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admin2023-12-21乐鱼体育22 ℃0 评论


(一)Dreams梦想----by Langston Hughes----作者:兰司敦·修司Hold fast to dreams把握梦想For if dreams die如果梦想消失Life is a broken-winged bird生命将是折翼之鸟That cannot fly无法飞行Hold fast to dreams把握梦想For when dreams go如果梦想逝去Life is a barren field生命将是一片荒原Frozen with snow大雪冰封(二)Morning清 晨I love to wake to each new day,我喜欢醒来迎接每一个清晨,And brush my dreamsOf night away,轻松抖落一夜的梦尘,And look out through my window wide从窗口向外眺望远处,To see what weather is outside,广茅的天地是否晴空无云,And wonder what exciting thing想象何等激动人心的事This shining, un-used dayWill bring.这灿烂崭新的一天将献呈(三)Rain雨Rain is falling all around雨儿在到处降落,It falls on field and tree它落在田野和树梢,It rains on the umbrella here它落在这边的雨伞上,And on the ships at sea又落在航行海上的船只。

THE WIND风(Part I)Who has seen the wind谁曾见过风的面貌?Neither I nor you谁也没见过,不论你或我;
But when the leaves hang trembling但在树叶震动之际,The wind is passing through风正从那里吹过。

(Part II)Who has seen the wind谁曾见过风的面孔?Neither you nor I谁也没见过,不论你或我;
But when the trees bow down their heads但在树梢低垂之际,The wind is passing by风正从那里经过。


适合小学生朗诵的英文诗歌如下:篇一:The Voice of Spring 春天的声音听!新出生的小羊咩咩,And the cawing rooks are meeting和乌鸦乌鸦会会议In the elms a noisy crowd.榆树上嘈杂着的人群。

All the birds are singing loud,所有的鸟儿高声歌唱,And the first white butterfly和第一只蝴蝶In the sunshine dances by.在阳光下舞蹈。

Look around you, look around !看看你的周围,看看周围!Flowers in all the fields abound,在所有的领域花比比皆是,Every running stream is bright,每一个运行的流是明亮的All the orchard trees are white,所有果树都是白色的,And each small and waving shoot嫩枝迎风舞Promises sweet autumn fruit.承诺甜蜜的秋果。

篇二:The Star 星星Twinkle, twinkle, little star,闪烁, 一闪一闪,小星星,How I wonder what you are!我想知道你是什么!Up above the world so high,高于世界如此之高,Like a diamond in the sky.像天空中的钻石。

When the blazing sun is gone,当炽热的 太阳消失了,When he nothing shines upon,当他没有照射的时候Then you show your little light,然后你显示你小小的光亮,Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.闪烁,闪烁,所有的夜晚。

Then the traveler in the dark,然后在黑暗中的旅客 ,Thanks you for your tiny spark,感谢你的小火花,He could not see which way to go,他不知道该往哪里走,If you did not twinkle so.如果你不闪烁。

In the dark blue sky you keep,在深蓝色的天空你的身影 ,And often through my curtains peep,我经常透过窗帘窥视,For you never shut you eye,永不闭上你的眼睛,Till the sun is in the sky.直到太阳挂在天空。

As your bright and tiny spark,作为你的明亮和微小的火花,Lights the traveler in the dark-黑夜照耀着游人Though I know not what you are,虽然我不知道你是什么,Twinkle, twinkle, little star.一闪,一闪,小星星。



我整理了关于简单的英语小诗歌,欢迎阅读!   关于简单的英语小诗歌篇一   nobody knows this little rose   nobody knows this little rose --   it might a pilgrim be   did i not take it from the ways   and lift it up to thee.   only a bee will miss it --   only a butterfly,   hastening from far journey --   on its breast to lie --   only a bird will wonder --   only a breeze will sigh --   ah little rose -- how easy   for such as thee to die!   版本一   没有人知道这枝小小蔷薇 —

  若不是我把它 摘下献给你   它依旧会在路边   象个朝圣者 花开寂寂   仅有一只蜜蜂会思念它 —

  仅有一只蝴蝶   经过遥远的旅程 匆匆飞来 —

  在它的花蕊中停歇 —

  仅有鸟儿会惊奇 —

  仅有微风会叹息 —

  唉 这枝小小蔷薇 同你一样   这么容易枯萎至死   关于简单的英语小诗歌篇二   《告别》A Farewell   flow down, cold rivulet, to the sea,   thy tribute wave deliver:   no more by thee my steps shall be,   for ever and for ever.   flow, softly flow, by lawn and lea,   a rivulet then a river;
  no where by thee my steps shall be,   for ever and for ever.   but here will sigh thine alder tree,   and here thine aspen shiver;
  and here by thee will hum the bee,   for ever and for ever.   a thousand suns will stream on thee,   a thousand moons will quiver;
  but not by thee my steps shall be,   for ever and for ever.   流向大海吧,清冽的小溪,   去献上你层层的涟漪;
  你身边不再有我的足迹,   永永远远,相逢无期。

