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信阳的英语介绍 Xinyang brief intro

Xinyang is located south Henan Province, the history is glorious, the human outstanding earth deities, are one of China civilization birthplaces, some more than 8000 years glorious histories.....信阳市位于河南省南部,历史悠久,人杰地灵,是华夏文明的发祥地之一,有8000多年的悠久历史。


郑州的旅游景点介绍英文 郑州的著名景点介绍英文

麻烦给写篇 介绍郑州旅游景点的英语作文!快点!Tourist Attractions in ZhengzhouZhengzhou, as the capital city of Henan province, boasts for her centuries-old history and glorious civilization. When it comes to tourist attactions in this fabulous place, a large amount of scenic spots are supposed to be taken into account.Songshan Mountain, one of the Five Mountains of China, is located in an area of a satellite town of Zhengzhou city. There not only can one enjoy the atmosphere of three Chinese traditional established religions--Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, but also tourists could have close contact with one of the finest World Geological Parks, owing to the fact that the natural landscape is as well uniquely refreshing.Shaolin Monastery, founded in the 5th century, seated in Shaoshi Mountain of Zhengzhou, long famous for its association with Chinese martial arts and particularly with Shaolin Kung Fu, is the Mahayana Buddhist monastery perhaps best known to the entire world. If one is willing to appreciate the authentic Chinese Kong Fu, Shaolin Monastery is definitely an ideal destination.The home village of Huangdi, in Xinzheng of Zhengzhou, as the native place of the Chinese common ancestor, have a national ceremony of ancestor worship each year which is a long cherished cultural event in China. One can accept a strong sense of oriental culture through this ceremony so that this scenic spot is also inevitably worh to visit.After the introduction of these enjoyable places in Zhengzhou, one may safely draw the conclusion that this city is not only attracive but also having a particular Chinese flavor. Therefor, Zhengzhou may be considered as one of the most outstanding tourist destinations in China.虽然不是原创,但是希望你喜欢!!绿博园景区的英文介绍The China Green Expo Garden of Zhengzhou as a national AAAA grade scenic spot is located at the south of Zheng-Kai Avenue, adjacent to the Green Bo Avenue( originally its named Zhengzhou and Kaifeng logistics channel) and with a distance of two kilometers to the Zhengzhou and Kaifeng inter-city railway Green Expo Garden station. It is a ecologically-themed scenic spot , with a collection of garden exhibition, Eco-environment protection, scientific popularization of nature, recreation and entertainment and special diet . Here, the scenery is beautiful and pleasant and air is pure and fresh . There are hundreds of theme-oriented exhibition gardens, top 10 festival brands , adventurous and exciting entertainment programs and colorful flower show during four seasons in the scenic spot. The China Green Expo Garden of Zhengzhou is the best place for people who live in the urban city to relax on vocations and cultivate health in different seasons. 郑州·中国绿化博览园是国家AAAA级旅游景区,北依郑开大道、滨临绿博大道(原郑汴物流通道),距郑开城际铁路绿博园站2公里,是集园林展示、生态环保、自然科普、休闲娱乐、特色餐饮于一体的生态主题景区。


郑州名胜古迹的英文Dengfeng Songshan Scenic Area (including Songshan National Forest Park)Shang sites,Han Zheng city,Peiligang siteBig Village siteHan Ting Tai Tiger,Hulao off,Shaolin Temple,Zhongyue Miao,Observatory,Cave TempleNorthern Song Dynasty imperial tombs,Ying ruins of ancient smelting iron,Xinmi Yellow Emperor PalaceZhongmu Guandu ancient battlefields,Zhengzhou Yellow River resort用英文写出郑州最好玩的地方100个单词My hometown is in zhenzhou city china,There are a lot of people live here,It'
s a famous city.The people are very friendly.The climate here is very pleasant.My hometown has different seasons,spring.summer.autumn and winter.I like the spring ,because flowers are very beautiful,the weather is very sunny,what a lovely spring days!i hate cold weather,so i don'
t like winter.we have a lot of rain in autumn,this is my favoures seasons,in this seasons,we can see many different colors,i love the colors of the trees-red,gold,yellow and brown .fairly cool for this time of years!summer is always hot,It'
s quit muggy in summer.。

