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下面我整理了初一英语一分钟 演讲稿 3篇,供你参考.   初一英语一分钟演讲稿篇1   Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon!   I‟
m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “
. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.   First I want to ask you some questions:   1、 Do you know what is youth?   2、 How do you master your youth?   Youth   Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .   Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals.   Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –
distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .   Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being „
s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what‟
s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there‟
s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .   When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80. That‟
s all ! Thank you!   初一英语一分钟演讲稿篇2   how exercise helps if our bodies are not strong, our spirit to do things will certainly be quite dull。

and at the same time, we are lack of energy (ies) to study。

  diseases will only attack the weak, but not the strong。

why are our bodies not strong? because we do not pay attention to exercise。

for this reason, we students must often take different kinds (sorts) of exercise in the gym。

  exercise helps us (to) strengthen our bodies and avoid disease。

it also teaches us cooperation, for most exercise is played by team。

  初一英语一分钟演讲稿篇3   Today a boy named ** is standing here and talking about the near future of the earth.Most people believe that we are living on a beautiful and vital palent.   Because we can find everything we need from everywhere on th earth.But some of us who study the earth are very surprised that th earth is going to die much sooner than before.It means th earth will be like the Mars in a few years.And then most animals will be exterminated ,and the organism called human may not be seen on the earth any more.Is that a lie or a joke?   No,it'
s serious and true .A river can be polluted by only a little trash and so little trash can be made by hundreds of families a year. But no country even America can clean the rivers as soon as we pollute them.I'
m afriad we do something wrong over and over again. So we have less and less time to redress the balance of Nature.Luckily, it'
s not too late now. People have many things to do to stop the disaster. For example having a low-carbon lifestyle is one of the best ideas.   More and more young people like to live a low-carbon life. So you see ,life with low-carbon can be fashionable.In fact when we protect the earth , we are protecting ourselves.Thanks for listening to me. 。




  英语初一三分钟演讲稿篇一   Why does football get people into a frenzy?   Who is your idol? It may be Napoleon, Picasso, or Michael Jackson. But who is my idol? Can you guess? It is Ronaldo. He is the No. 1 super star of football.   Football is a game in which 22 people chase one ball around a large field. The aim of the game is to get the ball into the net to score.   After all, it’
s such an easy game, and yet people go crazy mad over it. The answer lies in two facts. One is the game itself. Sometimes it is beyond any description. Football is a game of passes and techniques, passion and love, more importantly, unity is the key---the whole team working as one, united they will never be defeated.   The European’
s style. of play is like a Waltz, the Brazilian like a Samba, and the passionate Argentineans play as if they are doing a Tango. Football is so unpredictable, so unbelievable. You will never know who will win until the last minute. Especially when suddenly there is a goal, the fans who have been sitting on the edge of their seats, will be wild with joy and excitement;
and the losers with disappointed hearts will despair over their teams.   The other is of course the super stars. Each one has his own personality, just like my idol Ronaldo. When he smiles, we all smile with him. Who can forget that buck-toothed smile, or that unique hairstyle. during the 2002 World Cup. Ronaldo was born to a poor family. He has set an example to children who can’
t afford a pair of shoes, but have talent and a passion for football. He gives them confidence and hope of a better future.   Football is the game that wins everyone’
s heart and the best game ever invented.   英语初一三分钟演讲稿篇二   you know, you know, we started this great effort on a sunny july morning in pinders corner on pat and liz moynihan'
s beautiful farm and 62 counties, 16 months, 3 debates, 2 opponents, and 6 black pantsuits later, because of you, here we are.   you came out and said that issues and ideals matter, jobs matter, downstate and upstate, health care matters, education matters, the environment matters, social security matters, a woman'
s right to choose matters. it all matters and i just want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you, new york!   thank you for opening up your minds and your hearts, for seeing the possibility of what we could do together for our children and for our future here in this state and in our nation. i am profoundly grateful to all of you for giving me the chance to serve you.   i will - i will do everything i can to be worthy of your faith and trust and to honor the powerful example of senator daniel patrick moynihan. i would like all of you and the countless new yorkers and americans watching to join me in honoring him for his incredible half century of service to new york and our nation. senator moynihan, on behalf of new york and america, thank you.   i promise you tonight that i will reach across party lines to bring progress for all of new york'
s families. today we voted as democrats and republicans. tomorrow we begin again as new yorkers.   and how fortunate we are indeed to live in the most diverse, dynamic and beautiful state in the entire union. you know, from the south bronx to the southern tier, from brooklyn to buffalo, from montauk to massena, from the world'
s tallest skyscrapers to breathtaking mountain ranges, i'
ve met people whose faces and stories i will never forget. thousands of new yorkers from all 62 counties welcomed to me into your schools, your local diners, your factory floors, your living rooms and front porches. you taught me, you tested me and you shared with me your challenges and concerns - about overcrowded or crumbling schools, about the struggle to care for growing children and aging parents, about the continuing challenge of providing equal opportunity for all and about children moving away from their home towns because good jobs are so hard to find in upstate new york. now i'
ve worked on issues like these for a long time, some of them for 30 years, and i am determined to make a difference for all of you.   you see, i believe our nation owes every responsible citizen and every responsible family the tools that they need to make the most of their own lives. that'
s the basic bargain. i'
ll do my best to honor in the united states senate.   and to those of you who did not support me, i want you to know that i will work in the senate for you and for all new yorkers. and to those of you who worked so hard and never lost faith even in the toughest times, i offer you my undying gratitude.   英语初一三分钟演讲稿篇三   ladies and gentlemen, good morning! i’
m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.   man’
s life is a process of growing up, actually i’
m standing here is a growth. if a person’
s life must constituted by various choices, then i grow up along with these choices. once i hope i can study in a college in future, however that’
s passed, as you know i come here, now i wonder what the future holds for me.   when i come to this school, i told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. following i will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job.   once my teacher said :”
you are not sewing, you are stylist;
never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.”
i will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process i will combine learning with doing. if i can achieve this “
, i think that i really grow up. and i deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future.   how to say future? maybe it’
s a nice wish. lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.。



