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admin2023-12-21游戏21 ℃0 评论





1.“草”这首诗的英文版 Be away from being away from upper grass of plain, once withered glory of one-year-old. Even fire can'
t burn them up , again they rise when vernal breezes blow. Fragrant invade an ancient path , clear distant emerald green receives the absurd city. Send an offspring of the nobility to go to , luxuriant full separation feeling。





我分享关于小草的英语诗歌,希望可以帮助大家!   关于小草的英语诗歌:In Reply to a Friend'
s pliments-   答客赞 —   I am a Solitary Blade of Grass   我是一棵孤独的小草   Why do you say I am a national treasure?   怎么你说我是个国宝?   No, pandas are the treasures of our nation!   不,熊猫才是中华的国宝!   I am nothing but a solitary blade of grass,   我是一棵孤独的小草,   In terms of figures,I am really quite slim.   论身材我的确十分苗条。

  I '
ve been raised up with rains,dews and sunshine,   阳光雨露抚育我成长,   The blue sky and white clouds greet me with *** iles;
  Pretty flowers have kept me pany,   有百花为我作伴,   How can I be lonely,not happy and carefree?   我怎能孤独,而不快乐逍遥?   Sometimes I seem to be toppling down,   有时虽有点摇摇欲坠,   But I will never swing with the wind;
  Or flow with the stream,   既不会随波飘流,   Nor do I win favor with crooked means.   更不会投机取巧。

  Tempered in the *** oke of war,   经历战火的磨练,   Tortured through the test of a hard life,   饱受生活的煎熬;
  Even though I'
m next to nothing,   我虽然微不足道,   Yet I'
m a proud blade of grass!   却是一棵骄傲的小草!   关于小草的英语诗歌:Grass草   Pile the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo   Shovel them under and let me work.   I am the grass;
I cover all.   And pile them high at Getty *** ury   And pile them high at Ypres and Verdun.   Shovel them under and let me work.   Tow years,ten years,and passengers ask the conductor:   What place is this?   Where are we now?   I am the grass.   Let me work.   将尸体堆砌在奥斯特里茨和滑铁卢,   将它们铲到坑里,然后让我来做。


  将尸体堆砌在葛底斯堡,   将尸体堆砌在伊普尔和凡尔登,   将它们铲到坑里,然后让我来做。

  两年、十年之后,旅客问乘务员:   这是什么地方?   我们现在在哪?   我是草,   让我来做。

  关于小草的英语诗歌:草   白居易   离离原上草, 一岁一枯荣。

  野火烧不尽, 春风吹又生。

  远芳侵古道, 晴翠接荒城。

  又送王孙去, 萋萋满别情。

  grasses   bai juyi   boundless grasses over the plain   e and go with every season;
  wildfire never quite consumes them --   they are tall once more in the spring wind.   sweet they press on the old high- road   关于小草的英语诗歌:《诗经--国风·郑风·野有蔓草》   野有蔓草,   零露漙兮。

  有美一人,   清扬婉兮。

  邂逅相遇,   适我愿兮。

  野有蔓草,   零露瀼瀼。

  有美一人,   婉如清扬。

  邂逅相遇,   与子偕臧。

  The Creeping Grass   Afield the creeping grass   With crystal dew overspread,   There'
s a beautiful lass   With clear eyes and fine forehead.   When I meet the clear-eyed,   My desire'
s satisfied.   Afield the creeping grass   With dewdrops overspread,   There'
s a beautiful lass   With clear eyes and fine forehead.   When I meet the clear-eyed,   Amid the grass let'
s hide!   。

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