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admin2023-12-2428圈娱乐21 ℃0 评论


中国传统故事英文如下:Recumbent ice carp (English)Wang xiang,a man in langya,lost his mother.His stepmother zhu shi said bad things about him many times in front of his father,so that he lost his father'
s love.Parents sick, he was dressed,stepmother want to eat live carp.when the cold,he opened his clothes lying on the ice,ice suddenly melt,jump out of two carp.The stepmother recovered after eating.Wang xiang reclusive for more than 20 years,after the county magistrate from wen to the big farmer,sakong, taiwei.卧冰求鲤(中文)王祥,琅琊人,生母早丧,继母朱氏多次在他父亲面前说他的坏话,使他失去父爱。





中国传统故事英文如下:The Tortoise and the Hare龟兔赛跑。




乌龟爬啊爬,它能战胜兔子吗?Welcome to ALO7’s Power to Learn. Today’s story is The Tortoise and the Hare, retold by Jenny Lam and Sheila Higginson, and narrated by Judy Luxton.HOP! HOP! HOP! Rabbit jumped very fast.HIPPITY! HOPPITY! HOP! HOP! Rabbit jumped even faster.“Look at me,” bragged Rabbit. “I am the fastest!”His animal friends watched. Some cheered. Some were bored. They had seen Rabbit run many times before.“Here he goes again,” said Cat. “Rabbit is always running.”“And he is always bragging about being the fastest runner,” said Owl.“He does run fast,” said Monkey.Tortoise walked up slowly to the other animals.Tortoise spoke slowly. “Is Rabbit bragging about being the fastest runner again?” he asked.The animals nodded their heads yes.“I will challenge Rabbit to a race. I can beat him,” said Tortoise calmly.All the animals got excited. “A race!” they cried.Rabbit laughed. “All right. Let’s race. I will win anyway.”Tortoise and Rabbit went to the starting line.“On your mark. Get set. Go!” cried Owl. He flapped his wings! Rabbit and Tortoise crossed the starting line. The race began!Rabbit ran fast. He hopped, and he ran. He hopped again. He ran even faster.Rabbit was far ahead of Tortoise. He kept running. He kept hopping.He stopped by a tree. He looked behind him. Where was Tortoise?Tortoise walked slowly. He was far behind.Rabbit yelled, “Hey, how do you expect to beat me? You are walking so slowly! You will never beat me. You will never win!”Rabbit sat down under the tree.“I will take a rest,” said Rabbit. “Tortoise is slow. He will never catch up. I have plenty of time to relax.”Rabbit rested under the tree. He got comfortable. Then he stretched out.Soon he was lying flat on the ground. He fell asleep. He snored loudly.Tortoise walked slowly. He kept walking. And walking. And walking.He walked to the tree where Rabbit was sleeping. He did not stop. He kept walking and walking and walking.Tortoise never stopped. He didn’t take a rest. He just walked.He kept walking until he got to the finish line.All the animals cheered. They were amazed that Tortoise won. He never gave up. He just kept walking and walking and walking.The cheering was very loud. It woke Rabbit. He jumped up from his sleep!“What happened? What’s that noise?” asked Rabbit. He began to run.He ran faster and faster and faster. But he was too late. Tortoise had already crossed the finish line. Tortoise won the race.。






Wince: the spring and autumn period, jin strife and offer the son of jin ChongEr male fled to chu. ChuCheng king shelter and feasted him, as he promised JinChu war jin will wince (a shekel for three miles). Later in ChongEr QinMu male under the help of the ruling. Return to jin Jin support 475-221 B.C. and chu conflict, the two armies in the city which meet, ChongEr wince, to lure him deep and win. 。


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