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Case Closed: The Lost Ship in the Sky

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Detective Conan: The Lost Ship in the Sky

Theatrical poster

Directed by Yasuichiro Yamamoto

Written by Kazunari Kochi [1]

Music by Katsuo Ono

Distributed by Toho

Release date(s) April 17, 2010

Country Japan

Language Japanese

Preceded by The Raven Chaser

Followed by TBA

Detective Conan: The Lost Ship in the Sky (名探侦コナン 天空の难破船, Meitantei Konan Tenkuu no Rosuto Shippu?) is the 14th movie installment of the manga and anime series Detective Conan. The movie will be released on April 17, 2010. This movie is confirmed to have Kaito Kid involved in it after his last appearance in The Private Eyes' Requiem. [1] [2]


The film was announced to be in the making at the end of the thirteenth movie, The Raven Chaser. The details of the film were announced on the official movie website on December 9, 2009. [1]


This section requires expansion.

Jirokichi Suzuki, Sonoko's uncle, invites Conan, Ran, the Junior Detective League, and others to ride Bell Tree, the largest airship in the world, for a six-hour trip to Osaka. However, Kid has his eyes set on the Lady of the Sky, a jewel aboard the vessel. Also, the mysterious terrorist group known as Red Siamese Cat will try to hijack the airship itself.


The theme song used for this movie is "Over Drive" by Garnet Crow.[3] It will be released April 14, 2010.[3]

The official soundtrack will be released on April 14, 2010.[4] It costs ¥3000 including tax.


Minami Takayama as Conan Edogawa

Kappei Yamaguchi as Shinichi Kudo

Kappei Yamaguchi as Kaito Kid

Rikiya Koyama as Kogoro Mouri

Wakana Yamazaki as Ran Mouri

Megumi Hayashibara as Ai Haibara

Kenichi Ogata as Professor Agasa

Chafurin as Inspector Megure

Atsuko Yuya as Officer Satou

Wataru Takagi as Officer Takagi

Isshin Chiba as Officer Chiba

Naoko Matsui as Sonoko Suzuki

Nagai Ichirou as Jirokichi Suzuki

名侦探柯南的英文介绍introduction of detective conan

Case Closed, also known as Detective Conan (名探侦 コナン, Meitantei Konan?) in Japan and other countries, is a detective manga and anime series by Gosho Aoyama which has been published in Weekly Shōnen Sunday magazine since 1994.

The series depicts the cases of a young private detective who was inadvertently turned into a prepubescent boy by a certain criminal organization. Even with his body shrunk, he continues to solve many cases and is struggling to solve the mysteries of the criminal organization responsible in order to return to his normal body.



The story is about a 17-year-old genius detective named Shinichi Kudou who gets poisoned by a mysterious underground crime organization and shrinks into his 7-year-old body. He's forced to hide his true identity, and fools his almost-girlfriend Ran into believing that he's just a 7-year-old boy named Conan Edogawa. He ends up living with Ran and her father in their home slash private detective agency. He continues to try and find a cure to un-shrink his body, solving various mystery cases along the way. Very few people know Conan's secret, and to this day, Ran is still clueless.


Detective Conan, is a Japanese detective manga series written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama and is serialized in Weekly Shōnen


Sunday since 1994.The story follows the adventures of Kudo Shinichi, a prodigious young detective who was inadvertently transformed


into a child due to a poison.

The manga has been adapted into an animated television series produced by TMS Entertainment which is still ongoing in Japan as it

adapts the story from the manga. The series has also spawned eleven original video animations, thirteen animated feature films, and


many video games.


Kudo Shinichi, a 17-year-old high school prodigy and detective who frequently worked with the police, was attacked by two members


of a mysterious crime syndicate while investigating a case regarding blackmail. He was then forced to take a newly developed

experimental poison that was supposed to kill him, but due to a rare side-effect unknown to the two men, the drug transformed his


body back into that of his seven-year-old self instead, after they left him for dead. In order to hide his identity and investigate


the whereabouts of the syndicate, which he later finds out is called the Black Organization, he adopts the pseudonym Conan Edogawa.