  轻轻流淌吧,绕过草坪草地,   一条将变成大河的小溪;
  你身边不再有我的足迹,   永永远远,相逢无期。

  在这儿,你的桤树将要叹息,   在这儿,你的扬树将要颤栗;
  在这儿,你身边蜜蜂将穿梭不息,   永永远远,绝无尽期。

  一千轮太阳将逐流而去,   一千轮月亮将摇碎玉体;
  你身边却不再有我的足迹,   永永远远,相逢无期。

  关于简单的英语小诗歌篇三   The Daffodils 咏水仙   i wander'
d lonely as a cloud   that floats on high o'
er vales and hills,   when all at once i saw a crowd,   a host , of golden daffodils;
  beside the lake, beneath the trees,   fluttering and dancing in the breeze.   continuous as the stars that shine   and twinkle on the milky way,   they stretch’
d in never-ending line   along the margin of a bay:   ten thousand saw i at a glance,   tossing their heads in sprightly dance.   the waves beside them danced, but they   out-did the sparkling waves in glee:   a poet could not but be gay   in such a jocund company!   e gaze –
and gazed –
but little thought   what wealth the show to me had brought:   for oft, when on my couch i lie   in vacant or in pensive mood,   they flash upon that inward eye   which is the bliss of solitude;
  and then my heart with pleasure fills,   and dances with the daffodils.   独自漫游似浮云,   青山翠谷上飘荡;
  一刹那瞥见一丛丛、   一簇簇水仙金黄;
  树荫下,明湖边,   和风吹拂舞翩跹。

  仿佛群星璀璨,   沿银河闪霎晶莹;
  一湾碧波边缘,   绵延,望不尽;
  只见万千无穷,   随风偃仰舞兴浓。

  花边波光潋滟,   怎比得繁花似锦;
  面对如此良伴,   诗人怎不欢欣!   凝视,凝视,流连不止;
  兀自倚憩息,   岑寂,幽然冥想;
  蓦地花影闪心扉,   独处方能神往;
  衷心喜悦洋溢,   伴水仙、舞不息。




我精心收集了简短的英语小诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   简短的英语小诗歌篇1   《送方外上人》 刘长卿   孤云将野鹤,岂向人间住?   莫买沃洲山,时人已知处。

  Seeing a Monk Off   Liu Changqing   A lone cloud takes a wild crane far away;
  How could in human world he ever stay?   Buy not from Mount Wozhou reclusive place;
ve known it well enough to find your trace.   简短的英语小诗歌篇2   《听弹琴》 刘长卿   泠泠七弦上,静听松风寒。


  Listening to Zither Playing   Liu Changqing   Tinkling, a zither, seven-stringed, is played;
  Listening, I feel cold wind from pine shade.   Though I like much this old tune all the way,   Not many men play it at all, today.   简短的英语小诗歌篇3   《桃花溪》 张旭   隐隐飞桥隔野烟,石矶西畔问渔船:   桃花尽日随流水,洞在清溪何处边?   The Peach Blossom Creek   Zhang Xu   The hazy mist reveals the faint shape of a raised bridge,   I enquire the fisherman standing west at the crag of an edge.   As the peach blossoms drift daily with the running water,   Where can I find the source of the creek, I wonder?   简短的英语小诗歌篇4   《吴声子夜歌》 薛奇童   净扫黄金阶,飞霜皎如雪。


  A Lonely Moonlit Night   Xue Qitong   I'
ve swept all golden leaves off steps below;
  Now moonlight shines on them as bright as snow.   With curtains down, I play my lute in room;
  I can'
t bear seeing autumn moon in gloom.   简短的英语小诗歌篇5   《山中送别》 王维   山中相送罢,日暮掩柴扉。

  春草明年绿,王孙归不归?   A Parting   Wang Wei   In hills I saw you off today quite late;
  At dust I came back and closed my wood gate.   When in next spring the grass turn green again,   Would you, my lord, return, too, from the plain?   。

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