初一英语演讲稿(汇编7篇)   演讲稿的内容要根据具体情境、具体场合来确定,要求情感真实,尊重观众。


初一英语演讲稿1   As the song goes “ My future isn’t a dream .” I love the song which brings me confidence when singing it every time . I believe that all our dreams can come true if we have courage to pursue them .When I was young my father always asked me what I would be in the future . Sometimes I found it very hard to give a certain reply . “ I want to be a doctor .” “ I want to be a teacher .” and “ I ’d like to be a scientist !” Many of these answers are perhaps very childish and ridiculous . But I never think they are far away .   How time flies! Who is able to give a definition to his future ? I know clearly that those high buildings are based on solid foundation . As a student , I should have a reasonable aim , and study hard . My goal is to enter the best university for further study after middle school . I know it’s hard work , and I ’ll come across many difficulties and frustrations . But no matter what they are , I’ll keep working on it and never give up . My teacher says there ’s only one kind of people that are truly successful : those who are brave enough to put up with hardships . Even if I won’t achieve the goal , I have no regrets for what I have done , for I have struggled for my life . 初一英语演讲稿2   Good afternoon! My dear teachers and friends. My name is Li Wenwen.I’m fourteen years old.In class 8,grade 1.   Different people has different dreams. Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player,because he is good at sports. Someone wants to be a writer,because he likes writing. Someone wants to be a teacher because he likes teaching children.   What do I want to do when I’m older?   You see,I like playing the piano and I am good at it. So I want to become a piano player.(pianist). Playing the piano is very interesting. And you can learn something of music. Piano can make your life beautiful and happy. Your life is full of music. A lot of musicians and singers love playing the pianos.   I could play the piano when I was ten years old. All of my teachers and my classmates say I can play the piano very well. I have got Grand Five . I hope when I’m sixteen years old , I can get Grand Eight.   Now I’m a middle school student. There are many things at school. Sometimes ,I have no time to play the piano. But,I’ll still be harder and harder to practise.The youngest pianoist, Langlang is my idol. He is such a great pianoist.I hope I can be a pianoist like him.   I know becoming a piano is a hard . But I believe I can do it. There is a will, there is a way. My dream will come ture one day. Believe me! Thank you! 初一英语演讲稿3   Etiquette is not only the person, the embodiment of education is also a manifestation of personal morality and social morality. Is the face of the city, is the country face.   Therefore, learning etiquette not only in strong personal qualities, outside the plastic units better able to lubricate and improve interpersonal relationships.   Has a history of 5,000 years of civilization as the "
, stressing civilization, with rituals, but also promote the national culture, an important way to demonstrate national spirit.   We are in society, identity, role is constantly changing. We hate others this moment, the next moment people often become the object of hate. These are none other than "
the act of.   When we, as tourists often, always in accordance with their own interest, spitting, spit chewing gum, trampled grass, scrawl graffiti on the cultural relics;