To search for leads to the syndicate, he manages to move in with his childhood friend Rachel Moore, whose father Richard Moore

works as a private investigator.


mori ran, is Shinichi's best friend since elementary school. Both are in love with one another but neither have the courage to

admit their feelings.


She is skilled in martial arts and is the captain of her karate team, though her resolve can be easily broken if she has to face

anything related with the horror genre.


She spends most of her home life looking after Conan and her irresponsible father.


Mori Kogoro is ran's father, a former police officer turned incompetent private detective.


He was married to Kisaki Eri, a successful lawyer and childhood friend, but now they are living separately.Despite his

irresponsible ways, he appears to care deeply for his daughter, and at times shows some flashes of honor and strict ethics.



Apart from them,still there have many other lively characters in the manges and animations.Such as the members of the black

Organization,members of the young detective group formed by Conan in the elementary school,all of those are friends and enemies of



Just discover it in the animation!And don't forget,the 13th animated feature film is coming on show in china,hope you will

enjoy it in the cinema.



人物介绍: 江户川柯南ConanEDOGAWA Conan,whohasthephysicalappearanceofelementaryschoolkid,isinrealityShinichiKudo,ahighschoolerwhoisequivalenttoamodernSherlockHolmes.Onenight,ShinichiKudowasdiscoveredeavesdroppingintocriminalactivity.Hewascaughtandbeatenbythecriminals.Inordernottodisturbthepolice,thecriminalsforcedShinichitoconsumeanewlyinventedpillthatwasdesignedtokillanyonewithoutatrace.However,thedrugfailed,andinsteadofkillingShinichi,itturnedhimintoasmallkid!Fromthenon,ShinichiresumesatotallydifferentidentityunderConanEdogawa.ConanbefriendsAyumi,Genta,andMitsuhiko.Together,theyformtheDetectiveBoysteam. 工藤新一ShinichiKUDO Shinichi,ahighschoolstudent,isequivalenttoamodernSherlockHolmes.However,heturnsintoasmallkidafterbeingforcedintoconsumingadeadlypill.Heisprofessionalatsocceranduseshissoccerpracticetotrainhisbodyandmind.Hisclosefriendsincludeanotherhighschooler,RanMouri,andhisnextdoorneighborandinventor,Dr.Agasa.AllthehighschoolgirlsswoonShinichi,whichoftenmakesRanjealous. 毛利兰RanMOURI Ran,whoishighschoolfriendswithShinichi,waswithhimonthenightthathedisappeared.Later,sheaccidentallystumblesintoConanandadoptshim.Shedoesn'tknowthatConanreallyisShinichieventhoughsheeventuallysuspectsit.Ranistrainedinmartialartsandoftenusesherskillstohelpdefeatcriminals.Ranliveswithherdad,KogoroMouri,adetectivewhoisn'tquitebright. 灰原哀AiHAIBARA/sherry Afanfavorite,thismysteriouslittlegirlisjustplainmysteriousandquiet.She,likeConan,alsotooktheAPTX-4869pill(sheusedtobeawomanwiththecodenameofSherryamongothernames).So,itmightaswellbethatshe'sinseriousdangerifthemembersoftheBlackOrganizationevercomelurkingaround!There'salsoalotofindication/talkonwhethershelikesShinich/Conanornot.So,thingsdogetinterestingintheongoinglove-triangles. 