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"Save the cheerleader, save the world."

As a total eclipse casts its shadow across the Earth, pioneering genealogist Chandra Suresh discovers that Mankind has entered its next stage of evolution: people with super powers live among us. However, in the course of his investigations, Chandra is murdered, and so is it up to his son, Mohinder, to complete his work. Mohinder’s path intersects with many of these superhumans: a politician who can fly; a pretty cheerleader who is indestructible; an artist whose heroin addiction enables him to paint images foretelling the future; an office worker who can stop time and teleport great distances; a single-mother with a homicidal alternate personality; a policeman who can hear people’s thoughts; and an elusive serial killer whose powers are matched only by his capacity for sadism. All these people have one thing in common: their ultimate destiny is to save the Earth from nuclear destruction.

‘Heroes’ is billed as a show about ordinary people discovering that they have extraordinary powers. Created by Tim Kring, the series features scripts by highly-acclaimed writers such as Damon Lindelof (co-creator of ‘Lost’), Bryan Fuller (‘Dead Like Me’) and Jeph Loeb (‘Smallville’, ‘Lost’, and comic books featuring ‘Batman’ and the ‘X-Men’). Although the show’s premise is nothing new, sharing similarities with comics such as ‘X-Men’ and ‘Rising Stars’, the story is told in a refreshingly innovative way, full of intriguing characters, multi-layered plotlines, and surprising twists and turns that leave the viewer desperate for more; the look of the show is particularly slick and stylish, and it should be - each episode costs $2 million to make!

When the first few episodes of ‘Heroes’ were met with huge acclaim, NBC wasted no time in commissioning the series for a full run of twenty-three episodes. With the show’s future looking promising, it will be interesting to see what lies in store for our Heroes…

第一集-------'In His Own Image'--------

Story Code: '101'

by Tim Kring

Care worker Peter Petrelli dreams of flying through the skies above New York, much to the annoyance of his brother, Nathan, a ruthless politician currently standing for election… Trying her best to support her son Micah, single mother Nikki Sanders is forced to sell her body via an internet webcam; when she is later assaulted by two debt-collecting thugs, Nikki blacks out; coming to, she is shocked to find that her attackers have somehow been brutally murdered. As Nikki leaves her house, she glimpses her reflection in the mirror – the image moves independently, and smiles knowingly… Elsewhere, high school cheerleader Claire Bennet explores her newly-discovered indestructibility, surviving a fall from eighty feet and then saving a man from a burning building... Artist Isaac Mendez tells his girlfriend, Simone, that the pictures he paints under the influence of heroin can foretell the future; however, one of these images portrays a nuclear explosion in the heart of New York… In Tokyo, office worker and comic book nerd Hiro Nakamura astounds his co-worker Ando with the revelation that he can bend space and time; then Hiro teleports himself to Times Square… Meanwhile, Madras University lecturer Mohinder Suresh learns that his father, pioneering genealogist Chandra Suresh, has been murdered whilst driving a New York cab. Vowing to find out why his father was killed, Mohinder decides to continue Chandra’s work into the manifestation of super-human powers, seen as the next stage of Mankind’s evolution. However, soon after arriving in New York, Mohinder finds that someone else is after his father’s work – and they will stop at nothing to get it…

第二集-------'Don't Look Back'----------

Story Code: '102'

by Tim Kring

After jumping off a building to prove he could fly, Peter was saved by Nathan, who flew up to catch him. But when Peter awakes in hospital, he finds that his brother now denies all knowledge of the event – it seems that Nathan’s election campaign is far more important to him than his family… Claire is unaware that the video footage of her indestructibility has fallen into the hands of her adopted father – the same man who menaced Mohinder in his cab... After meeting a friend of his father’s, Monhinder finds a hidden data disk, and learns of a mysterious killer named Sylar… Having teleported to New York, Hiro finds a comic book that recounts his every word and deed… Recovering in hospital from a heroin overdose, Isaac, the author of Hiro’s comic, worries Simone with talk of a nuclear explosion. After experiencing another blackout, Nikki finds the keys to a new car and a series of instructions from herself on how to deal with the bodies of the two murdered thugs… Attending a horrific murder scene, NYPD officer Matt Parkham hears the voice of a young girl, but when he finds the child hiding in a wallspace, he falls under his superior’s suspicions… Hiro tracks down Isaac’s studio, only to finds a dead body with half its head removed; arrested by the police, he is shocked to learn that he has been missing for five weeks…

