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而改编电影版的英文名是“Moon Man”。这个英文翻译让人感觉又是一个普通人变成世纪英雄的故事。但在电影中,确实是“沈腾”成为拯救地球的英雄。


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In the movie, what impresses the audience most tends to be an anthropomorphic kangaroo. Surprisingly, the kangaroo is played by Hao Han, who has taken pains to prepare for the acting debut in the movie for nearly one year, observing the kangaroos for four months and installing wires to practice hops like a kangaroo on the film set. Fortunately, the kangaroo capable of understanding the protagonist's sorrows and joys has received lots of praises.

The box office of this movie accounted for 90% of that of the single day for three days in a row, and ranked first in share, film placement share, attendance rate, and average attendance. As of 23:19 on August 28, the movie’s total box office of 2022 summer season (from June 1 to August 31) has reached 9billion yuan (including pre-sale), which is a cause for celebration.

Thanks to the popular cast and captivating plot, it is believed that Moon Man will raise people's expectations and is estimated to become the next blockbuster that will help revive China's film industry hit by COVID-19.

In conclusion, the story revolving around an astronaut who finds himself stranded on the moon and struggles to survive alone has brought happiness and movement for moviegoers.


天文学院院长(乔治·梅里爱 Georges Méliès 饰)在一次会议上提出天马行空的月球旅行计划。他和另五名大胆的天文学家监制出了炮弹舱和大炮,并在军队的帮助下乘坐炮弹舱顺利登月。兴奋过后六名天文学家精疲力竭的在月球表面睡去,浑然不知许多星星悄然观察着他们熟睡的样貌。最后一场寒冷的降雪唤醒了他们。众人躲藏到地洞中却不慎用雨伞惊扰了月球人,于是一场慌乱的冒险开始了……




The dean of the school of Astronomy (George Meili M Li love Georges s) proposed plans to travel to the moon in a powerful and unconstrained style meeting. He and five other bold astronomers out of the cabin and artillery shells producer, and with the help of passenger cabin smooth landing shells sit. After the excitement of the six astronomers exhausted on the surface of the moon to sleep, I do not know many stars quietly watching the shape of their sleep. The last cold snow woke them up. They hid in the cave but did not use the umbrella to scare the moon, so a panic adventure began......

The film is a masterpiece of science fiction film, inspired by Jules Verne's novel "from the earth to the moon" and H G Wells's novel "the first man on the moon".The film was released in 1902, black and white and hand-painted color version, a total length of about 14 minutes. After the end and color version was lost. In 1993, severely damaged the color copy by private collectors donated to the Barcelona movie in 2002, ending the Spanish Pavilion; "triumph" was rediscovered in france.Film restoration plan for more than ten years.

In 2011, the color of the full restoration of the film premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in honor of the 150 anniversary of the birth of love, at this time from the film has been published in the past 109 years.


《独行月球》英文是《Moon You》。

《独行月球》这部影片改编自韩国漫画家赵石创作的同名漫画。值得一提的是《独行月球》的原版漫画韩语是:“문유”,而英语是“Moon You”。电影中的独孤月牺牲了,但是换来了全球的希望,他守护住了想要守护的人,他就是真正意义上的“Moon Man”。

《独行月球》英文是《Moon You》的原因

这个英文译名,就像“钢铁侠”是“Iron Man”,“蜘蛛侠”是“Spider Man”,让人一看译名就能联想到是超级英雄拯救地球的故事。





独孤月牺牲了,但是换来了全球的希望,他守护住了想要守护的人。他不是真正意义上的“Moon Man”,而且该影片讲述的就是独孤月一个人(以及一只袋鼠)在月球的生活。





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