郑州旅游景点特点英语介绍 用英文介绍郑州的名胜古迹

去郑州方特所见所闻的英语作文作文如下:Summer vacation, a happy summer vacation. I followed the team of little orange lantern and came to Fangte. Fangte, located in Zhengzhou, is a cultural and scientific theme park. There are many fun and exciting amusement facilities there. After you go, I promise to make you linger.暑假,一个快乐的暑假。





When you enter the paradise, you will see some unique houses. I was immediately attracted by the magnificent castle building in front of me. Everyone knows "
running man"
! you '
re right! That'
s one of the shooting sites of "
running man"
. While enjoying the colorful castles, we came to the first amusement place - the legend of the journey to the West.走进乐园,映入眼帘的就是一些独特的屋子。




Entering the museum, it was dark everywhere. I vaguely saw rows of chairs in the middle of the stage, the surrounding facilities were all built in imitation of Huaguo Mountain in journey to the west, and a group of monkeys were chirping. I really felt immersive.进入馆内,到处都是黑漆漆的。


绿博园景区的英文介绍The China Green Expo Garden of Zhengzhou as a national AAAA grade scenic spot is located at the south of Zheng-Kai Avenue, adjacent to the Green Bo Avenue( originally its named Zhengzhou and Kaifeng logistics channel) and with a distance of two kilometers to the Zhengzhou and Kaifeng inter-city railway Green Expo Garden station. It is a ecologically-themed scenic spot , with a collection of garden exhibition, Eco-environment protection, scientific popularization of nature, recreation and entertainment and special diet . Here, the scenery is beautiful and pleasant and air is pure and fresh . There are hundreds of theme-oriented exhibition gardens, top 10 festival brands , adventurous and exciting entertainment programs and colorful flower show during four seasons in the scenic spot. The China Green Expo Garden of Zhengzhou is the best place for people who live in the urban city to relax on vocations and cultivate health in different seasons. 郑州·中国绿化博览园是国家AAAA级旅游景区,北依郑开大道、滨临绿博大道(原郑汴物流通道),距郑开城际铁路绿博园站2公里,是集园林展示、生态环保、自然科普、休闲娱乐、特色餐饮于一体的生态主题景区。


麻烦给写篇 介绍郑州旅游景点的英语作文!快点!Tourist Attractions in ZhengzhouZhengzhou, as the capital city of Henan province, boasts for her centuries-old history and glorious civilization. When it comes to tourist attactions in this fabulous place, a large amount of scenic spots are supposed to be taken into account.Songshan Mountain, one of the Five Mountains of China, is located in an area of a satellite town of Zhengzhou city. There not only can one enjoy the atmosphere of three Chinese traditional established religions--Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, but also tourists could have close contact with one of the finest World Geological Parks, owing to the fact that the natural landscape is as well uniquely refreshing.Shaolin Monastery, founded in the 5th century, seated in Shaoshi Mountain of Zhengzhou, long famous for its association with Chinese martial arts and particularly with Shaolin Kung Fu, is the Mahayana Buddhist monastery perhaps best known to the entire world. If one is willing to appreciate the authentic Chinese Kong Fu, Shaolin Monastery is definitely an ideal destination.The home village of Huangdi, in Xinzheng of Zhengzhou, as the native place of the Chinese common ancestor, have a national ceremony of ancestor worship each year which is a long cherished cultural event in China. One can accept a strong sense of oriental culture through this ceremony so that this scenic spot is also inevitably worh to visit.After the introduction of these enjoyable places in Zhengzhou, one may safely draw the conclusion that this city is not only attracive but also having a particular Chinese flavor. Therefor, Zhengzhou may be considered as one of the most outstanding tourist destinations in China.虽然不是原创,但是希望你喜欢!!。

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