怪盗基德KID AgeniustheifwhoisalsoaworthyrivalandenemyofConan/Shinichi.Iguessitshouldn'tbethatmuchofasurprisesincehelooksalmostidenticaltoShinichi.Helovestostealthingsthatarehardtoget(especiallyjewelry)anddoesn'tmindindwellingintoriskyadventuresalongtheway.WillheevergetcaughtbyConan/Shinichi?Wemayneverknow. 少年侦探队DETECTIVEBOYS 吉田步美AyumiYOSHIDA AyumiisamemberoftheDetectiveBoysteam.Sheisveryplayfulandfriendlybutoftenleadsthewholegroupintotrouble.However,sheissoKAWAII!ShelikesConan. 圆谷光彦MitsuhikoTSUBURAYA MitsuhikoisamemberoftheDetectiveBoysteam.Heisveryscienceoriented.Heusuallydoesn'tcausemuchtroubleandisoftenagreatcandidatetohaveinanadventure.Doesn'thisvoicesoundmorelikeagirl?HealsolikesAyumi 小岛元太GentaKOJIMA GentaisamemberoftheDetectiveBoysteam.Heisstrongbutoftenfoolish.Headoresfoodandfunstuffingeneral.Heprovedveryusefulinseveralepisodes.HelikesAyumi. 服部平次HeijiHATTORI AveryworthyrivalofShinichiwhofiguresoutabouttheShinichi/Conan'sidentity(that'showgoodheis!).Atleastitwaskindofhimtokeepitunderwraps.Anyway,heeventuallybefriendsConanandthetwoteamworktogethertosolveatonofamazingmysteries.Lastly,he'sfromOsaka(darkskinanybody?). 远山和叶KzuhaTOYAMA KazuhaisHeiji'sgirlfriend.Since,ofcourse,HeijibefriendsConan,Kazuhais,likewise,friendswithRan.She'sinabunchofthoseall-starepisodes.Soseeingheronscreenisalwaysagoodthing. 铃木园子SnokoSUZUKI Ran'sbestfriendandhighschoolclassmate.Veryromantic(butunluckyinloveImightadd).SheisoftenusedbyConan(inanunconsciousstateofcourse)toexplainthesolutionstomysteries.Shecomesfromaverywealthyfamily.Watchoutforhermorenormalsister,Ayako,whoalsoappearsinafewmajorepisodes! 毛利小五郎KogoroMOURI KogoroMouriisthefatherofRanMouri.HeisadetectivewhosebusinesswasdoingbadlyafterlosingpotentialcustomerstoShinichi.However,whenShinichidisappeared,Kogoro'sbusinessaswellasfamesoared.Inreality,itwasConanwhowouldfigureoutallthecasesandgivecredittoKogoro.Besidesnotbeingaveryintelligentdetective,Kogoroalsolivesasloppylifestyle.Butonceyougettoknowhim,hecanbereallyfunny. 妃英理EriKISAKI Ran'smomandaveryintelligentlawyer.SheisdivorcedfromRan'sfatherKogoro(anyquestions...?Sheplaysamajorpartinseveralepisodesandmovies.ItseemsthatwhetherornotshewillgetbackwithKogorohasbeenanonandoffquestion.ProbablynotsinceKogorohappenstobeeasilyattractedtofamous/goodlookingfemales(forexample,themodel/singerYokoOkino). 阿笠博士HiroshiAGASA Dr.AgasaisShinichi'sneighbor,friend,andinventor.AfterShinichigetsdruggedandshrinksintoaelementarykid,ShinichifirstgoestoAgasaforhelp.Fromthenon,bothAgasaandConansharethesecretofConan'strueidentity.Inaddition,AgasaoftenhelpsConansolvecasesbyinventingcoolgadgetsforConantouse. 工藤优作YusakuKUDO He'sthefatherofShinichi/Conan.Hiscareeriswritingdetectivestories.Heapparentlydoessuchagoodjobofthisthatwomenwillcrowdaroundhimwheneverhe'sinpublic(makinghiswifeYukikojealous-that'sthepriceyoupayforbeingfamous).Healsoseemstocausealotofunprecedentedsurprisesinseveralofthemysterious(especiallyattheclimax). 目暮十三JuzoMEGURE MegureisoftenatcrimesceneswithShinichiorKogoro.Heistheretosortoutalltheevidenceaswellastomakethenecessaryarrests.ItisoftenhewhotheDetectiveBoysreportproblemsto. 