when we are the people of the time, it is spitting the phenomenon of hate to write graffiti.   When we get along with classmates when the students always complain about the "
, whether at work or life to speak through things;
and our management are often too lazy to "
  When we take the bus, always able to grab a seat for the complacent, pushed, stepped on, when people say I'
m sorry from the disdain;
when we were pushed or stepped on, when they do not always say sorry if the brooding and even punches thrown;
the time when we are old, standing threw the car, always eager to own some people to not stand for a seat.   With the social development and progress, people'
s spiritual needs levels and increasing the value of self-awareness, we want to understand more, be respected. There is no doubt that the current situation, the ritual is not individual industries, individual community'
s needs, but all the people needed.   Train to run fast, depends on the locomotive. At home, if parents can take the lead;
in schools, if teachers can take the lead;
in the unit, if leaders can take the lead;
in the window unit, window staff if we can take the lead ... ... by extension, to all of China to promote , universal civilization, etiquette, if the capital more than 10 million people to take the lead in this head;
if everyone starts from me and from now on ... ...   No doubt, our civility to popularize the work will be easier. Then our spiritual civilization and material civilization would be like to achieve rapid development. We are 1.3 billion people, mental outlook, certainly a new look, people are living in a friendly, tolerant, caring, warm community atmosphere!   Etiquette, stressing that the "
  Want others to respect you, first of all have to respect people.   Those bad habits, map the moment fast, lost to one'
s personality and dignity. Do not respect even their own people, other people will respect you?   My speech is over, thank you! 初一英语演讲稿4   Dear teachers and classmates:   Iam glad to stand here to give a speech.My topic is I love English English is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on the Internet. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.   There, I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I found the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world. Every day, I read English after the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons.   On the weekend, I often go to the English corner. By talking with others there, I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English.   Ihope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit White House. Of course, I want to go to London too . If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university, I will be very happy. I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I'
ll introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Shouxian. I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.   If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English , it will love me too. When I was seven, my mother ask me to have English lessons. 初一英语演讲稿5 尊敬的各位家长:   大家下午好!   你们的孩子来到这里已经半学期了。




  一、首先,跟大家汇报一下班级学生现状   1.班级学生现状   我们班总共 名学生,上周我校进行了半期考试。


平均分 分,优生 人,优生率 %。

排名前十名的有 ;
与九月份第一次月考相比,进步较大的学生有 。



  2.存在问题:   1)早读课容易瞌睡,每天晚上加夜班的同学比较多,导致早上精神状态不好。

  2)部分学生的学习方式仍然停留在初中甚至小学阶段,从不自觉主动地去学习(从他们对作业的认识和处理方式上就可以看出来)   3)部分学生抄袭作业,少数学生作业拖拉甚至不交作业   3、分析期中考试成绩   4、正确看待、冷静分析这次考试成绩   二、其次,想跟大家交流四个问题   1.首先和大家交流一个问题:孩子上了高中以后,总有一部分家长很纳闷:我家的孩子在小学能考到八九十分,初中也能考到七八十分,为什么到了高中,成绩不令人满意,甚至有些失望呢?   这个问题的答案首先与各个学习阶段的特点有关:小学阶段以赏识教育为主,要在很小的时候培养学生的自信心,试卷内容大多与课本有关,因此考试分数自然会很高。



















