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admin2023-12-29乐鱼体育21 ℃0 评论


综述:The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union. After dinner, people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round. Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily.At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the frighten the dragon away.翻译:中秋节是中国一个很重要的节日,在八月十五号。



















具体如下:1、中秋节是什么?To the Chinese, Mid-Autumn Festival means family reunion and peace. The festival is celebrated when the moon is believed to be the biggest and fullest. To the Chinese, a full moon is a symbol of prosperity, happiness, and family reunion.对中国人来说,中秋节意味着团聚、平安。



2、中国人怎么过中秋?Many traditional and meaningful celebrations are held in most households in China, and China'
s neighboring countries. The main traditions and celebrations include eating mooncakes, having dinner with family, gazing at and worshipping the moon, and lighting lanterns.大部分中国家庭以及中国的邻国都会举行许多传统的庆祝活动,主要庆祝方式包括吃月饼,吃团圆饭,赏月和点灯笼。

3、中秋节起源Mid-Autumn Festival has a history of over 3,000 years, dating back to moon worship in the Shang Dynasty (1600–1046 BC). It’s such an important festival that many poems were written about it, stories and legends about the festival are widespread, and its origins have been guessed at and explained by generations of Chinese.中秋节有三千多年历史,可以追溯到商代时对月亮的崇拜。



中秋节的来历英文简短介绍如下:according to chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. one day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. the earth was saved when a strong archer, hou yi, succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns. yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, chang-e drank it. thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young chinese girls would pray at the mid-autumn festival.传说古时候,天空曾有10个太阳。





in the 14th century, the eating of mooncakes at "
zhong qiu jie"
was given a new significance. the story goes that when zhu yuan zhang was plotting to overthrow the yuan dynasty started by the mongolians, the rebels hid their messages in the mid-autumn mooncakes. zhong qiu jie is hence also a commemoration of the overthrow of the mongolians by the han people.Hou Yi was respected as the national hero and received an elixir of immortality as a reward for saving the people from the heat of multiple suns.凭借将人们从多个太阳的炙烤下解救了出来,后羿被奉为英雄,并获得长生不老药以作奖励。

However, the elixir only had enough for one person, and both Chang'
e and Hou Yi didn'
t want to leave each other.但是这个长生不老药的量只够一个人服用,并且嫦娥和后羿也都不想离开对方。

But one day, one of Hou Yi'
s students tried to steal the elixir when he wasn'
t home.但有一天,后羿的一个徒弟想趁他不在家的时候来偷长生不老药。

In order to protect the elixir from thieves, Chang'
e took the magic elixir of immortality.为了保护长生不老药不被偷走,嫦娥不得不服下了它。

Then she flew to the moon and became the moon goddess leaving her husband behind.随后她就飞到了月亮上,成为了月亮仙子,从此和她的丈夫分离。

Alone on earth, Hou Yi missed his wife so much that he made an offering to the moon and tried to find the shape of Chang'
e on the moon.而孤零零地被留在大地上的后羿,由于非常想念自己的妻子,于是向月亮献上祭品,试图在月亮上找到嫦娥的身影。

To remember Chang'
e, Chinese people worship the moon by eating fruit and moon-shaped desserts called mooncakes.为了纪念嫦娥,中国人会吃水果和一种被称为“月饼”的满月形状的点心,来祭祀月亮。

This is the legend of the origin of the Midautumn Festival, which is also called "
the moon festival"

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