白鸟任三郎NinzaburoSHIRAITORI Apoliceofficerwhoappearsinseveralepisodes(early,middle,andaswellaslate).He'snotshabbywhenitcomestosolvingcrimes.HisaffectionsforOfficerSatocausesometensionbetweenhimandofficerTakagi. 高木涉WataruTKAGI TakagiisjustanordinaryofficerunderMegure'scommand.He'snotsmartordumb,justyourplaindecentcitizen.HeisgreatlyhelpedbyConan(no,hedoesn'tknowthesecretyet).Ohyeah,itseemshehasacrushonhisco-officerSato 佐藤美加子MiwakoSATO Anfemaleofficerwhosekicksandpunchesaresomethingthatcriminalsneedtowatchoutfor.Ontopofthat,she'smuchsmarterthantheaverageofficer.Sheapparentlyishot,otherwisewhydoyouhavethewholepoliceforcepanickedwhenevershe'sintrouble? 琴酒GIN OneoftheevilmembersoftheBlackOrganization.HewasdirectlyresponsibleforhittingShinichiwithastickandthenshrinkingShinichitoakidwiththeAPTX-4869pill.Hasahabitofsmokingwhichcontributestohisscariness. 伏特加Vodka OneoftheevilmembersoftheBlackOrganizationthatwastherewhenbuddyGinshrunkShinichitoConan.Iguessyoucan'tjudgeanenemybyhownot-so-detailedtheylook!Heck,VodkawastheonethatsuggestedshootingShinichiinthefirstplace(whichprobablywouldhaveendedtheirtroublesonceandforall,butthentherewouldn'tbeaConanshowsonevermind). JODIEJodieSAINTEMILION JodieisthenewEnglishteacherforRanandSonoko'sclass.Butshe'snotanyordinarybeing,assheseemstohavesomelinktotheBlackOrganization.HerEnglishaccentisn'tthatgreat.So,thismirrordefinitlyhastwofaces.Isshegoodorbad? 内容简介: Agrade11studentnamedShinichhopestobeadetective.Hesolveschallengingmysteriesforpolice.Oneday,hemetGinVodkaandtheygiveShinichwhichbringhimtoachild.Dr.AgasadiscovershinichturnintochildandDr.Agasacallhimtokeepthissecret.ShinichiprevendstobeConanEdogawaandliveinhisfriend'shouse,RanMouri.Ran'sfather,KogorouMouri,alsoisadetectivebutastupiddetective.Conanhelpkogorouusingachangingvoicebowtieandhiswatchtohelpkogoroutosolvecase. Intro: "DetectiveConan"isadetectivemysterymangacreatedbyGoushouAoyamain1994.It'sserializedintheweeklyshounenmagazine"ShounenSunday."There'salsoananimeseriesbasedonthemanga.BothmangaandanimearewildlypopularinJapan,andtheyarebothstillongoing.Thereare47+volumesofthemangapublishedsofar,and300+episodesoftheanimeaired.ThemangaandanimearebeingreleasedinNorthAmericaunderthename"CaseClosed"byVIZ.SeetheAmericanizationsectionbelow. Story: Thestoryisabouta17-year-oldgeniusdetectivenamedShinichiKudouwhogetspoisonedbyamysteriousundergroundcrimeorganizationandshrinksintohis7-year-oldbody.He'sforcedtohidehistrueidentity,andfoolshisalmost-girlfriendRanintobelievingthathe'sjusta7-year-oldboynamedConanEdogawa.HeendsuplivingwithRanandherfatherintheirhomeslashprivatedetectiveagency.Hecontinuestotryandfindacuretoun-shrinkhisbody,solvingvariousmysterycasesalongtheway.VeryfewpeopleknowConan'ssecret,andtothisday,Ranisstillclueless. 名言: 1Whenyouhaveeliminatedtheimpossible,whateverremainshoweverimprobable,mustbethetruth. 除去不可能的,剩下的即使再不可能,但那也是真相! 2Youaretheone 3Youwillrealize 4Neednottoknow 5Alwaysgivemylove,alwaysgivemyloveforyou.Sometimesyouwinsometimesyoulose.Itdoesn'tmatter.Youtakemistakebutforareason.There'sachancetobewon. 6Godblessyouforbeingyourselfsometimeslifeissobeautiful WeCanBeBothOfGodAndTheDevil,SinceWe'reTryingToRaiseTheDead,AgainstTheStreamOfTime 我们既是神也是魔鬼,因为我们要令时光倒流,让人起死回生。