第三集-----'One Giant Leap'-----

Story Code: '103'

by Jeph Loeb

While burying the two bodies in the Nevada desert, Nikki finds a skeleton and a ring that links to her estranged husband’s gang… Now back in Tokyo, Hiro shows Ando the comic book he found in New York, which foretells their future; when Hiro uses his abilities to save a schoolgirl from being hit by a truck, Ando agrees to accompany his friend to New York to prevent the nuclear explosion... Peter’s frustration at his failed attempts to fly turns to anger when Nathan exposes his ‘suicide attempt’ to the press... Mohinder and Eden find Chandra’s notebook detailing the names and addresses of people with special abilities; investigating the apartment of the mysterious Sylar, discover a room filled with information on more superhumans, but when they return with the police, they find that the room has been stripped bare... Police officer Matt Parkman is recruited in the quest to locate Sylar, and comes face-to-face with the super-powered assassin… Attending a party to celebrate the victory of the High School football team, Claire becomes the victim of a rape attempt…

Peter Petrelli: 一个30岁的男护士认为自己可以飞。

Diego Medina: 一个28岁的瘾君子在他毒瘾发作时可以画出未来的样子。

Niki Sander: 一个在拉斯维加斯的33岁的女歌舞者发现自己可以利用镜子做一些不可思议的事情。

Hiro Makamura: 一个24岁的日本动漫迷可以让时间停止。

D.L. Hawkins: 一个31岁的监狱犯人可以使用类似Diablo里Teleport魔法技术来穿墙。

Claire Bennet: 一个17岁的拉拉队长在关键时候就能启死回生。







1、Peter Petrelli(皮特): Milo Ventimiglia饰,模仿者,模仿其他超能力者的能力,被父亲Arthur Petrelli剥夺能力后通过注射获得了身体接触复制能力的新能力,每获得一个能力就会替换原先的能力  2、Nathan Petrelli(南森): Adrian Pasdar饰,飞翔,Claire的亲生父亲,Peter的哥哥。(第三季被Sylar割喉而死) 。 Claire Bennet

3、Claire Bennet(克莱尔):海顿·潘妮蒂尔(Hayden Panettiere)饰,一个17岁的高中拉拉队长,她具有自愈再生能力,血液可以治疗其他人,无痛觉,具有不死之身。 Hiro

4、Hiro Nakamura(阿宽):Masi Oka饰,掌控时间和空间。梦想成为正义使者,曾被Arthur Petrelli剥夺能力,经过Matt儿子的强制启动能力恢复时间能力。在Samuel的“帮助”下恢复空间能力。 5、Matt Parkman(帕克曼):Greg Grunberg饰,拥有心灵感应能力,阅读他人思想,控制大脑机能,制造幻境,通过与非洲先知Usutu的灵体层交流后经指点获得了预见未来的能力。  Matt Parkman

6、Noah Bennet(班尼特):Jack Coleman饰,拉拉队长的养父,无超能力,为照片中上一代的超能力者追捕超能力者20年后脱离公司。第3季为政府工作。第四季和搭档追查嘉年华。 7、Sylar(塞拉):(本名Gabriel Gray) Zachary Quinto饰,凭借看穿事物运转规律的力量,Sylar通过割裂其他超能者颅骨,窥探大脑的运行方式获取其超能,继而展开一段杀戮之旅。,因此性格贪婪,捕食其他的超 Sylar

能者的超能力。( 第三季结尾被Matt Parkman洗脑,变身为Nathan。第四季最终找回原身)。时好时坏,展现出难以捉摸的人性。 第四季在Claire的提示结尾与Peter解开仇恨变成了好人。 8、Ando(安度):James Kyson Lee饰,Hiro的朋友,第3季为了救被困在16年前的Hiro而注射了分子式,获得了能力增幅,例如使Matt能听到全纽约市人的想法,让Daphne的速度超过光速而回到过去!他发出的红色能量光波也可以伤人和破坏电子设备。 9、Micah Sanders:Noah Gray-Cabey饰,Niki和DL的儿子,能够与机器对话, Micah Sanders


通过接触感知他人心灵(是“反叛军Rebel”成员之一) Matty Parkman:Matt Parkman和原妻的儿子,具有发动事物功能的强制启动能力。 10、Angela Petrelli:Peter和Nathan的母亲,可以通过做梦来预见未来。是照片中12位上一代异能人的其中之一。 11、Arthur Petrelli:Peter和Nathan的父亲,能够吸收并剥夺他人能力。(已被Sylar杀死) Noah Bennet

