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  生活中开心的事英语作文 篇1   Last Saturday, some of my classmates and I went to the Qiandao lake for some refreshment. Suddenly I noticed an old dustman collecting rubbish thrown about by the visitors. He was apparently having great difficulty collecting some small items, especially cigarette butts. An idea struck me. Why not help him collect litter? Much to my joy, all my classmates agreed and were willing to help. So we worked hard together with the dustman and collected lots of rubbish. Then we parted and waved farewell to the thankful dustman.   Dog-tired as I was, I felt really happy. As the saying goes, helping hands are more sacred than praying lips. I truly believe we’d have a more harmonious society if everybody took action. What a fine deed!   生活中开心的事英语作文 篇2   A twinkling of an eye on over the summer, my holiday I had a very meaningful, because my mother took me to travel. Grandparents to see me from the field. I have had the happiest thing, there are not happy because I learned a lot. I will not be doing laundry, but I have learned now, before things went a little mother. But I now learn to deal with things themselves. This is my holiday, a holiday of great significance.   生活中开心的事英语作文 篇3   After school this afternoon, on my way home I met two American friends who lost their way. They forgot the way to the hotel where they stayed. As I knew where the hotel was, I decided to take them there. On the road, we talked a lot. I told them about the great changes in the city,such as the wider road, the more convenient transportation, the fresher air and so on. I also introduced that now Chinese students needn'
t spend most of their time on textbooks any more, because they didn'
t have as much homework as before. In their spare time, they could choose whatover they like to learn. The American friends told me something about the American youth as well.   It was late when I got home, but I was very happy. Because I not only helped American friends, but also realized the importance of learning a foreign language well.   生活中开心的事英语作文 篇4   The happiest thing that I could think of is preparing gifts for my mother.As is known to all,the second Sunday of May is the mother'
s day.This year,I decided to prepare a surprise for her.I went to the market in the afternoon.And I chose some of my mother'
s favorite food.Then I returned home and cooked two dishes for her under the help of my fathe.When my mom returned home in the evening,she saw the candles on the table and the card i wrote for her.She was so moved and burst into tears,I never expected her reactions could be like that.My mom have devoted so much for me.But I never expected that such little efforts can make her so happy.My heart is full of sense of achievement and I knew I was the happiest person in the world.   生活中开心的.事英语作文 篇5   One winter holiday, I went home by train.I was reading an interesting book while a voice said to me: "
Would you please let me take your seat for a while? "
! raised my head and found an old granny standing beside me. She looked very tired.I quickly stood up and said awkwardly, "
Sorry, I didn'
t notice it."
The granny just thanked me again and again with a smile on her face.When I looked around, I saw all the passengers smiling at me for my good deed.   一个寒假,我坐火车回家,我在看一本有趣的书,有一个声音对我说:“请让我坐一会好吗?”抬起我的头,发现一位老奶奶站在我旁边。




  生活中开心的事英语作文 篇6   in my life, the most happiest event is finish my examination that i have, because i put a lot of efforts and time on to it.   since then, to wait for the exam is the most torture one because youself keep on wondering what and when will happen in mere coming examination.   after finish the examination, i can sit and rest quietly in a calm zone to think without pressure. when somebody doing something without external disturbance but with discipline i think is happiest event.   I today is really very happy。

  生活中开心的事英语作文 篇7   今天从英语班出来,看见妈妈在门口等我,我急忙跑过去说:妈,今天中午吃什么饭?今天吃德克士吧?妈妈说。


  Today, I came out of the English class and saw my mother waiting for me at the door. I hurried to say, Mom, whats lunch for today? Would you like to eat Dexter today? Mom said. I almost jumped up happily. Middle, middle, middle! I said excitedly.   到了德克士,我们点好吃的后就立即开吃了。


我赶紧点了点头,心里想:要好好珍惜这次吃 垃圾食品的机会了!   When we got to Dexter, we ordered delicious food and ate it immediately. Oh, how delicious! My mother secretly said to me, this is junk food. We cant eat it often, but once in a while. I quickly nodded, thinking: we should cherish this opportunity to eat junk food!   今天还有一件让我开心的事,得到了一本我最想要的漫画书《阿衰》!   Today, there is another thing that makes me happy. I got a comic book I want most - ashui!   生活中开心的事英语作文 篇8   Perhaps you did not know, today I is really very happy, today is the bumper year 30, is very everywhere lively, has many children to fire a gun together, each each household is lively, many people encircle in the same place have the family reunion dinner, the children may obtain the new year'
s money from elder there, I also have, evening also together fires a gun with the friends, with the family member looked together Spring Festival evening show, I today is really very happy.   意思:   也许你们不知道,今天我真的很开心,今天是大年30,到处都很热闹,有很多孩子在一起放炮,每家每户都是热热闹闹的,许多的人围在一起吃团圆饭,孩子们可以从长辈那里得到压岁钱,我也有,晚上还和朋友们一起放炮,和亲人一起看春节联欢晚会,我今天真的很开心。

  生活中开心的事英语作文 篇9   一个星期六,我正在和朋友们玩游戏。

  One Saturday, I was playing games with my friends.   我们玩了地雷警察捉小偷、捉迷藏,很开心。





  We played mine police to catch thieves, hide and seek, very happy. At this time, we were playing hide and seek. We couldn'
t find one, so we helped the hunter find the mysterious place. Look for it. It turns out that he hid in the old poplar trees far away. We asked him to teach us how to climb trees. He said it was easy. He could just move his hands and feet. Finally, we also support the murderers to play the computer GF, which is fun.   那天我玩得真开心!   I had a good time that day!   生活中开心的事英语作文 篇10   今天,我放学回家,看到了地上很脏。






得到妈妈的表扬后,我觉得非常开心!   Today, I came home from school and found the ground dirty. I think it must be that mom and dad are too busy with their work. I went to the kitchen to get a broom and came to the living room. I immediately started sweeping the floor, first from the right to the left, and then from the bedroom to the living room. I saw it again. I felt it was clean and spotless. When mom came back, she was shocked. My mother asked me, "
who swept the floor so clean?"
I smiled and said, "
who else is there besides me?"
Mom is happy to say that you are a hard-working child. After being praised by my mother, I feel very happy!。



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