这些习惯,会让学生真正的乐学、好学,在成功中追求快乐,在快乐中追求成功!   三、我想对在座的各位家长提出几点温馨提示。

  1、温馨提示1   (1)帮助孩子确定适当目标   和孩子一起确定一个他能够达到的目标——家长适度的期望值。







  (2)帮助孩子增强自信心   (3)关注孩子成绩的变化(即名次的升降)而不是绝对名次   (4)沟通---多倾听孩子的诉说   (5)多和老师尤其是班主任联系,及时了解情况,积极配合班主任和老师做好孩子的思想工作   只有有效的家校联动(沟通与合作),才能教育好学生。

  (6)注重学生学习习惯和学习能力的培养,使学生养成良好的学习习惯   2、温馨提醒2   给家长的几点建议:   每天付出多一些……   多一些问候(在孩子累了的时候)   多一些帮助(在孩子需要的时候)   多一些关心(在孩子软弱的时候)   多一些鼓励(在孩子泄气的时候)   多一些宽容(在孩子犯错的时候)   ——家是孩子心中最温暖的地方。


  4、温馨提醒3   1)高一是基础,希望这次考试成绩不理想的学生家长要高度关注,尽快想法提高学生的成绩,到了高二、高三要想提高就很难了,因为一方面学习任务越来越重,另一方面学生的自信心和兴趣应尽早树立(他们中有一部分人的自信心在初中已经受到打击)   2)我的联系方式:   我们所有的努力只有一个目的:让您的孩子在这里成人成才。


进步!   我的发言到此结束,谢谢大家! 初一英语演讲稿6 各位家长: 大家上午好!   我是本学期担任126班英语教学的杨老师,很多家长也许是第一次见到我,大家彼此间可能比较陌生。


今天在家长会上能与家长们就学生的学习与发展开展研讨,我觉得机会非常宝贵!   我们学生学习英语的机会应该说非常有限的和非常之少的,一方面孩子们有许多功课要学,另一方面许多学生英语课堂效率低下。

























希望我们家长对子女多一份关爱,督促子女奋发图强,初一大有提高的余地!英语偏科是历史原因造成的,但并不是不可根治的,想要证明自己真正有实力那就从偏科的英语入手,重点突破!   5.树立正确的英语学习观与知识观!许多学生和家长认为英语学习了没有多大用处,我又不会出国,学两句皮毛可以炫耀就好了,何必学精通?且不说英语作为一种工具,它对于我们升学、工作、求职有重大意义,同时我认为学习英语的过程也是一个吸收别人长处,观念更新的过程!知识是无价的,知识可以改变命运。

  我们今天所有的努力都是为了让我们的学生,你的孩子在学习有更大提高,做一个全面发展的人才!让我们相信明天会更好!谢谢! 初一英语演讲稿7   Good afternoon! My dear teachers and friends. My name is Li Wenwen.I’m fourteen years old.In class 8,grade 1.   Different people has different dreams. Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player,because he is good at sports. Someone wants to be a writer,because he likes writing. Someone wants to be a teacher because he likes teaching children.   What do I want to do when I’m older?   You see,I like playing the piano and I am good at it. So I want to become a piano player.(pianist). Playing the piano is very interesting. And you can learn something of music. Piano can make your life beautiful and happy. Your life is full of music. A lot of musicians and singers love playing the pianos.   Icould play the piano when I was ten years old. All of my teachers and my classmates say I can play the piano very well. I have got Grand Five . I hope when I’m sixteen years old , I can get Grand Eight.   Now I’m a middle school student. There are many things at school. Sometimes ,I have no time to play the piano. But,I’ll still be harder and harder to practise.The youngest pianoist, Langlang is my idol. He is such a great pianoist.I hope I can be a pianoist like him.   Iknow becoming a piano is a hard . But I believe I can do it. There is a will, there is a way. My dream will come ture one day. Believe me! Thank you! ;

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