said he would help me with my maths if he ______ free. A.was B.will be C.would be 7、He will write to you as soon as he ______ to Shanghai. A.gets getting C.will get D.shall get 8、Father ______ music when he ______ young A.liked…was B.liked…is C.likes…was D.likes…is 9、I liked sports ______ I was young. much as much that C.very much when D.very much because 10、______ mother got home,I was tidying my room. A.After B.When C.As soon as D.Before (后设答案,大家不要偷看(⊙o⊙)哦,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……) KEYS 1、C 2、A 3、C 4、C 5、C 6、A 7、A 8、A 9、C 10、B。




,1. that引导同位语从句。

,在下列名词后可用that引导同位语从句answer, belief, doubt, fact, hope, idea, information, knowledge, law, news, opinion, plan, suggestion, thought, truth等。

,I had no idea that you were here.,The story goes that William killed his wife.,He always works hard in spite of the fact that he is not in good health.,Suddenly the thought came to me that he would go blind.,注意:,①位语从句引导词that无含义,不充当成分,不可省略。




,①He told me the news that our team won.(that引导同位语从句),②The news that /
which he told me was very exciting.(that引导定语从句,在从句中作宾语),2. 在no idea, question, problem等后可用wh-疑问词引导同位语从句,if不引导同位语从句。

,I have no idea where he has gone.,I have no idea what he said.,3. 辨析:引导名词性从句时what与whatever, who与whoever的区别:,what 与whatever:,What you want has been sent here.(what = the thing(s) that/
all that/
anything that特指),Whatever you want makes no difference to me.(whatever = anything that泛指),What caused the accident was a broken bottle.(特指),Whatever caused the accident has not yet been found.(泛指),who 与whoever:,Who will go to Beijing on business has not been decided.(who表疑问,表示“谁”,“哪一个”),Whoever breaks the law should be punished.(whoever = anyone who,表示“无论哪个人”),4. 同位语从句注意与定语从句区别,同位语从句对前一名词做补充说明,在从句中无语法位置,而定语从句所修饰词在从句中占一语法位置如:,The idea that one can do the work without thinking is wrong.(同位idea在从句中无位置,而从句只是具体说明idea的内容),The idea that you put forward at the meeting is wrong.(定语从句,idea做put forward 的宾语),看了上面的内容大家对同位语从句有了不一样的认识了吧,在英语的学习过程中,像同位语从句这样的知识点还有很多,希望大家能够做好准备。

新概念英语系列教材中对这些知识点也有精彩的安排,想学习吗?网校的新概念英语课程已经开始啦! 。



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