12、Kaito Nakamura:Hiro的父亲,能力是看透局面的变化和预料结果。后被Adam从大楼顶部推下坠楼而死。 Angela Petrelli

Claude Rains:一个有些神秘的角色,脾气古怪,拥有隐形能力。(前Noah Bennet(克莱尔的养父)的搭档,现失踪)。 Molly Walker:感知定位地球上任何人的位置。 Isaac Mendez:画家,瘾君子,毒品为他带来的快感使他可以通过画画来预见未来(被Sylar杀死) Niki Sander:艾丽·拉特饰,拥有双重人格,力量强大。在战胜自己的人格缺陷后,自如使用自己的能力.(为了救Monica在大火中被炸死) Tracy:Niki Sanders的姐姐,能力为冰冻。原为一名政客,为救Micah Sanders将自己周围冰冻,包括自己。第3季结尾,进化为水化身。 Niki Sander

D.L. Hawkins:一个31岁的囚徒,他能控制物体密度穿过一切物体(在第二季为了找再次分裂的Niki Sander 被一小混混用枪打死。) Maury Parkman:Matt之父,拥有心灵感应能力,阅读他人思想,控制大脑机能,制造幻境 ( 被Arthur Petrelli杀死 ) Eden McCain:拥有强大的催眠劝说能力(试图杀死Sylar,但被Sylar制伏,为了不被Sylar获取能力,用枪对着脑部自杀) Mohinder Suresh:印度科学家,研究治愈超能力者。第三季制造了清除超能力的病毒,为自己注射了有缺陷的分子式,虽然获得超能力却向一个类虫 Mohinder suresh

的怪物慢慢变化。后来在Peter攻击实验室时打破分子式试剂,被灌到嘴里,副作用消失,现有超强力量。 Sanjog Iyer:印度小孩,第三个被Chandra发现的异能人,能进入他人的梦解答疑问,可以在梦中重现过去场景。 Bridget Bailey:Sylar被捉到公司后,被Angela故意让Sylar开脑杀死。超能力是接触任何物件探知历史。@ Charles Deveaux:Simone Deveaux的爸爸,是照片中12位上一代异能人的其中之一,拥有心灵感应(已死)。 Rene:海地人,可以抑制超能者的能力,也可消除记忆。 Charlie Andrews:在第一季中拥有超级记忆力,Hiro遇见的第一个异能女性( 被Sylar杀死,夺其能力)。第四季中被Hiro回到过去并拯救,但又被嘉年华成员放入另外的时空中(最后出现时已经60岁)。@ Adam Munroe:剑圣武藏,拥有自愈再生能力,并且其能力要比Claire Bennet更强,可以不死。而且他的年龄已超过了400岁!后来他为了报复而杀死了Hiro的父亲和其他几位公司创始人,但最终被Arthur Petrelli吸收了能力而死。第四季在Hiro的梦中和他决斗。 Meredith Gordon:Claire的亲生母亲,可以从掌中制造火,在第三季中,被Sylar注射了肾上腺激素,无法控制火焰将“公司”烧毁,在漫画135中确定死亡。 Dale Smither:修车女工,拥有超级听力,可以听到几英里以外的一根针落地的声音。(Sylar杀死) Daniel Linderman(林德曼):能力是治疗,不能对自己和已死的人使用。是照片中12位上一代异能人的其中之一。第三季以意识形态存在,实为Parkman之父制造的幻想(第一季中被D.L杀死) Zane Taylor :可以融化固体物质(Sylar杀死) Ted:核辐射,是第一季核灾难的重要源头(Sylar杀死) Hana Gitelman:可以通过大脑控制网络。 Monica Dawson:黑人姑娘,肌肉临摹,即看到任何动作身体都可以完美的模仿下来。 Elle Bishop:制造电,但是缺乏勇气与理智(被Slyar使用情感移入获得其能力。爱上了Sylar但最终被杀) 。 Maya Herrern: 激动时眼睛流出黑色眼泪,使周围空间产生致命毒素。求助于Mohinder,超能力已被Auther.Petrelli 吸收并消失。 Alejandro Herrera:Maya的弟弟 ,免疫Maya流出黑泪时所产生的毒素,也能吸收Maya产生的毒素并拯救别人。最先引导Maya控制情绪,从而抑制黑泪的流出而避免继续伤害他人。(被Sylar用匕首刺死) Brian Davis:心灵遥感,是Sylar常用的力量。(被Sylar杀死) James Walker:冰冻,Molly的父亲。(被Sylar杀死) Jesse:能够发出超强的超音波。(被Sylar杀死) Knox:转化周围人的恐惧以增强自己的力量。(被Tracy冻杀) The German:能力是以磁力控制金属。(被Knox杀死) Eric Doyle:Meredith称他为极度危险。超能力是控制运动机能,在最近的剧中Doyle也可以控制物体的运动机能了。 Stephen Canfield:能力是控制引力,制造黑洞,制造引力真空旋涡。该漩涡能把旁边的东西吸入,被吸入的东西就会消失。最后因为不想为Noah杀Sylar的武器,而制造了一个漩涡把自己吸入消失了。 Luke Campbell:可以使用双手发射微波,加热物体。 Tom:粉碎一切事物,(被Sylar杀死)。 Alice Shaw:Angela的妹妹,力量是控制天气,知道Angela当年逃离的真相后大怒失踪在风暴中。 Bobby Bishop(Bob):Elle之父,点金术。是照片中12位上一代异能人的其中之一。(被Sylar杀死) Usutu:非洲人,预见未来,被Arthur Petrelli杀死(之后以灵体意识存在) Flint :Meredith的弟弟,能在手掌上化出蓝色火焰。漫画137透露了他同样在政府的超能者抓捕行动中被抓住,在坠机事件后他被政府抓捕小队杀死。 Daphne:超级速度,绰号复仇女神,获得能力前患有大脑性瘫痪。在Peter和Matt看到的未来中,Daphne和Matt结婚了。被阻止超能者部队击中肩膀,后被Matt救出,在医院去世。 Candice:可以身为任何人的模样和制造幻象,为“公司”高层服务(Sylar杀死)。 Ishi Nakamura:Hiro的母亲:能力为治疗以及催化剂,第3季在Hiro身边病亡。 Sue Landers:洞察谎言。(被Sylar杀死) Samson Gray:Sylar的父亲,直觉性理解一切事物运行规律,和Sylar一样猎杀了很多能力者并获得能力,现在身患绝症,被Sylar报复后,心情低落。(已死) West Rosen

