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admin2023-12-29加拿大28官方app20 ℃0 评论


兔子的故事英文简短如下:Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were-Flopsy,Mopsy,Cotton-tail,and Peter.很久以前,有四只可爱的小兔子,他们的名字分别叫佛罗普塞、莫普塞、库特泰尔和彼得。

They lived with their Mother in a sand-bank, underneath the root of a very big fir-tree.他们和他们的妈妈一起,住在一棵大枞树树根下面的一个沙洞里。

Now my dears,'
said old Mrs. Rabbit one morning, '
you may go into the fields or down the lane, but don'
t go into Mr. McGregor'
s garden: your Father had an accident there;
he was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor.'


Now run along, and don'
t get into mischief. I am going out.'

Then old Mrs. Rabbit took a basket and her umbrella, and went through the wood to the bakery. She bought a loaf of brown bread and five currant buns.然后,兔子妈妈提了个篮子,又拿上她的雨伞,穿过森林,来到了一家面包店。



The rabbit’s foot was caught in a snare.2、兔子不吃窝边草。

A rabbit would not eat grass around its nest. /
Never to harm your neighbors if you want to go a long way.3、别让兔子跑了。

Don’t let the rabbit run away.4、已长到成年兔子3/

Three-quarter grown rabbits.5、假如网眼太大,小兔子就会逃脱。

If the mesh is too big, small rabbits can squeeze through.6、兔子的怀胎时间大约为28天。

Rabbits gestate for approximately twenty-eight days.7、兔子慌乱地移动前爪,竭力挣脱了。

The rabbit struggled free, scuffling his front paws.8、这只兔子和其雄性同类被隔离开了。

The rabbit was isolated from male conspecifics.9、他用烤肉扦子戳住兔子放在火上烤。

He spitted the rabbit and cooked it.10、我们还没有捕获到一只兔子。

We hadn'
t caught a single rabbit.。


关于兔子的英文绘本内容有:Greedy Rabbit《贪心的小兔子》Rabbit went into the garden.He saw carrots.“I like carrots,”he said.“Yum!”小兔子走进花园,他看到了胡萝卜。


”他说“真好吃!”Rabbit ate the carrots.He ate a lettuce.“I love carrots.”Rabbit saw a big cabbage.“WOW! This is a big cabbage.”“I will eat this too,”he said.小兔子吃了胡萝卜,他还吃了个大生菜。




A man saw Rabbit.“Get out!”he shouted.“Get out of my garden!”“Yikes!”“Get out!”一个男人看到了小兔子,“出去!”他大叫,“从我的花园里出去!”“哎呀!”“快出去!”Rabbit ran.He went under the fence.He ran down the road.“Ouch!”“I can’t run fast.”The man ran after Rabbit.“You came into my garden!”he shouted.“You Greedy Rabbit!”小兔子连忙逃跑,他钻出栅栏,他沿着路跑“哎哟!”“我跑不快!”那个男人在追赶小兔子“你跑到我的花园里!”他大叫“你这只贪心的兔子!”“A hole!I’m going in.”“Too big!”“Too big!”Rabbit saw a hole.“I’m going in here,”he said.But the hole was too smalland Rabbit was too big.He got stuck!“有一个洞!”“我可以进去!”“太大啦!”“太大啦!”小兔子看到了一个洞,“我可以进到这里去。

”他说,但是那个洞太小了,小兔子又太大了,他卡住了!Rabbit went wriggle,wriggle,wriggle.“I can’t get out,”he shouted.“You came into my garden.”“Greedy Rabbit!”“Yuck!He is stuck!”“He can’t get out.”“Oops!”“Oops!”“He can’t get in.”他不停的扭动,扭动,扭动“我出不去了。

”他大叫“让你进我花园!”“你这只贪心的兔子!”“啧啧,被卡住啦!”“他不能出来啦!”“哎呦!”“哎呦!”“他也不能进去啦!”The man pulled and pulled but Rabbit was stuck in the hole.He was stuck for two days!“I can’t get you out!”“You can’t be greedy!”“I’m out and I’m hungry.”“You look small.”“No carrots.”那个男人拽了又拽,但是小兔子还是卡在洞里,他被卡了两天时间“我不能把你拉出来!”“你不能太贪心了!”“我终于出来了,我好饿啊!”“你看上去瘦了!”“没有胡萝卜哦!”。

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