1、Conan Edogawa

After being discovered snooping around the shady business of a pair of criminals, Jimmy Kudo is given an experimental drug that transforms the teen sleuth to childhood size! Luckily Jimmy retained his intelligence and panache for solving the most difficult of crimes. Not wanting to reveal his true identity, Jimmy adopts the name Conan in honor of the creator of his hero, Sherlock Holmes. As Conan this pint sized detective is able to gather clues that the police and Detective Richard Moore, the bumbling P.I. Conan lives with, are unable to see. Although Conan takes great pleasure in solving crimes, he yearns to uncover the clues behind the "Men in Black" that forced him to take the experimental drug that forever changed his life.

2、Jimmy Kudo 新一

Jimmy Kudo is widely regarded as one of the top detectives in the land..and he is only in high school! The police often solicit his services, albeit sometimes unwillingly, in their efforts to solve difficult cases. Despite his age, Jimmy gets results, and his confidence is clearly evident. Jimmy is a top athlete as well, often relying on his physical abilities to apprehend a crook. His father is a famous writer of detective novels, a fact that is inseparable from his career choice and his choice of personal hero, the one and only Sherlock Holmes.

3、Rachel Moore 兰

After Jimmy's mysterious disappearance, the happy go lucky girl decides to help take care of the young stranger, Conan, who claims to be a distant relative of the lost Jimmy. Rachel is fearless in the face of danger and always willing to lend a helping hand in the detective work of her father, Richard. She keeps a close eye on Conan in the hopes of keeping him out of trouble and because she sees many of Jimmy's traits in the young boy. Just as with Jimmy, Rachel is never shy about putting Conan in his place because of his age as well as scolding her father for his lazy habits. She is also a student of martial arts, a skill that helps keep her out of many jams.


江户川柯南 Conan EDOGAWA

Conan, who has the physical appearance of elementary school kid, is in reality Shinichi Kudo, a high schooler who is equivalent to a modern Sherlock Holmes. One night, Shinichi Kudo was discovered eavesdropping into criminal activity. He was caught and beaten by the criminals. In order not to disturb the police, the criminals forced Shinichi to consume a newly invented pill that was designed to kill anyone without a trace. However, the drug failed, and instead of killing Shinichi, it turned him into a small kid! From then on, Shinichi resumes a totally different identity under Conan Edogawa. Conan befriends Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko. Together, they form the Detective Boys team.

工藤新一 Shinichi KUDO

Shinichi, a high school student, is equivalent to a modern Sherlock Holmes. However, he turns into a small kid after being forced into consuming a deadly pill. He is professional at soccer and uses his soccer practice to train his body and mind. His close friends include another high schooler, Ran Mouri, and his next door neighbor and inventor, Dr. Agasa. All the high school girls swoon Shinichi, which often makes Ran jealous.

毛利兰 Ran MOURI

Ran, who is high school friends with Shinichi, was with him on the night that he disappeared. Later, she accidentally stumbles into Conan and adopts him. She doesn't know that Conan really is Shinichi even though she eventually suspects it. Ran is trained in martial arts and often uses her skills to help defeat criminals. Ran lives with her dad, Kogoro Mouri, a detective who isn't quite bright.

灰原哀 Ai HAIBARA/sherry

A fan favorite, this mysterious little girl is just plain mysterious and quiet. She, like Conan, also took the APTX-4869 pill (she used to be a woman with the codename of Sherry among other names). So, it might as well be that she's in serious danger if the members of the Black Organization ever come lurking around! There's also a lot of indication/talk on whether she likes Shinich/Conan or not. So, things do get interesting in the ongoing love-triangles.

怪盗基德 KID

A genius theif who is also a worthy rival and enemy of Conan/Shinichi. I guess it shouldn't be that much of a surprise since he looks almost identical to Shinichi. He loves to steal things that are hard to get (especially jewelry) and doesn't mind in dwelling into risky adventures along the way. Will he ever get caught by Conan/Shinichi? We may never know.


吉田步美 Ayumi YOSHIDA

Ayumi is a member of the Detective Boys team. She is very playful and friendly but often leads the whole group into trouble. However, she is so KAWAII! She likes Conan.

圆谷光彦 Mitsuhiko TSUBURAYA

Mitsuhiko is a member of the Detective Boys team. He is very science oriented. He usually doesn't cause much trouble and is often a great candidate to have in an adventure. Doesn't his voice sound more like a girl? He also likes Ayumi

小岛元太 Genta KOJIMA

Genta is a member of the Detective Boys team. He is strong but often foolish. He adores food and fun stuff in general. He proved very useful in several episodes. He likes Ayumi.

