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三年级英语3分钟演讲-三年级英语3分钟演讲my family

admin2023-12-22EMC体育21 ℃0 评论


Dear teachers, students: I am very happy to meet with you here today to tell you my speech is entitled "
English, so I am happy."
English, spread to all over the world, people talk about memorization. Since my time in first grade began to learn English, I was not interested in it, but the third and fourth grade, when a sudden interest in reading in English every day, and even self-learning, to raise a lot of English results . Now, my greatest interest is the time to see the English. Each weekend, I always find time to read English books or see on the English ic books, information books, and even outside the time when shopping, but also with some English information on the book, simply put it down. Each school, I sometimes went to the library of books on English, a view that is 30 minutes, the harvest has been so many. Once again, the summer vacation, I went to the United Kingdom. Where I see a lot of the city, this afternoon I have friends with the British dialogue in English, but also know a lot of knowledge of English, they also pliment away一extra-curricular knowledge of the English book. I have often in the Monday and Tuesday, when listening to English tapes, one is 3 hours. Also frequently used sentence patterns learned review again, I learned to feel very proud. The book in English class after school, but also extra-curricular English book out to read, every time I think: if these extra-curricular English read the end, learned that their English, reading and writing is not improved. Therefore, I, day and night, every day, reading, really English results improved reading and writing, I am more proud of. I know that Rome was not built in a day. I believe that through continuous efforts to learn, one day, I can speak English very well. Therefore, I am very happy of. 亲爱的老师们、同学们: 在这里跟大家见面,今天我给大家讲的演讲稿的题目是《英语,使我快乐》。
















  Hello,everybody.My name is. I like play the piano and read books.My teacher is Mr hu. I like her very much.She teach very good,so,I like her. Thank you.   你应该自己写    Good morning everyone! I am xxx. I also like singingbut traveling is my favorite, I have been to many interesting places in Chinabut I haven’t been to other countries. What a pity! Atschool, I study Chinese,Math, English, Computer,and so on. I like all of them.I often help my teacher take care of my class and I think I am a good helper. Ilive with my parents and we go home on time every day. When I am at home, Ioften help my mother do some housework and my mother said I am a good helper,too. 翻译:早上好!我叫xxx。


