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admin2023-11-25网络热点21 ℃0 评论





百度搜索电影的中文标题是破门,英文标题是YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE。





On Saturday Aston Villa climbed to the top 4 of the premier league following a 4-2 win over Bolton Wanderers.


The Martin O'Neill's figure did it half way, it was Bolton who grab of the game's opening goal on 17th minutes, and inpedent finished from Johan Elmander for his 4th goal in this premier games.

But be lead for back 8 minutes later they were level. Gabby Agbonlahor, that's it, on the launching off to Martin Laursen's long ball. Everytime Agbonlahor scored in the premier league this season Aston Villa are gonna to win the match.

And shall enough they were ahead by halftime in this one. 5 minutes before half time when Laursen himself came up from the back and may get Mike Barry's corner, be yes relied and get figure, a 2-1 lead. This is the suggestion and maybe the final touch for this one, and sure it's Bolton's Kevin Davies, Rossenberg certainly wants to climb the goal.

OK,failure, a half time lead,and which they never relinquished.

There was a flowery of goals in the second half, and Agbonlahor was on target of his second of the match, a close range finished following good work done on the left hand side, from Ashley Young.

And the same, accommodation's struck for Aston Villa's 4th goal, this time it was made by Agbonlahor, 18 adopt yard who made no mistakes for his third goal in the last two games.

Aston Villa, pulled by far, the Villa valid two side in this game. The Bolton did pull one back later on. Kevin Davies knocking home from 6 yards but his 5th goals in the season, but still it is too late.

Final score in this one, Aston Villa 4, Bolton 2.




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