服部平次 Heiji HATTORI

A very worthy rival of Shinichi who figures out about the Shinichi/Conan's identity (that's how good he is!). At least it was kind of him to keep it under wraps. Anyway, he eventually befriends Conan and the two teamwork together to solve a ton of amazing mysteries. Lastly, he's from Osaka (dark skin anybody?).

远山和叶 Kzuha TOYAMA

Kazuha is Heiji's girlfriend. Since, of course, Heiji befriends Conan, Kazuha is, likewise, friends with Ran. She's in a bunch of those all-star episodes. So seeing her onscreen is always a good thing.

铃木园子 Snoko SUZUKI

Ran's best friend and highschool classmate. Very romantic (but unlucky in love I might add). She is often used by Conan (in an unconscious state of course) to explain the solutions to mysteries. She comes from a very wealthy family. Watch out for her more normal sister, Ayako, who also appears in a few major episodes!

毛利小五郎 Kogoro MOURI

Kogoro Mouri is the father of Ran Mouri. He is a detective whose business was doing badly after losing potential customers to Shinichi. However, when Shinichi disappeared, Kogoro's business as well as fame soared. In reality, it was Conan who would figure out all the cases and give credit to Kogoro. Besides not being a very intelligent detective, Kogoro also lives a sloppy lifestyle. But once you get to know him, he can be really funny.

妃英理 Eri KISAKI

Ran's mom and a very intelligent lawyer. She is divorced from Ran's father Kogoro (any questions...? She plays a major part in several episodes and movies. It seems that whether or not she will get back with Kogoro has been an on and off question. Probably not since Kogoro happens to be easily attracted to famous/good looking females (for example, the model/singer Yoko Okino).

阿笠博士 Hiroshi AGASA

Dr. Agasa is Shinichi's neighbor, friend, and inventor. After Shinichi gets drugged and shrinks into a elementary kid, Shinichi first goes to Agasa for help. From then on, both Agasa and Conan share the secret of Conan's true identity. In addition, Agasa often helps Conan solve cases by inventing cool gadgets for Conan to use.

工藤优作 Yusaku KUDO

He's the father of Shinichi/Conan. His career is writing detective stories. He apparently does such a good job of this that women will crowd around him whenever he's in public (making his wife Yukiko jealous - that's the price you pay for being famous). He also seems to cause a lot of unprecedented surprises in several of the mysterious (especially at the climax).

目暮十三 Juzo MEGURE

Megure is often at crime scenes with Shinichi or Kogoro. He is there to sort out all the evidence as well as to make the necessary arrests. It is often he who the Detective Boys report problems to.

白鸟任三郎 Ninzaburo SHIRAITORI

A police officer who appears in several episodes (early, middle, and as well as late). He's not shabby when it comes to solving crimes. His affections for Officer Sato cause some tension between him and officer Takagi.

高木涉 Wataru TKAGI

Takagi is just an ordinary officer under Megure's command. He's not smart or dumb, just your plain decent citizen. He is greatly helped by Conan (no, he doesn't know the secret yet). Oh yeah, it seems he has a crush on his co-officer Sato

佐藤美加子 Miwako SATO

An female officer whose kicks and punches are something that criminals need to watch out for. On top of that, she's much smarter than the average officer. She apparently is hot, otherwise why do you have the whole police force panicked whenever she's in trouble?

琴酒 GIN

One of the evil members of the Black Organization. He was directly responsible for hitting Shinichi with a stick and then shrinking Shinichi to a kid with the APTX-4869 pill. Has a habit of smoking which contributes to his scariness.

伏特加 Vodka

One of the evil members of the Black Organization that was there when buddy Gin shrunk Shinichi to Conan. I guess you can't judge an enemy by how not-so-detailed they look! Heck, Vodka was the one that suggested shooting Shinichi in the first place (which probably would have ended their troubles once and for all, but then there wouldn't be a Conan show so never mind).


Jodie is the new English teacher for Ran and Sonoko's class. But she's not any ordinary being, as she seems to have some link to the Black Organization. Her English accent isn't that great. So, this mirror definitly has two faces. Is she good or bad?

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