真可惜! 翻译: 在学校,我学语文、数学、英语、电脑等,这些我都很喜欢。





【 #三年级# 导语】演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。


以下是 无 整理的《适合三年级小学生的英语演讲稿》相关资料,希望帮助到您。

【篇一】适合三年级小学生的英语演讲稿   Teachers, students:   Good morning, everyone!   Thanksgiving, is ubiquitous. What is the reason that I stand here? Is gratitude. Thanks to the support of my teachers and classmates love, thanks to the school to give the opportunity to thank for a mother for the cultivation of thanks to my own effort. Because thanks to these, I will stand here today.   I know, we should be thankful, grateful to our parents of fertility and gratefulness. Parents to our care and love, parents of selfless dedication to us, we should feel very satisfied and happy.   I know, we should be thankful, grateful to our training school, she gave us a good learning environment, provide us with a lot of opportunities, she can let us stand on the stage of this sacred in the great hall of the people, this makes me unforgettable. The dictionary composition nets:   I know, we should be thankful, grateful to our teachers every, is he (she) brings us from the first grade of ignorance;
The innocence of second grade;
Grade three naughty;
In fourth grade restlessness;
The growth of grade five, into today -- a graduating sixth graders. He (she) are among this shed too much sweat and hard work.   I know, we should be thankful, grateful to give us the gift of nature, the blue sky white clouds, lakes, sea, sunshine, fresh air, flowers and green grass, full of boundless universe.   Gratitude is not only a kind of etiquette, but also a healthy mind. Let each of us with a grateful heart.   Thank you all! 【篇二】适合三年级小学生的英语演讲稿   Good morning, dear friends and guests!   It’s my great honor to participate in this activity.   My name is Huang Guanyu, I’m nine years old this year. The title of my speech is: My Dream.   I have many dreams, such as playing the piano, dancing, drawing, singing and so on.   But now, I really fell in love with English.   If I can use English to communicate with everyone, then my heart will be very happy! Because I like to talk to others in English, to express my feelings.   When I grow up, I hope I can study abroad in foreign countries, because I want to be a good diplomat in the future.   By that time, I can travel all the world, enjoy the scenery of different countries, and understand their different customs and habits. This is the reason why I like English.   Now, let me sing a song for you, please enjoy. (sing)   This is all of my speech.   Thank you! 【篇三】适合三年级小学生的英语演讲稿   I have a wonderful family.I'
m lucky to be a part of it.Let me tell you about them. My family name is Lee.My family history is long and proud.There are five people in my family now. My parents love me very much.They do a lot for me.When I need help, they are always there.   My dad is a strong guy.He'
s honest and hardworking.He'
s like a superhero to me. My mom is a smart woman.She can do almost anything.I just can'
t praise her enough. I have two siblings.They are my older brother and younger sister.Sometimes we argue,but we mainly get along.   My family likes being together.We like eating out and going to the movies.We also enjoy hiking and having picnics. My family isn'
t perfect.We have our ups and downs.But we always forgive and make up. Our motto is “United together forever.” I'
ll always cherish my family.I hope your family is lovely,too. 【篇四】适合三年级小学生的英语演讲稿   Beloved teacher, dear students:   I'
m in class xx the third grade XX, the topic of my speech today is "
martyrs accompanying my growth"
  The classmates, bid farewell to the snow, the earth covered with green in the Qingming Festival, I have stared at the bright five-star red flag with a solemn mood, thoughts and fly to the hard eventful years: the old China suffered the trauma of war, the people'
s suffering and humiliation. When the country was in adversity, countless patriots step forward bravely, to the independence of the motherland, Gan sprinkling a cavity blood. Buy a sword from at daughter, also can lead a licentious life proud woman Qiu Jin, the treasure Qin 1 cavity blood, sprinkling can still go pictorial of the Zou Rong;
from Jiang to Liu Hulan;
from Huang to Dong Cunrui...... Countless heroes with their lives, write one after another heroic patriotic movement. Martyrs who shed blood, the flames of war to go through fire and water, the prison be and unyielding. Their life for the new Chinese.   The martyrs ah, when you fight a bloody battle every inch of land, now have fresh flowers, green grass. When the smoke of the sky, is now a cloudless blue sky, red flag fluttering. War makes you brave and strong, peaceful and beautiful environment provides knowledge, long can the opportunity for us. Dear martyrs, in spring, you may have seen the first leaf branches for you hair;
can you hear the birds sing for you the first piece of music;
do you ever feel us to you as an example to serve the motherland confidence?   Students, our happy life be not easily won, we want to love yourself, more to love the motherland, we have to study hard, to her credit, she luster!   Thank you. 。


1,准备稿子具有以下三点:1,主要特点一:针对性!演讲是一种社会活动一、社会性 演讲活动发生在社会成员之间,它是一个社会成员对其他社会成员进行宣传鼓动活动的口语表达形式。


二、现实性 所谓现实性,是指符合客观事物的只是情况的性质。

三、艺术性 演讲是优于一切现实的口语表现形式,它要求演讲者去除一般讲话中的杂乱、松散、平板的因素,以一种集中、凝练、富有创造色彩的面貌出现,这就是演讲的艺术性。

四、综合性 演讲只是发生在一定时间内的活动,而为这一活动,演讲者要有各方面的充分准备,同时,还需要大量的组织工作与之配合。


五、逻辑性 演讲者思维要缜密,语言应有条理,层次分明,结构清楚,这就是演讲的逻辑性。

六、针对性 演讲主题应是众所周之的问题,要注意听众的年龄、身份、文化程度等,这就是演讲的针对性。

七、感染性 演讲者要有鲜明的观点、自己独到的见解和看法以及深刻的思想等,要善于用流畅生动、深刻风趣的语言和恰当的修辞打动听众,这就是演讲的感染性。

八、鼓动性 鼓动性是演讲成功与否的一个标志。


二:我的房间——My room is my favorite place in my house,there is a bed and a desk in the room,the bed is really comfortable,and there is a computer on the desk,I love to stay in my room and play the computer with my parents,like surfing the Internet,and they encourage me to study computer science,now i am writing these words in my room,i feel lucky to stay here! 2,我的房间是我家中我最喜爱的地方,这里有一张床和一个写字台,床很舒适。


3,Hello, teachers! My number is****. My English name is ***,I’m from China.My topic is One.One little flower(伸出一个食指做“ 1”状,然后两个手腕并在一起放在下巴下面,做“花朵”状)One little bee(两个手臂放在身体两侧,手掌快速扇动做蜜蜂飞)4,One little blue bird, high in the tree.(两只手臂大幅度地扇动做小鸟飞行状,然后举到空中) One little brown deer, smiling at me.(手掌张开,拇指顶在太阳穴扮成小鹿的角,脸部做一个大大的微笑)That’s over.thank you very much.。


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