West Rosen: 飞翔,第二季Claire Bennet的男友。 Sparrow Redhouse:控制土地。 Guillame:能力为移情,感应并控制他人情绪,海地人的父亲。 Baron Samedi:不会受到任何肉体伤害,海地人的兄弟,是其父亲Guillame在部落中四处留情所生的私生子(被海地人抹除记忆)。 James Martin:高中几何老师,拥有变形能力,被Sylar杀死。 Alex:漫画店店员,Claire的第三任男友,可以在水底呼吸。 Lauren:在造纸厂时与Noah是搭档,并对Noah有好感。可消除记忆。 Emma:第四季的新人物,聋女,演奏家,其能力是在演奏音乐时心中想着谁并可将其召唤过来。 Jeremy Greer:小时候曾被Noah Bennet追踪过,能力是给予和抽取生命力,.在第四季第六集中,在Noah Bennet帮助下恢复了儿时的能力,并救回了Peter 。(后被警察用车拖死)。 Samuel Sullivan:第四季的新人物,反派,操控许多能力者。其自身能力是控制胶质。也能在一众超能力者中移情增大自身能量;可以控制墨水、意念移动土地、移动土地上的事物。 Joseph Sullivan:Samuel的哥哥,控制情绪(被Samuel 杀死)。 Edgar:其能力是具有超级速度,使用双刀。 Lydia:其能力是感知他人的欲望,能以文身形式显示(被Samuel指使下的Eli 杀死)。 Damian:能力是移情寻找对象的初始记忆,然后通过镜象显示。第四季第六集中为Sylar找回记忆,但被Sylar抗拒。 Arnold:掌控时间(已死)。 Sylar夺取其能力的 Teddy:让东西出现或消失 Amanda:自燃 Caleb:模仿蜘蛛 Game Operator:念力 Rebecca:隐身 Eli:分身术 Fire Breathing Family:火焰呼吸 Mrs Comey:发热 Ian Michaels:让植物生长上抄的的

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